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Everything posted by bbsweetpea

  1. Thank you both for your responses. We may take a sum break and move to money and time. I know with her reading I took a month break when she started struggling and she came back even stronger. I guess I just needed to know I was not missing anything myself that could help her. On the plus side, we have had lots of fun reading living books about math.
  2. Mine is up ... it is a slideshow of pictures
  3. She seems to see something and then write it to understand concepts. We use Right start because it has all the manipulatives and then I try to reinforce it with Singapore or handmade math sheets. We play Right start card games. For Go to the Dump she has to have a cheat sheet in front of her telling her all the numbers that make 10 when added together. I have tried to get her to play it with the Abacus but she just does not get it at all. We play Corners and again she needs some sort of cheat sheet for 5,10, 15 and 20. I have tried giving her tally sticks and counters to get her to figure it out herself but she just can't (or won't) figure it out. The answers she comes up with on her own are always so off that I can't figure out how she got it. We have played story games to try to add together objects or take them away. If I am walking her through it she can count and answer. If I ask her to figure one out she just looks at me. At first I thought she was just doing it because she did not like it and did not want to answer but she is not that way with any other subject. With every lesson I make sure one of us is writing problems on the board and working it out with objects. Instead of numbers I have even had her draw problems out. We have read lots of living Math books to try to reinforce concepts as well. What is strange to me is that she can count by 2's up to 40, 5's up to 50 and 10's up to 100. She also can tell me even and odd numbers up to 200. This may just be a memorization thing though.
  4. My oldest is currently doing Kinder/first grade work. She will be 7 in April and reads at about a 2nd grade level. For Math I have been using Right Start A and Singapore EB math (we are in B). She just does not grasp addition at all. She can count up to 200 but cannot figure out that three items plus three more is six (or whatever the problem is). We play games daily. I am constantly talking about adding in our everyday life. Her 4 year old brother has gotten to where he answers for her because he now knows how to do it from listening to me work with her. I am not sure what to do at this point. I bought Horizons K to see if maybe a new approach would work. If we were to start on it I would need to start her at lesson 24 out of 160 lessons. I had her talk me through the book and that was the part she started struggling (this is where addition starts). Currently she does a Math lesson 4-5 days a week. I upped it to twice a day. One time doing a lesson and the second time playing games. Is this something that will eventually just click with her or should I switch to Horizons from Singapore (still will probably do RS A 2 times a week). I am just at a loss. Since she is my oldest, teaching is still new for me.
  5. I am a hippie type of birther, just wanted you to know that before my suggestion. I would honestly try these things that were already suggested "Check the information at Spinning Babies - there are things other than just the slant board, as far as exercises go. Acupuncture and moxibustion have been show to have an excellent success rate." I would just add visualization and talking to your baby. I believe our minds have total control over our bodies and visualization can really help. My youngest was breech until 37 weeks. She was born at 39 weeks weighing 6 lbs 14 ounces so I believe your baby is probably still small enough to turn on their own. Good LUCK and take care of your heart (stress will not help). Sending Calm Baby turning vibes your way
  6. I have had it for over a year and love it. I am a very basic eater myself and love the recipes in it. My husband even has enjoyed some of the food. I even ventured away from lean ground beef to ground turkey. We now use ground turkey in most of our ground beef recipes and really only notice that it is leaner.
  7. Thank you! I can't wait to use this with my daughter
  8. Thanks for the link! I was going to create something like this for my kids. You saved me time.
  9. I would ask them if they would mind if your kids interview them. Most older folks would have no problem sitting with kids and talking about the old days. Then have your kids spend a week making an interview notebook with questions (make sure you leave space for answers). When they go for the interview time they can write down answers. Also leave space for questions that they may think of while they are listening and anything the person may say that is off topic but relevant to history (I can guarantee tangants will happen lol). If you know the person well you could ask for photo's of when they were younger and scan them, or take a picture of a picture so that your children will have them for their report. Sample of a lesson plan I found online http://teachers.net/lessons/posts/4330.html http://www.momsview.com/discus/messages/41/90551.html http://www.east-tennessee-history.org/file/Teaching%20Tennessee%20History%20Vol_%20VIII.pdf My 101 year old great grandma died this past summer and I remember doing interviews with her when I was young. I even made hardcover books out of them. I got photo's from her and used them to illustrate (I am not an artist) the book. If she did not have photo's I found some stuff online to use. These books (also have one from both grandmother's that I made) are really special to me and my children today. I think making something like that for your neighbor (maybe have two copies made, so you have one) would be very sweet and special to them. Plus this would be an incredible learning experience for your children. Links for Make your own books on the computer or blank books that your kids can make on their own (just a quick look... I am sure there is more out there). http://www.blurb.com/create/book/publishing-new?ce=google_gen&gclid=CP7O_PbI6p0CFQmbnAodhSpQKA http://www.amazon.com/Creativity-Kids-Create-Your-Books/dp/B000CFJZNG http://www.bookblanks.com/
  10. I have been looking and thinking about it. I have bought a few things this week. I still am trying to decide on the science though for next year. We did our own thing this year and while we are having fun I think I want a curriculum since I will have a full Kindergartner, 1st grader (or maybe 2nd depending on how much we get done this year) and 2 year old. I already put in my requests on paperback swap for the next 3 years for some of the books I know we will need.
  11. I use the Wise Guide for spelling along with Spell to Write and Read. When I started I wanted lists that went together as well so I have lots of free info on my computer. I have all of the Spelling Connections books downloaded. Here is the link http://www.zaner-bloser.com/spellingconnections/practice-pages.html'>http://www.zaner-bloser.com/spellingconnections/practice-pages.html'>http://www.zaner-bloser.com/spellingconnections/practice-pages.html'>http://www.zaner-bloser.com/spellingconnections/practice-pages.html These are free. You can download all (once you click on each book) or just do the english lists one at a time. http://www.zaner-bloser.com/spellingconnections/practice-pages.html I also have Spell for Writing workbooks and teaching guides level 1 to 5 but I can't find the link online. I will look and see if I can get it for you. Here it is http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal;jsessionid=JLGMs1nLvTlTV55mXZy0Z2tTqpVGThHGTRhYC3yRxMJNq22Sbphy!790695772?_nfpb=true&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=Spelling+for+Writing+Student+Activity+Book&searchtype=keyword&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=ti&_pageLabel=ERICSearchResult&_urlType=action Hopefully that works ... scroll down for each grade
  12. Yes. My oldest KNOWS how to push my buttons. I try to take deep breaths and just ignore her but there have been times she has really hurt my feelings. When she was 5 my MIL died. She understood her grandma had died and everything about death (lots of death in our family the past 2 years). She got really upset with me and told me she wished I was dead like her grandma so she would never have to see me again. It REALLY hurt my feelings. She learned though that no matter what she says I will still love her and still parent her. Even if that means she does not get everything she wants.
  13. Did not read all the other posts because I can just imagine where this will go (hopefully not). Our pediatrician has always asked us "parenting" questions. I understand she is trying to keep my children safe but I usually either A) tell her we are just there for her medical opinion or B) lie. Now that my children are older I go with "A" more often than not. We get questions like ... Where does your child sleep? Do you ever allow them to sleep in the bed with you? Do you have locks on your toilet? etc etc. I decided to start going with A when our oldest was 18 months old. Our doctor asked if we had turned our car seat around to forward facing. I told her no that we had a Britax that she can sit in up to 33 lbs backwards (our oldest had just hit 20 lbs). The doctor acted like she had never heard of such a thing and asked me to write the brand and model down so that she could VERIFY it. :glare: At that point I went with answer "A". If she don't like it we can go see one of the other Ped's in the area.
  14. We are spending a year on the Human Body right now. We are using the following items. Some of them I bought in a Kit for an incredible clearance price. My Body book (got it off Ebay for a good price) Human Body Flip Chart by Learning Resources (got in kit) Skeleton Floor Puzzle Learning Resources (in kit) Skeletons in the Closet Game (in kit) Simply Skeletons (in kit) Spill your Guts Game (in kit) Stethoscope (in kit) 5 Senses Bingo (in Kit) Soft Human Brain Mode Puzzlel (in Kit) Soft Foam Cross Heart Model Puzzle (in Kit) Anatomy Apron Learning Resources (in Kit) Skeleton Bingo (in Kit) Skeleton Stamp (in Kit) Usborne See inside Your Body Book Usborne flip flap body book Janice Vancleave Play and find out about the Human Body book I know I have some other things but that is most of what we use. We also check out movies and books from the library.
  15. All of our names are pretty simple. I do get people that try to shorten the names though to a nickname. I did not name my children "Shel", "Matt" or "Abby". I named them Shelby, Matthew and Abigail. My son will tell people "my name is MATTHEW not Matt", as if they called him Steve or something else totally different. LOL He also will correct people that say the wrong name for Abigail or Shelby. If people call my kids the wrong name I will tell them we do not shorten names. My name is Rachel and I am to be called ... Rachel. My husbands name is the only one that gets shortened and that is only because his friends have always called him Mike instead of Michael. We do have nicknames for our kids but they are things like "sweetpea", "angel" etc
  16. This is what we have in our playroom/schoolroom as well. It has been great! I plan on putting it in the rest of the house this winter.
  17. Very interesting. As a Christian I always had interpreted 1 Cor 11:15 as stating that my long hair is my covering. I am going to study on this some more. Those head scarfs are beautiful. I have an honest question. Feel free to PM me if you want. Do your daughters wear headscarfs? My oldest recently had to have her hair cut shorter than I feel comfortable with (she cut her own hair) and I have actually been thinking about this lately.
  18. My daughter is 6. This is her first year of actual sit down and do school work. She does a kinder/1st grade level
  19. I usually wear a skirt and blouse or t-shirt if I don't need to be on my hands and knees with kids. Normally I wear sandles or flip flops. If I am going to a park, to work at Mothers Day Out or something like that I wear shorts, capris or pants. The only time you will ever catch me in sweat pants is when I am about to pop prego or working in the yard. I just don't like them.
  20. We have one of these yard gates set up in our playroom/schoolroom. http://www.kidsafeinc.com/product/8669?META=bizrate-8669 I just move it around where she is allowed to play. We put it around the play kitchen for awhile and I give her the dishes and cars to play with. We also have a metal door in our room that she can use her leapfrog toys on. The puppy plays with her in it, the kids take turns playing with her and she just sits and reads or plays by herself in it. I never had anything like it with the other kids and it has been a LIFE SAVER. It is very easy to move from room to room so we use it in our living room to block off the fireplace (we have a solid Rock wall) as well.
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