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Everything posted by Loesje22000

  1. This! I use 4 amazon sites: .com .fr .co.uk .de Our kindle is linked to the .com site
  2. This is me: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/40511334-loesje
  3. For the Brit Trip Shakespeare level, does this count for the play: https://www.loge10.be/oliver-twist It was in Flemish, and I know Oliver Twist is not a play it self. But Classic plays are a rarity in the area here. We saw it last week :)
  4. Knowing I can use a Cambridge one works too! I didn’t want to give you extra work...!!!
  5. As I visit the Library once a month, I am looking forward. Am I right that for Huntingdonshire no recommanded books are available? And I can count a book both for BINGO and Brit trip right?
  6. This lady darby mystery is cheaper now: https://www.amazon.com/Pressing-Engagement-Lady-Darby-Mystery-ebook/dp/B014EOUNZO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1517321866&sr=8-1&keywords=annalee+huber+kindle I wonder why the other volumes are 10-15 euro per volume... :(
  7. Next year is a combination of 11th/12th grade I suppose, so dd will attend a lot of exams. As we try to pass Geography and French (oral and written) this year, we will try anything but Latin, Math and Science next year. As not all the exam topics are equally interesting we try to supplement with subjects like Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology. The last year home (2019-2020) I would like to do some WTM / Great Books style.
  8. I finished : ‘The hate u gave’ and ‘the map that changed the world’ this week. I don’t consider both books as ‘enjoyable reads’ so I am looking for something more enjoyable :) The map that changed the world is for the carthography square.
  9. I love this!!! Thank you for all the work ! I am not sure I can join without buying too many books... :( But I would like to receive the printable version, just to see how far I will come. Amy, Robin has my email, is it possible to forward the printable version? My PM is still dysfucntonal.
  10. We could meet each other in Brussels then :)
  11. I only crochet and joined ravelry only for that reason :) Do it!
  12. Your son would be in 5th here, one birthyear is one class level. I don’t know much about the kangourou, it will be the first or second year there is a participition possible for homeschoolers. You can mail the organization in English. I know there is usually a lack of homeschooleres attending it so they have to skip the activity, but it seems this year will actually a kangourou here!
  13. Just want to let you know there will be a kangoeroe in Belgium too: https://vhov.be/535/inschrijven-kangoeroewedstrijd/
  14. The exercise is: Under 160 students of the Humanities track (60% girls) have been held a research about the amount of minutes they spend on learning for the latest math test. The result is on the boxplot below (I can't manage to upload a photo so I'll try to describe it) The boxplot starts at 0 with a line, the box start at a dot without number (in the middle between 0 and 1), the mediaan is at 1, the box ends at a first dot after 1 before 2, we guess it is 1 1/3 the line continues until a dot after 2. We got question A and B right. Question c is: what is the % of the students that studied more then 1 hour and 20 minutes. ( we thought 25 %) Question d is: how many students studied between the 30-60 minutes (we thought 40 students) Both answers are part of the intervals the asnwer key mentions: c) [0.625;25] d) [0;40]
  15. We are in a statistics chapter and are learning to read boxplots. So far so good, but what we don’t understand is why questions about percentages or number of students have answers in intervals, not in 25% or 40 students. I can try to translate the exercise tomorrow (GMT+1 time) if that would help.
  16. http://www.averbode.be/Pub/catalogusvl/Volgens-vak/Vakken-Initiatie-Frans.html
  17. I finished this week Last Girl, for the Nobelprize square. Very good to read how news flashes touches ones personal lifes. Very touchy topics too. I finished Yemma, a book from a Marrocan-Dutch author and the problem he faces when his analphabetic muslim mother gets Alzheimer and how the care system is not ready for the situation. I also finished the rule of four for Bingo reading.
  18. unusual stuff in our context: - sociology - psychology - neuropsychology
  19. Yes of course!I read both Stephanie and Stephan Zweig! Mmm, Q, Quintin Blake has not written anything? Just draw pictures? David Quammen?
  20. Do you like Zola? I like several but not all of his books, and could be used for Z author too...
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