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Everything posted by Supertechmom

  1. we simply can not allow anyone representing the government to impose their personal beliefs. We have too many religions in this country and too many that are in direct conflict with each other. I do not want to live in a country where any time I travel I will drive through or visit an area with laws that are upheld based on who's religion is in office. The laws are there to be carried out without bias. Don't like the laws, don't take the job. Lobby to change them. Work the system we have created. But do not decide I will not based on my religion do the job I was elected to do.
  2. And my baby is seven hours away, sick. He went to a doctor and handled everything himself and well is just so dang grown up. :hurray: But still, he probably could use a meal that didn't mean walking half a mile to the dining room. Instead, he took his medicine with half a bag of Doritos and thinks he has another bag stashed away. :crying:
  3. MIne has been gone a couple of weeks and I still tear up . It is grief for sure. I am excited he has started this new chapter. He has such a great future laid out for him and is so excited to be going. We did a good job and raised a great son. The reality that he may not even have summers to come back due to internships and co-ops means this break is pretty much his launch on his own. It is exciting to hear how his classes are going and how much he loves his new life. I still get the right to grieve over losing the day-to-day and adjust to our new normal while enjoying the newness and excitement he is experiencing. One feeling doesn't negate the other. And I agree that we college moms need a boo-hoo and atta girl lunch. We raised these kids and we know how awesome they are. IN kindergarten they were cute, sweet, and darling,(what 5 year old isn't precious) the real them was still in progress. At college, they are beginning to mature into their adult lives. And they are pretty cool people to know. It is sad that they leave now when they are so interesting on an adult level. So ignore your IRL peeps. you can be sad and happy all at once.
  4. so how old is Charlie Brown???
  5. Last house we sold, our agent and the buyer agent were besties. Bestie had a very difficult pain in the rear buyer who fell in love with our house. Except they were really were a pain. Our agent was far more busy trying to force us into a sale to them than selling the house for us. When they placed the offer, she was so excited and demanded we sign and close. Except for a multitude of issues that I was like uh, no. She was all fussy with me because I refused to accept their offer and countered on everything. Just know exactly what you are willing to do. We wanted a certain price after paying all the fees and such. We refused to fix anything as we listed the house "as is". We refused to pay closing costs.
  6. This happened to me two weeks ago. They then created a card and made mutiple swipes at one Wal mart which is what flagged the fraud.dept. thank goodness as my account was frozen before they took any more.
  7. Anyone going to be at Alabama orientation Monday and Tuesday?? If you are PM me if you want to meet up for lunch or dinner. Would be nice to meet some WTM members.
  8. SC. " No alimony may be awarded a spouse who commits adultery before the earliest of these two events: (1) the formal signing of a written property or marital settlement agreement or (2) entry of a permanent order of separate maintenance and support or of a permanent order approving a property or marital settlement agreement between the parties. " SC Code of laws It was written so the male wage earner wouldn't have to support a cheating wife after a divorce. Today's society works a little different but with so many women working, alimony is becoming a moot point. Most are being given short term alimony to help achieve a better paying job to compensate for the loss of income and retirement. And to make it even better, the grounds for an affair is considered being alone behind closed doors for a few hours. SO an ass can cheat on his wife, hire a private eye to catch her behind closed doors with a guy for any reason and bam no alimony. my sis had to be very careful until everything was signed. She never went anywhere alone. And the law upholds same sex adultery even while the state refused to accept same sex marriage .Though the judge did say he would want something more solid like photos before he ruled on that. Know the law.
  9. if he suggested you have an affair, I would likely say he has consulted an attorney. In my state, if the wife has an affair which gives a basis for a divorce, then she doesn't get alimony. Also when my sister went through her divorce any reconciliation started everything over again. Including finances and such. Her ex waffled between you should have an affair and we should get back together until the very end. Stay strong. Be very sure of the divorce law in your state.
  10. I've had a feeling before. And called security on the dude. He was arrested as he turned out to be a kidnapper. He had been stalking me and the Littles in a mall. Nothing obvious but enough that I knew he was following me. Once I sounded the alarm, he left me alone but was later found trying to get a little boy to go off with him. Had I not alerted security, no one would have known to watch out for him
  11. We haven't used the math classes but we did use them for online tutoring for Calculus. John handled finding us a tutor that fit my son's style. Everything seemed to work fine. We used them for two years and he finished up with AP Calculus with a 5 on the test.Always professional and always concerned with making sure the sessions were working for us.
  12. My second son was in a similar fix except he had severe headaches too. He had not had any trouble before but at one well visit he had grown 5 inches in a short time and had a 16 degree curve. The curve was found in trying to solve the headaches. I took him to the chiro after the ortho was 1) scary in his predictions 2) and then a somewhat laizeafaire approach. The chiro stated he could not fix the scoliosis but he might could keep it from getting worse. Anyway, it at least was an approach that made sense as he also provided back exercises to strengthen the back muscles and some physical therapy instead of the "wear a back brace until 25 years old and do surgery to correct it if worse" approach of the ortho. Which wouldn't solve the headaches that started the whole process. We did 3 times a week treatments for months and slowly progressed to once in awhile visits. This started when he was 10. He's now 14. Now we go whenever my kid says his back feels out of whack or when he has a growth spurt. The curve is now like 2 degrees. The ped said sometimes curves develop in periods of fast growth and chiro treatments can help those. The chiro said sometimes you can straighten the curve out during growth spurts as the bones and muscles move and grow. Between the exercises and the chiro treatments it worked for us as it seems to be related just to fast growth. We just keep up with the growth spurts and go back to weekly visits during those times.
  13. Not all bleed heavily after birth. I had natural births without inductions but I was always given a heavy dose of pitocin after birth to control bleeding. It worked really well as my bleeding was never heavier than a period and lasted just a couple of weeks. I had hyperemesis as well so maybe the docs were trying to give me a break by not letting me bleed tons. maybe the same for her?
  14. Another vote for call the mom. I have two Celiac kids and myself and we do not eat at other people's homes unless they are very very in the know about gluten free. Sometimes we coordinate and bring something similar to what is being served or know to bring a replacement for part of it. Just depends.
  15. Nope, played that game with my mom as a kid and nope. Just nope. we play how many times can we switch from heat to cool air and back in a day. Some mornings, it is too chilly to take a bath but by afternoon, it is way too hot not to have cool air. Then evening is just a little too chilly for comfort. I have switch and I know how to use it! :laugh:
  16. Period. AMEN The whole thing needed to be posted again because liking it isn't enough. .
  17. Here's a link that compares vaccines in European countries. http://vaccine-schedule.ecdc.europa.eu/Pages/Scheduler.aspx Japan's schedule: http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/images/vaccine/schedule/2014/EN20140401.pdf HTH!
  18. Add another to the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. He has been given full scholarship, engineering scholarship and has been admitted to the honors college and is awaiting to hear about the fellowship program. Awesome! As we couldn't afford to send him to college any other way. Was admitted to UNC at Asheville but haven't heard anything about scholarships yet. Any WTMs attending Capstone at Bama this weekend?
  19. I don't understand this. Why can't he make choices? Being first gives you no special rights to lord your choices over everyone else (Can you tell I am the baby in my family) Being the baby gives you no right to spoil everything for the olders. We rotate. Everyone has their "time". Each kid gets to pick the dinner on certain days (oldest picks Tuesday, second on Wednesday, Third on Thursday and baby on Friday) Car ride to some place, one kid picks music, ride back another does, Everyone has their own place to sit in the car and at the table. Books are picked in similar fashion. Being the middle child isn't a wasteland. It is a time of knowing when your turn comes and that everyone gets a turn. And then you make sure the turns roll around. For years, we posted it on the fridge - It's your DAY!! with their name under it. The olders accepted the baby got to choose and they sucked it up and enjoyed it or else their day may not come. If choosing is an issue, set up system to give him a voice. Let him have authority. Headstrong difficult kids need choices, need to feel needed, need to feel independent. And I agree with others, the more difficult the child is for one person, the more they need that person.
  20. Possibly... the two I talked to "preferred to place dogs in homes without children so all the attention could go to the dog" So I was going a different direction.
  21. We have finally decided to get a puppy now that the fence is up. It's been long enough without a dog in the house. Hubby though is in sticker shock over the price of dogs lately. 1000.00 for a lab, 1200 for a golden doodle mix, even the hounds are $800 and up. (all of those used to be yard dogs that everyone had!) I found several that would work until he saw the price tag. :glare: I am out of luck trying to find a puppy of any kind under 400.00 for *Christmas* Breeds we are considering: Danes, mastiffs, hounds, labs, retrievers Breeds that are out: any thing "toy", small breed, pits, boxers,chows, German shepherds. If you know of a neighbor or friend that has some puppies that aren't made out of gold.....could you pm me? Thanks *really considering getting two puppies. (Southeast USA area)
  22. My hubby has been using it the last 3 visits and has nearly 10.00 already. We live in an area with several competitors so I think that makes a difference.
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