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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. It depends on the dryer. If your dryer has a taste for socks, more colorful, fanciful socks may be suitable. My dryer would probably appreciate baby socks and Boy 5-6 size shirts, but has not shown the initiative yours has.
  2. I noticed the absence, but thought it was intentional for effect, and not just unimportant to the story so it wasn't mentioned. Showing that there was nothing above the State, and what can happen when the state only serves itself and the few in power.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion! No need for more drawings, I got the gist, thank you for the offer 🙂
  4. I do think for her it's just too much at once and she confuses herself once she sees things close together. Definitely it's all concept before formula, I know they KNOW the formula but it wasn't something I had them write down 10 times or anything like that. Both concept and formula seem to go out the window once she sees two different concepts close together. She can do the first one fine whatever it is, but the second brings up a deer in headlights. (Son doesn't have this issue.) I don't have the sequence, sorry; this is all actually review since this is something we did last year (or the year before??) and that is just brought up on review pages. And then I add in extra ones once I saw it wasn't sticking anymore. Anyway, we're going to try baking a square layer cake, making a grid with icing, maybe different color for perimeter, etc. Get them to write out a paper with pictures or something. IDK. Maybe eating it will help it absorb? haha... I liked the idea of building/decorating houses, but I'm not ready to unbox that Pandora until the summer, lol.
  5. Yes, she can do these. And not just by counting, lol. I did a quick thing with her before bed: she did these okay. We did review on Monday so it seems to still have stuck since then this time. But I didn't mix it with volumes and perimeters and triangles. eta Oops forgot to quote, paging @square_25 so you see this
  6. This is how we typically do things (Math U See) and it's worked for everything. Except this. Which is slightly ironic to me because it is the most literal of the things to be shown with blocks, right?? And she gets it at the time, "Oh, that makes sense, I remember this!" and can run through problems for a few days with no issue, but then a week later on a general review of everything it's loosened, and we are having to take time again. I'm hoping that something more ... hands on? or less familiar? than the blocks will stick better.
  7. We are having some issues with remembering LWH for volume (rectangular) and LW for area. And also LW/2 for triangles. I'm trying to think of a unit study that can help go over this information and also incorporate other topics, hoping it may stick better if it's linked to other contexts. I'm probably too tired right now because nothing comes to mind. Square cakes? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Oh no! We have that bedframe too (for double) and wanted to get it again in our new location (can't bring it with us). Sadness. Those stackable beds though are interesting though, they weren't available last I was there. What about just get the Kura now and use it as a a lower bed until its ready to be turned upside down? Put an older kid into it so you can crawl into one of the other beds with her. I think I'm living vicariously through you. I've done all of the possible reorganizations of our living space over the past year and I have missed the jigsaw of it.
  9. I did a later edit saying it may work better with the shelving as 2 across and 4 up but it probably wouldn't make a difference. And wouldn't give more useable floorspace, just slightly better access to the closet. Barring pulling the baby bed out from underneath one of the other beds, I think you've got the best set up. You mentioned you can't do this while holding the baby after she falls asleep. Could the older kids help pull it out before they go to bed? I think this would work so long as the area is sufficiently quiet at night and you don't have wandering baby concerns. Otherwise I would put an older kid into this situation, or not at all. If you could find either a easy to put on/off bed tent or screen for better privacy/sleeping I think it would be acceptable until bunks are doable. But then you have the re-integration problem later if they are used to having their own "room" and don't want to share again. We have/had those and I actually liked them. Kids had them and were happy. Kids do not like their current standard spring mattresses in comparison.
  10. So your walls don't really need to be as wavy as in my picture, they should still work just fine 😉 (And the weird quarter circle in the bottome right is supposed to be your door opening, LOL) You may have tried this already, and that shelf may not fit between beds and allow access to closet. But figured I would suggest in case it sparks something workable. ETA: this may not be better than what you have currently, even if it could work Second ETA: if you turn that shelf so it is 4 up and 2 across I think it would fit between the beds? Would need to bolt to wall possibly but looks like it is made to work either way
  11. I think building up with wall shelves would make it feel like you have more room and give you more room on the ground. Agree that once you can get an ikea style bunk it will all work perfectly, it's a fair size room for 3 in stacks. Re: beds in a row, what about baby bed in the middle so it doesn't look like a huge bed as much as a comfy ground between two beds? People could scrunch down to the end of their own beds to get out and not step on baby. Don't know if that would block closet access though.
  12. I understand about the 2yo climbing everything. What are they sleeping in now? Crib or bed? You said toddler bed, but just clarifying my imagination. We have 4 kids in one area: so crib, trundle under twin, twin bed, and a cot that is stored under the crib during the day. I won't say the cot is the most comfortable thing in the world but ds5 is happy and it clears up a lot of floor room during the day (as does the trundle). After about a week of reminding as soon as they got up, they have the habit of putting their beds completely away so the area is free during the day (at night, it takes literally every inch they have; the trundle doesn't pull out all the way). Our trundle isn't really much higher than any normal twin?, so not sure if maybe that's something you can explore again. Or, like someone else suggested, just push in/pull out a mattress. If you have a kid that comes to your bed often (or even if you don't), maybe they could move into your room. Or maybe the idea of this happening (or the act of a few nights of this arrangement) would be enough to get DH to look at your other solution more closely. 🙂
  13. Love the Apple TV. Love the Apple remote, much more than any remote (I didn't know this was an issue, interesting!). Other remotes and me: all of those darn buttons and I always choose the wrong menu and then I'm in Settings and trying to get out you should push OK not Exit?? This doesn't happen with the Apple remote, lol. Also searches are easy to do on Apps or Netflix, Prime, etc., since you can use the voice feature to 'type' in what you're looking for. It's the only device we have for movies etc. So I can't compare to others. But it does what we need without fuss. We do use it to hook up to our computers regularly for various things so that's with we went with Apple over anything else. Also i like the background pictures they choose for when you aren't using the TV but the Apple TV is on, lol. I have been known to turn it on just for those 😉
  14. Hi Scrap, good luck getting everything together for your trip! Nothing really to look forward to other than a couple days of quiet work while the kids are with grandparents. These next few weeks through May are extra rehearsals, concerts, etc as the school year is wrapping up. It's nice to get at least a couple days to do what actually needs to get done, lol. I have a business conference up in Phoenix first week of April that I have to prep for and I'm looking forward to that, too. We'll miss you and the teacher's lounge but I hope that you get the focus you need for the next weeks!
  15. Awake but reluctant to be 😉 Actually going well today, things are swimming along as they should but rarely do. I'm reluctant to exercise but I think I'm past the point of being able to talk about it, it's been ridiculously long since I've done anything. Today is homeschool day at the park and I have a new pair of sneakers so I'll be able to actually walk around and do something for a while. Weather is good but feeling the first heat after a very strong winter so it's a transition.
  16. Re: temporary fix, I know that the acoustic foam can come in rolls or in panels that fit together without much fuss. IDK what else is needed to put it up, but depending on the method chosen it probably wouldn't have to be a big project. Maybe sons could do their own rooms?
  17. Hey Scrap, glad to get hear good news about the vehicle! Car maintenance seems to get worse each time I go, lol. Looking at moving in June again. So even though it sounds far away, I know it will be upon me in a couple of minutes. I've quietly started cleaning out a box or two and streamlining my packing, so that when the time comes everything except for the daily stuff will basically be pre-boxed. Kids got an unexpected spring break last week while I was sick last week. This week all of their activities are off (yay!) so I don't have to take anyone anywhere and man is that a great feeling. I am still under the weather though so I'm not in control and using the extra time like I'd like. But one day at a time, maybe tomorrow I'll be on top of it, lol.
  18. The Foam Factory https://www.thefoamfactory.com has been a good source of foam for us for other projects a couple years ago. When looking at other foam options, we found they were more affordable by a margin, and what we got was exactly what we needed.
  19. Soprano here, but am placed as alto in choirs, long story doesn't matter. Favorite solo instrument to listen to that is usually single line (so, no piano, harp, etc) is the cello, then maybe violin but not sure. However I think it's an interesting theory and I would wonder if my memory of music is dependent on whether or not it was in my range and I can easily sing it in my head. Idk, maybe it's unrelated, but just trying to see if range compatibility could affect something else...
  20. Someone who after years of being inside comes to the conclusion that the "solution" is to murder an informant is not safe. What's the next problem they will have to figure out a solution to? What if the next problem is they need more acreage? What if the next problem is your dog is too loud? What if the next problem is they don't like living another family living close to them? I don't think his solution is going to be to move. eta: you have good reasons to want to move closer to parents. I think I would just try to find a way to be closer without moving to that specific property.
  21. As a former teen, yes that law is so important. In a two year span our small town had 4 fatal car accidents with teen drivers and friends in the vehicle. My cousin was a passenger killed in a teen driving accident (the driver got a broken arm). I don't care how responsible and level headed a teen is, they are new drivers who are learning to filter and respond to all of the parts of driving. They don't need more going on in the car. And if something goes wrong -- even if it isn't their fault -- they do not need that burden for the rest of their life.
  22. DS5 does this sometimes with his long complicated first name, He knows it starts with M, ends with Y, and that every letter has a specific place. And sometimes he writes it backwords (ha..ha..) or all jumbled up. I don't know enough to say if it's normal for other kids, but he can read and write basic words so I'm not concerned. It does seem to happen either when he's play-writing or a way of telling me he's done for the day, etc. Also, when he is copying longer words down from the board or something else, he has once or twice written the entire word backwards. I think he is focusing so hard on getting the letterforms right, and next to the right other letters, he just starts at the wrong end of the line.
  23. Between the living room, dining room and fireplace room, can any be used for a bed room? Perhaps either the one with the most privacy or the least walkthrough. I'd probably put either a) the people who don't need the most privacy or b) put the people who are up latest/are the loudest into it. Then dividers around any part of the room that may need a little bit of help. In our case, I'd probably take this room for me and DH, since we're up the latest. Bonus points if you decide to take the room with the most walkthrough and least privacy for yourselves, then invite members of the Council over and have to have them walk through your bedroom for dinner. No idea on the basement issues, but that seems to be something that needs to be taken care of regardless of if it ever gets finished to a bedroom level of comfort. eta: looks like you figured it out already, oops. Sorry the Council didn't see the necessity the same way. I hope the basement gets sorted at least.
  24. For those of you still interested, an update. So it took a while, but I got a text apology last Wednesday, to me and DS. Which is really much more than I ever expected. I wrote a polite apology accepted text back. There has been some fallout because we missed an event in early February: BIL's birthday. DH did text him happy birthday but declined to meet up in a park with our family, BIL's, and MIL. MIL's birthday is normally celebrated at the same time, DH said we'd just celebrate hers with her this year instead. This was not a happily received. And while DH has definitely taken the mantle of decision-maker on this and has been pretty strong on his assertion, there's definitely an undertone of me being the unreasonable one, lol. The whole experience, including some of the fallout I haven't brought up, has convinced us to move away faster than originally anticipated. It's put our overall plans on hold/pushed back (sad face) but we think it will overall be a better thing for our family. And I can't say I am unhappy about more distance, lol. But anyway: yay about the apology!
  25. Blargh! I got the same thing last week. From a piano teacher, who decided that it was the day to voice his concerns about "homeschoolers and how they can survive in the real world" because they don't know how to interact with other people. I did one of those generic "Oh, there are plenty of successful people who have been home schooled" type of things and he said "Really? At public colleges, or are these just private colleges?" And I did a surprised "Both" but didn't even realize until after I was out the door that he was equating the "real world" with just college. And apparently private colleges need not apply! LOL Biggest eye roll. All of this was spurred by him saying he doesn't know how I keep up with 4 kids and having to take them to all of these [group] activities they are in. How did he jump trains so quickly???
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