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Everything posted by SoCal_Bear

  1. Assuming you mean you have a 2nd grader right now, why not do WWE 1 at double time? You can easily double up days without being overwhelming. It's pretty incremental and deliberate. I could see it when I came out the other end of WWE1 and again after WWE2. My kiddo's ability to summarize and narrate at the end of WWE2 without getting bogged down in unnecessary details and focus on the salient points is where we ended up at the end of WWE2. I was seriously doubtful we would get there because of where we were in the beginning.
  2. Honestly, I didn't push writing with my kiddo. It's been somewhat relaxed. We did WWE1 & 2 and Treasured Conversations for writing instruction. We are currently in Kilgallon's Sentence Composing and WWE3. We drift between the two. He writes when he needs to in our studies. Other than what he was doing for some handwriting practice, that was all I asked. For many gifted children, writing can wait. There is usually a big gap between what is going on output wise mentally and what they are able to produce mechanically. I'm not all the way in the mindset of what's below from Online G3, but these thoughts help me be more relaxed about this area. https://www.onlineg3.com/writing-can-wait/
  3. It's discussed on the high school board...though anyone who is remotely thinking about homeschooling and high school and lives in CA is thinking about this. Here are some threads for you to look through... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/507407-a-g-requirements/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/623873-if-you-plan-to-apply-to-uc-schools-list-your-courses-here-another-a-g-thread/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/601993-ca-a-g-requirements/
  4. I can't wait until DS is finally old enough for GC1. Living in CA, I totally get the dilemma of opting out of the a-g hoops and being worried about getting into the UC schools. I am mulling over my "loose" long term plans and really want to strongly consider GC all the way through...but the uncertainty really kills me. I think we are going to aim for admission by examination to just avoid the whole a-g hoop jumping. I am reluctant to give up our flexibility and interest-led path.
  5. For those whose kids are interested in the History of China. There's a series of graphic novel style history books by Jing Liu. https://www.amazon.com/Jing-Liu/e/B005LFW3GI/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1513744967&sr=8-1
  6. Grab this if you need to order some books. Amazon $5 off $15 on book orders until 12/18. BOOKGIFT17
  7. The engineering curricula at Engineering is Elementary is free. You would have to gather materials yourself. https://eie.org/ We've done the Edison Project classes at quick study labs which builds lessons around using Smart Circuits kits and enjoyed them. http://www.quickstudylabs.com/
  8. Maybe consider adding in Hands on Equations or Patty Paper Geometry to introduce algebra and geometry topics while you work through pre-algebra. I'm doing that right now with my kiddo instead of rushing through pre-A.
  9. This is what Susan Wise Bauer wrote about this: http://downloads.peacehillpress.com/samples/pdf/WWEandWWSexplanation.pdf
  10. I think you probably should email Coach Phil directly about your questions. You can reach him at: Phil Cradle <homeschoolchessclub@gmail.com>
  11. I haven't used them, but I saw that there are semester and year-long courses over that WTMA. http://www.wtmacademy.com/courses/?filter_subject=78%2Cwriting&query_type_subject=or
  12. For those who might be interested, this is the link to the online Homeschool Chess Club. There's early bird registration with is $20 cheaper right now. Additional siblings are $14.50. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=qbuzdm9ab&oeidk=a07eetgxykh7bd06ad7 A few things to note: 1) You must have a Facebook account or you will not be able to view the classes. 2) You don't have to attend the classes live, they will be archived under the videos section. 3) The club's play occurs on chess.com. It's a private group on the site. I only allow my son to play with other students on there. The user names for the club kids is obvious since he asks everyone to set up their username as HSCCfirstlast. 4) The tournaments are not mandatory. There is a small entry fee as trophies are awarded to the top 10% finishers. Those are Wed and Sat...All listed times are MST. 5) Coach Phil loves jazz, so expect jazz at the beginning of every lesson. He also likes to use sound effects like audience laughter, applause. It would annoy me to no end, but my son thinks it is super funny.
  13. Rush Hour is solo play. Rush Hour Shift is two player. Yikerz Gravity Maze is also solo play. Blink Slamwich +1 on Blokus Qwrikle Chess (Start with no stress). There's a pretty cool online homeschool chess club that has early bird spring registration going on right now. I heard about it on here. My son really likes it. Ticket to Ride (my preference is not the original board, but later ones where there are multiple routes that you can build to achieve your goal) Sorry Battleship Connect 4 Rumis
  14. If you like the discovery approach of AOPs, then I would suggest getting Jousting Armadillos. There's a lot more white space, but not as daunting as AOPS. I have both of them on my shelf.
  15. Just so you know Timken in Balboa Park is always free as is the Botanical Garden there. If you do USS Midway, be sure to plan for at least 4 hours there if you are into history. There's lots to see and explore. The cafe actually serves pretty good food. It's not gross cafeteria food.
  16. Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach is a much better aquarium than Birch...though Birch has beautiful views since it is in La Jolla. Both pale in comparison to Monterey Bay Aquarium...but you aren't doing Northern California. There is a Southern California City Pass that includes Disneyland if you are thinking about doing amusement parks. One thing that you didn't list as possible itinerary stop...the various Missions of California.
  17. Honestly, I would just move on to CLE 1. Why wait? You can let her work a few problems written and then just scribe for her. Look at Kitchen Table Math for games to do with her.
  18. We don't really because mine doesn't do well if we do a full stop for more than a day or two. We keep something going on even if it is just math, piano, and lighter stuff.
  19. You could have her do Scratch. Your library should have plenty of books on learning to code in Scratch. Or if you are talking about moving more into a coding using a programming language. Then you should be able to code with Python. Again, the library will have plenty of books on this. You can look around on Amaon If your library has this one, it's written for more a middle school and up crowd which I think would be better than the other Scratch books that are out there. https://www.amazon.com/Learn-Program-Scratch-Introduction-Programming/dp/1593275439/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1512705739&sr=8-6&keywords=scratch+programming Scratch is free. https://scratch.mit.edu/ She can explore other people's work on there.
  20. loads of resources from http://reasons.org/ This is an OE Creation perspective.
  21. If you do, start small with a just few other like minded families that you have rapport. Share the responsibilities. If I teach science, would you teach X. That sort of thing. Then if it works well for the designated stretch of time say 12 weeks, then re-evaluate and see who really is on board and who isn't. See if expectations ought to be clarified...Our co-op group started with just 3 families in the mid 80s. It's 150 families now and we run a class day with 50+ classes. There were a lot of hits and misses. The group really does reflect the leadership. So, if you lead it, don't get yourself in a situation where you a long ranger leader. You will burn out if you do. Our group was careful to recruit moms into leadership who shared that vision and were willing to coalesce around the current leader.
  22. I don't have a dog in this fight...but they seriously need a summary grid schedule to view all the offerings in one place.
  23. FWIW, I use SM and also do Beast Academy a level behind as review and deeper exploration. I use other resources as well to explore math and work on problem solving.
  24. For the poll, was it internally just within WHA? Some of us aren't enrolled yet because of the West Coast time issue. So it is a chicken and egg issue. They won't get as good of a feel of the need because I imagine there are families like me. The section offering for grammar and logic stages are really quite EST driven. I just submitted a comment about it on their online comment form.
  25. One thing I wish WHA would do is have more West Coast friendly times on their schedule. Given my kiddo is NOT a morning person, nothing earlier than their 12:30 EST classes will work for us which pretty much eliminates 3/5 of their offerings.
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