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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Can you call her counsellor? Let them know before the next appointment?
  2. I give you permission to wallow. Sure, there's a ton to be grateful for. But I think it's also good to be able to feel down for a bit. We've got a ton of things to be grateful for, but we've also got a lot of stressors going on in our life right now (family illness - inlaws). Don't just bottle up your feelings. You feel sad right now & that's okay. Feel it while it's safe to express it - give yourself the hour or two to be glum and throw a pity party and temper tantrum, and then move on (kick). Hope you feel better. :grouphug:
  3. The places I've been for outpatient procedures don't allow drop offs. The person driving has to stay the whole time. I was the driver for a friend who had her gallbladder removed & even though the clinic is only a mile away from our house, I was told I needed to stay the whole time. I also would really prefer no food in waiting areas.
  4. I was married in 1994. I think the cake and dress were the most expensive parts of the wedding. Dress was about $400 and cake about $200 (VERY tasty and pretty). FiL and his brother did our flowers (husband's uncle is florist) - beautiful. Reception was at church and was potluck. Husband's cousin took our pictures & they were what we wanted & we got the negatives. Rehearsal dinner was at a pizza place. We're pretty low-key :)
  5. Just in case you haven't already done this, we have a tutoring center at both the university and the community college here. While both are for the students who are enrolled, they do have lists and names of tutors. That may be a place to get some additional names rather than contacting the math department. The high schools may also have a list of tutor names.
  6. We're doing Latin and this is our first year. I aim for daily (to finish a chapter in a week) but there are some days when we just don't get it done. I'm choosing not to worry about it. We're getting vocabulary and if it takes over a year to get through the book, so be it. That'll still be more Latin than I ever had. There also are people here who don't teach Latin. You do have to prioritize.
  7. Iffy but Carl hiassen has some YA books... Hoot for instance. Robert aspirin with Myth books.
  8. At the speed this board moves, several pages can still be one day. I wouldn't think anything of that. It's when you're going back a couple of weeks on the general board that I think it gets weird.
  9. :iagree: My son's been on Zyrtec daily for about 4 years and doesn't have any problems with it. However... when he's needed nebulizer breathing treatments, we give him Xopanex. When he's had Albuterol, he would get MAD! We could see a tremendous difference in his personality. I wouldn't have known there was an alternative to the Albuterol had I not mentioned his meanness to his allergist who promptly had us try Xopanex instead. Good luck!
  10. There's talk of one possibly as early as March (better resolution...possible voice activated stuff... from what I was just reading... and yup, "stuff" is about as clear as I can be... ;) ) We do have the original iPad (got it when we thought our son would need allergy shots as a bribe for while we were at the allergist...turned out he didn't - but there went my spare cash I'd earned. :glare:) I generally do much better having the iPad OFF during school. Or if I have it on... I really need to have the internet off or I'm surfing too much. :blush: I mention this in the hope of helping with the desire for one... yeah, it's great... but I don't use it for school effectively.
  11. I hear good things about mindfulness meditation. May be worth looking into. Also look into "tapping". It's helped with some stress based anxiety for me.
  12. I agree with sbgrace. The throat closing sensation would be a real concern. Since my son's anaphylaxis, he has been on daily zyrtec. That helps more with small reactions and environmental ones. Do keep us updated as you can. Hope the reactions are subsiding at this point. Don't hesitate to continue to contact the allergist with updates and any questions. You may want to ask her when you should be contacting her too... that may be helpful to hear. Thinking of you all. :grouphug:
  13. I'd say I don't mind if I can see a reason for the change. I was in a grocery store today that has completely changed their layout. Couldn't find stuff at first, but I can see how this makes sense overall. I don't see what benefits there will be from the gmail change. And I don't see why everyone needs to make the change.
  14. Hope you don't have any more fevers! Glad things are looking up.
  15. I grew up listening to this song from my folks old Limelighters album. Here's a version (which actually has a bit more language than I heard since it's a live performance). I think reading the lyrics alone makes it sound worse than the song is. Probably still inappropriate... but again, this is one I probably could have sung at my son's age (along with Tom Dooley, There's a Meetin' Here Tonight, etc.) Chad Mitchell Trio, Kingston Trio, Limelighters... I can see easily how someone who grew up with the songs might not think much of it.
  16. I started considering homeschooling when my son was in half day kindergarten. He has food allergies. An anaphylactic reaction made the decision much easier...but we had a really rough couple years with him asking to go to school some days and me looking at the school websites and considering it other days! I felt trapped. It's gotten better :001_smile: One thing that helped some was focussing on the positives. For about half a year we both wrote down one thing we liked about our school day each day. Hope it gets easier for you with time.
  17. My son had his reaction to cashews. We were told to avoid all tree nuts and the allergist called back and said to avoid sesame as well. One book I read said there can be cross reaction with cashew, pistachio, and mango. Our allergist said we didn't need to avoid mango, but we keep an eye on it.
  18. I'm reading it to my sensitive nine year old. No nightmares so far :)
  19. Further suggestion... read the links to get some basic ideas. The child's parent has probably asked some questions when registering (or sure should have). When my son has taken courses, I stay on site - and when we had an issue with another parent sending in snacks, I stayed WITH my son the whole time. You may need some policies in place through CYT to be sure this child remains safe. Some of the severe food allergies are protected under ADA, so depending on what's needed and how you're set up, there definitely may need to be some discussion & procedures set up. For instance, who'll be responsible for the child's Epi-pens & who can give medication? Do they have an Emergency Action Plan? Do the leaders with the child know what to do in case of a reaction? A bit of reading first to get some ideas is good, then a discussion with the child's parent & with leadership over CYT is likely the best way to go. And I agree also with Spryte... thanks for thinking about it in advance.
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