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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Communication (6 SCH) Mathematics (3 SCH) Life and Physical Sciences (6 SCH) Language, Philosophy and Culture (3 SCH) Creative Arts (3 SCH) American History (6 SCH) Government/Political Science (6 SCH) Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 SCH) The Component Area Option (6 SCH) OK what's a "Component Area Option" ? your major??
  2. The 50 Best Online High School Diplomas https://thebestschools.org/rankings/best-online-high-school-diploma-programs/
  3. You are hinting that the DE courses are easier for the students to get a passing grade then AP ... when the going gets tough we look for an easier route Of course - AP is a single test on a particular day (student could be sick, family emergency, etc) AP still sets a nation wide standard for honors level high school and we have so little of that in this country
  4. If someone is ambitious they could locate all the non-school AP sites and post them here for future reference (we have no issues DS goes to a B&M Charter)
  5. post here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/7-accelerated-learner-board/
  6. Judging by the new hires at my company over the last two decades - very few people marry their college sweetheart anyways - these young men and women formed their social circles at outside work activities (such as around coed softball, soccer, volleyball, etc) and met people through those networks. It was the same for me many decades ago at a different company. This may not hold true in a very small company.
  7. ^ the only real negative I could come up with We are also in the same situation looking at a smallish Polytech versus large state U. My DS would say the same. When I went to college, my school which turned coed less than a decade earlier had a ratio of about 4:1 - we did a fair number of roadtrips to nearby schools which were in the reverse situation. Many years later it is 50/50. [ I am certainly giving away a big hint on when I went to college here :) ]
  8. IMHO - I think that Primavera has a rep as a non-academic check the box school.
  9. That is sad. At least in AZ we have some choices. What about state paid for online charter schools - a few of these have more some challenging AP and honors classes? It was one of our options here in AZ. We went the B&M charter route.
  10. This is a little too generalized but makes some good points. Many states offer some kind of school choice option at the high school level to allow a more challenging high school experience. I believe much of the fault is with the parents who don't want to challenge their kids and accept that the average HS class is sub-standard so their child can get a an easy B. The school administrators tend to kow-tow to these parents when they complain. At my son's B&M charter they were very surprised when I complained that the math and science classes were too easy! [Due to it's small size it does not have "honors" versions of these classes.] I do agree grade inflation is rampant compared to my time in HS. not all CC are bad see: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/646969-when-did-high-school-become-jr-college/?p=7618185 Our local CC just recently went through an accreditation "scare" but it had nothing to with the academics it was all about administrative mis-conduct and sexual harassment. Those are important but seems like that would be a county legal issue not an accreditation issue.
  11. TECH003: Introduction to Technology that is NOT Engineering IMHO there have been a few threads in past
  12. Unless it has changed since my Engineering college days - Calc 3 was considerably harder than Calc 2
  13. Unless DC goes to an elite college courses like Calc 1 and Calc-based Physics 1 can be taken early for credit. Of course, knocking off gen eds is also a good plan.
  14. high schools these have some info but will not tell the whole story https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/rankings-overview http://www.greatschools.org/ https://www.schooldigger.com/
  15. agree on both^ if they are not doing family chores yet - get them started now it only gets worse lots of resistance coming your way - the natural progression of teenagers try to understand their developing personality and work with it
  16. Actually He mentioned that after I shared what I learned here with him. by the way, I want to thank everyone in the hive that help out with answering these type questions it saves me hours of search and read time. My friend has nominated me as his "college adviser" for his son because I seem to know so much ( all learned here!!). :lol:
  17. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/through-engineers-eyes started already but for $54 you can get unlimited access (maybe after trying it out)
  18. Hopefully a 529 covers the death of the owner before college starts - not sure.
  19. IMHO CC failure is due to a lack of parental/mentor support/guidance. Typically the failed student comes from a background where nobody went to college. The parents also have to convince the student that college is a step up from high school and serious study habits need to be utilized. Also due to open enrollment, some CC students attempt a field of study that they are just not capable of doing,
  20. Curious - was this a problem from a Precalc book or is it some kind of challenge problem? DS did some limits at the end of Pecalc but nothing as challenging as this problem.
  21. My mother created 529s for all the grand kids with her money perfectly ethical. Besides the future college student parent could ask the grandparents to set up a 529 in lieu of a possible future inheritance (assumes that the grandparent has the funds available).
  22. A grandparent owned 529 for the student used in the student's Senior year of college would be even better.
  23. I would use multiple texts as needed - your student might find that certain topics might be easier to understand in the alternate text there are some free texts online Put together an outline of what you think needs to be covered for Algebra 1 you could use the Derek Owens Algebra 1 outline you can also purchase his workbooks for a reasonable price on Lulu http://www.lulu.com/shop/derek-owens/algebra-1-semester-1-student-workbook/paperback/product-22920373.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/derek-owens/algebra-1-semester-2-student-workbook/paperback/product-22920369.html maybe just use the second semester workbook to save some money and allow transition to Derek Owens Algebra 2
  24. x never gets to 0 that's the limit concept - try it in calculator with a very small x
  25. I have a friend and his wife who have been "under-employed" since the 2007-8 bust. They have been frugal in the previous years when income was higher so they do have some savings/investments and a house (with mortgage). They had children later in life and are approaching retirement age (less than a decade away). They have a rising Junior in HS. Would FAFSA expect them to contribute a large percent of their savings toward college? (they never had high income - they went from middle-middle to the low end of lower-middle)
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