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Everything posted by Dana

  1. Strongly, strongly, strongly disagree. I've got some issues with my family. Some days even an email feels like an intrusion. A phone call at work would be so over the line that there's no way I'd be willing to even consider a relationship. It would take time away from my job - and it would upset me which isn't good at work. Email is okay, letter is okay. I agree with others who suggest sending a letter and stating what you'd like (a relationship) and the apology. It also may be there isn't much to come back to on his part. I'm reaching the point with my mother that although she wants a relationship, I think I just don't and it's better for me to just let that go entirely. It depends a lot on the past history whether it's worth it to the person cutting ties to open back up. In some cases the past history is just too much, in which case, respect his wishes and back off. But I do think cards/emails is an okay start. I'd stay FAR away from the phone though. And I'd also suggest going slow. If there's been no contact for 8 years, starting up with monthly cards may feel like an intrusion. Maybe start with card or email every few months (unless you get a good response back). Good luck to you. I do sympathize with you. One suggestion is that if you want to resume contact, you also WILL need to listen to his reasons for cutting contact and make changes (if you're willing) to keep that contact. For me, I hear a lot of talk but don't see changes, so I'm giving up and the option to make changes is (I think) over.
  2. And for people with allergies. Dh has had hives from playing with our nephew in our house. Nephew has cats.
  3. Formal mathematical logic. Good but pricey http://www.eimacs.com/student_aml_overview.htm?navname=STUDENTS&toopen=ul1,ul3&scrolly=149&subnavid=a4
  4. Dana


    Another dystopia that I've enjoyed... This Perfect Day by Ira Levin
  5. One cool thing is that many if the rovers have lasted longer than they were expected to. I wish we'd spend more for space exploration. I think it helps to have a frontier to look towards.
  6. We have a top loader without the agitator. Whirlpool Cabrio. I hate it. It's much rougher on my clothes. I've got holes in some and towels get thin spots quickly. When this one dies or I get too annoyed with it, I'm going back to a top loader with an agitator.
  7. We've got over 30 days in. We school year round and started in June. However...I still haven't filed last year's work and I still only feel kind of halfway prepped for this year. We're trying an unschoolish year, so ds is responsible for a lot and I'm backing off some...but I really should deal with the binder and papers sitting in the middle of my office....and set up the notebook for this year.... So I'm all for denial ;)
  8. Thanks for mentioning this. Checked it out on amazon and learned I'd bought it a couple years ago! I've found it and will be showing it to my son tomorrow. I think it'll help some!
  9. Agreeing with Erin. We moved from WWE 3 to WWS and it worked. I do have the WWE guide and did the sections from there with ds. He was able to handle all of them without much effort, so we moved on. If there's struggle with WWE 3, I'd do 4 before progressing.
  10. I've just seen the trailer & not the film, but Queen to Play has Kevin Klein & it's all in French (English subtitles in the US version - French version according to IMDB had different name). It's instant watch on amazon if you have prime.
  11. Last night after dinner, ds 10 was pondering Schrodinger's cat... "I wonder if someone else could look and would then know if the cat was alive or dead. Would that work? But wouldn't the cat know if it was alive or dead even if no one else looked?" :D This was completely out of the blue...complete non sequitur and no idea what the trigger might have been.
  12. Typically, a calc text will be used for two or three semesters. We have one text that's used for calc 1, 2, and 3. Business calc is different; that is only for one course and the number of chapters will be less than the full text. Text prices are absurd and there are a number of issues with how publishers do things, but so much of that is at the publisher level rather than at the college or individual instructor.
  13. Dana


    I read it in 1984... I was in7th grade. The sex didn't stand out (but I read Valley of the Horses the same year). What did stand out was the rat in the cage strapped to his face and screaming, "not to me...do it to her". That scene was enough that I'll want to wait a bit longer to assign it to my son. If he picks it up on his own, that's fine, but otherwise, I'd wait until high school.
  14. But you are saying "It's just a hug - not a big deal" (paraphrasing). Even as an adult, it IS a big deal, and your comment minimizes that.
  15. Although the word problems in CWP in particular are significantly ahead IMO. Based on what I see in the math courses I teach at the cc and when I've shown some problems to friends who also teach there, my son was doing problems in CWP 5 that our students in precalculus classes wouldn't be able to do. It is possible that it's just our area, but I think CWP does an outstanding job at teaching word problems and is far ahead of what's being done at the majority of schools and the majority of programs. I don't see it to the same level with just the text & workbook in Singapore, but add in IP and CWP, and it's really solid and advanced IMO.
  16. It is that big of a deal. If I don't want that physical contact and it's forced on me by pressure "not that big a deal", then I feel I'm losing my bodily autonomy. Some of us aren't touchy-feely people. You get in my physical space when I don't want you there, I'm pushing back. And yes, this is with family too. Not everyone has a good relationship with extended family. I will sometimes hug my parents after a visit or upon arrival (they live 4 hours away and we don't see them regularly), but it takes serious mental energy for me to do that. That leaves less energy for me to guard my tongue and that's not good either. Please, please don't force your kids to give hugs if they don't want to. It IS a big deal to some.
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