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Everything posted by Moonhawk

  1. Sad story: I've gradually stopped contacting friends where it's just me. Not because I don't care anymore, but I'm wondering if they are just being polite? And since they haven't reached out, I just contact them on their birthday and leave it open with a "I know you're probably busy today, call me sometime after the festivities to catch up!" They haven't called...or texted...3 years in a row.... Happy story!: I found my first friend that initiates instead of me!! I admit to being a bit, um, weird, so I made a spreadsheet for the first 4 months of interactions (don't tell them....) to track who contacted who. We were just about even, they did a bit more than me! Since then I've been much more comfortable contacting them whenever I think of it, just because I don't feel like I'm overstepping, forcing myself on them, or being the only person to keep the friendship up. And we are still pretty much even on our initiations. I'm a bit shocked, but happy to have this novel experience. "What I did different": In the past friendships were more based on work, age groups from school, or seeing each other at our kids' activities. Once we are removed from the situations we met, there doesn't seem to be as much we can share I guess. This friendship was started with an obvious and easy topic we can fall back on, that we are both active in, so there is always something new to share.We at first kept our discussions to that topic but have gradually branched out on subjects. They are the only person who has shown interest in my garden, and I know absolutely nothing about industrial design but find it fascinating.
  2. Okay, I only know Witcher from memes, and generally have kept the language PG, but this made me laugh.
  3. How is Zoom treating you? We did a piano masterclass this week with it and there were some issues with audio quality. One on one lessons we use FaceTime, but with masterclass of 4+ people we have been looking for a good solution. Do you have special settings or way to set up with Zoom so it works well enough?
  4. Strawberry plants. My first round, planted in fall, were damaged by something recently. I had promised myself, though, no new plant purchases. But, 2 weeks of being in this house, with these people, I need any and every excuse to be in the yard. I didn't realize how much I relied on my 1 day of going to the library to work for my sanity. They are all extroverts. How could I have never noticed?! 50 new strawberry plants coming this week. I have no idea where I'm going to put half of them, but at least I can do it alone, quietly, outside.
  5. Two companies here that we tried, Southern Arizona. Company A was unlimited but had awful service. We switched from them at the beginning of March because I couldn't even open Google on some days, all the while they are saying everything is A-OK. Company B is limited. We pay $45 first 300GB, then $10/100GB up to an extra $40/month. They did say through April 15 they will be waiving overage fees. But, there hasn't been a glitch, fuzzy screen or slow website since the switch. So while I'm not happy about the price and being charged extra, we use it for business so having working internet is necessary. (There is also Company C, which is limited and charges much more for their service AND requires you to use their tech to connect, and charges rent on those tech things.)
  6. Have to watch with sound. #worth
  7. These two describe my life perfectly. I am trapped in a house full of extroverts. Send help. Or rather, take some of my help away!!
  8. ... what am I not snacking on? 😳
  9. A thread on memes? A chance for Moonhawk, lurker of Reddit, to show her quality!
  10. I've read, but I may have missed suggestions. Has anyone brought up yoga classes? Or, would she be okay with a sewing machine? I know I started quilting at 11, but there is a lot of cutting involved. I know a couple of kids that were doing sewing at the same time, their moms actually cut all of the fabric for them to sew together. So that's a lot of extra work for the parent if you go that way; maybe craft stores have kits now, but idk if this is too crafty for her tastes. Other idea would be gardening (could be hard on her knee though), which can tie into 4H in some areas. Or, maybe see if any animal shelters do volunteer opportunities for kids, I know a friend in middle school did that and mostly played with the younger friendly dogs, but her mom had some connection to the shelter, idk exactly what.
  11. Thanks, these are all good ideas. Unfortunately, they want a structured program every day, less "play" and more "exercise" if that makes any sense.
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