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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. I will answer in episodes I think :)This is Part 1
  2. Sounds fun! Now I just have to discover how all these flowers are called in Dutch... (I hardly recognize flowers so this will take some work :) )
  3. Our first class was with Jean Hall, and we like her style. She is very good organized, and clear and straight in her communication. Last year we did some courses with other instructors, and they seemed less organized. it was a good lesson in ‘every instructor has a personal style even within the same institute’.
  4. Counting knives, plates and glasses. Somehow I need every year additional items... No present giving so just getting everyone at table. Counting to 21december, the shortest day here. This is such a dark december. Glad the days are almost longer again.
  5. A ticket for a performance of my taste (normally we attend only performances the whole family will like)
  6. Congrats LaughingCat! I finished a book about Audrey Hepburn and Anne Frank. A lot of ‘I didn’t know’-experiences: - Audrey and Anne are from the same birthyear - Audrey has Dutch-British Parents, and has been born in Brussel (Elsene) - - The ‘Anne’-parts have several new to me facts, which made the book interesting in both story lines. Not recommended as a first book about Anne Frank, not a heavy/hard reading. I started a book that was mentioned in dutch christian newspapers, about Trinity and the interreligous dialogue with the Islam.
  7. What I liked about the Misfit is that it counts a daily goal, I have a polar now that thrills every hour because I sit too much. I could set the misfit on my own goal, The polar loop is pretty ambitious in its goals
  8. Enjoy your family Jenn! And congrats mom of 2 for finishing the bingo!!!
  9. Thank you! They only inspected 4 subjects and our schedules and left after 40 minutes. Our shortest one :)
  10. I know it is not mice friendly, but in case the mice don’t understand it is YOUR house not theirs, we use mice glue :blush:
  11. Thislinks to practice makes perfect german: http://monsieurgael.free.fr/docs/Books/German/06.Practice%20Makes%20Perfect%20German%20Pronouns%20and%20Prepositions.pdf Not sure if dd could make work an English-German text though :) So far she got German only textbooks (with explanations in dutch from me)
  12. The workbook is in the back of the textbook. I don’t know what is in the online course. Be aware that the tests might be hard and sometimes seeming impossible. Most students -I think-will need some help with preparing those tests.
  13. Thanks for all those replies to my question about vertelde tijd en verteltijd! This was for the part of the exam ‘know this words and be able to use them’. She was also working on a book report/analysis (not one of her exam books but a practice one) and working on that vocab for literature analyse list helped to process the book.
  14. Dd Abandoned Berliner Platz Neu. The workbook is in the back of the textbook so one has to flip back and forwards. The idea should be that after exercise 1 in the textbook one make exercise 1 in the arbeitsbuch but these are not connected to each other. So that felt pretty jumpy. As it is geared to adults she considered some of the topics boring. We did not finish chapter 1. She would like a solid grammar + exercises though, and more writingexercises
  15. It is about literature analyse, But seeing you all struggling with these concepts give us confidence :) I think the english words are narritive time & narration time, Does that sounds familiar?
  16. I will answer back when it is morning here :)
  17. YesThe flemish and dutch do... It is in our exam requirements for Dutch, English, German and French :) It makes a difference if one needs 5 pages for 50 minutes in a story or 5 sentences. It is about the pace of a story....
  18. Yes, German has the same problem according to wiki: Erzählzeit erzählte Zeit Dd understands the difference pefectly, but she mixes word - meaning all the time because the words are so close.
  19. Hi guys, Can you help us with English Literature Vocab? In dutch we have: Verteltijd = the actual amount of pages or sentences that is needed to tell about a certain time frame Vertelde tijd = the actual time frame that is covered by the story As you can see, those words are pretty similar in Dutch, and therefore confusing. We hope that English (or French or German) has also words for this but less similar, so we can remember the difference better. Does anybody knows such words?
  20. I love it! I think lowering to 150 - 175 would be nice. I would feel less guilty then when a book has 185 pages.... Most books I read have more pages, but debute author was one that was hard to find :)
  21. Continuing 2 books: - the Mann family biography I would have like a biography about Thomass Mann’s youth and life and writing of Buddenbrook more propably then this book. - the book about Dvorak is - to me - not an easy just for bedtime read. I think I am missing some background knowledge to put this book in :)
  22. Does the person exercise enough? And with exercise I mean just ordinary walking, cycling nothing ‘special’. If it is depression, a lot can improved by enough exercise. According to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Spark-exercise-improve-performance-brain-ebook/dp/B009S8HE2C/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1512288467&sr=1-1&keywords=Spark A lot of mental health issues would improve if people were moving enough.
  23. In our flemish newspaper a journalist wrote today about her reversed advent calender. In stead of adding more stuff in house, she put each day something away in a box to bring the box to a thrift shop around christmas. It resonated to me personally, but it might not be what you are looking for.
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