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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Math Without Borders has a Foerster's sequence: https://mathwithoutborders.com/ of course you could use a different Geometry text review: https://www.mathmammoth.com/complete/foerster_algebra_1_home_study_companion.php There is no absolute correct order - some folks do Algebra 2 right after Algebra 1 but a more typical order is: Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2/Trigonometry Precalculus
  2. UC Scout online would not be a good choice for a "credit recovery" HS. They should be excluded in these kind of stats anyways - I have some friends with students at these type schools - they are really just checking the box - the education is quite sub-standard (this is coming from the parents)
  3. These schools should look around - UC Scout offers good (not great) quality Physics programs at fairly reasonable prices for other states (mostly free in California) - certainly better than no course at all IMHO. https://www.ucscout.org/ My DS' small B&M charter here in AZ using it now to fill in AP course offering "gaps". It works well for motivated students.
  4. How sad - i watched him play on TV this past season he had talent - must have had demons as well. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2018/01/17/washington-state-qb-tyler-hilinski-found-dead-in-apparent-suicide-police-say.html
  5. I guess everyone is trying to get into those 56 colleges of 25% admits or less !! some majors in public colleges have much lower admits than shown ======================================================================= they should keep same panels for all views and settings and just put 0 (zero) where appropriate
  6. The current lowest common denominator standard is prepared to take Precalc or College Algebra as "College Prep" so that's what some high schools are doing. It's horrible!
  7. Since you posted on the Afterschooling board I will assume that is your intent. Afterschooling is supplementing the brick and mortar school using home-schooling methods. (I did this with my DS from 7th grade to now Senior in HS). I wish I had started earlier. ===================== To answer your question - your student is very young so start with a topic that you both would enjoy - work that out with him/her - don't make it too much work - lean towards fun! Mark
  8. The father probably should be listed as the Home Schooling Parent on official records. Good observation. May God bless you for your effort and good luck going forward. Mark
  9. Try to find some online syllabi by Google search 1) "actual title of text-book" syllabus 2) "actual title of text-book" pacing do not use quotes around the book title This should help you create your own. Good Luck Mark
  10. May or may not have some posted reviews for your list: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/638806-master-list-of-on-line-classes/ ============== WTM internal search is very weak. use this style in Google - important "your search string" site:forums.welltrainedmind.com
  11. Take the full ACT practice test (my DS HS Senior took that) - the ACT is more "comprehensive" across different "subject groups". My DS also took the SAT practice test. After taking both and looking at how he scored he felt that SAT was his best route. He ended up not taking the real ACT. He scored well on the SAT and has been offered Merit scholarships to colleges. Take practice tests as close as possible to real testing - bubble sheets, calculator, timed, etc Per my DS they are still different enough - have your student involved in the process! Since your student is in 10th grade he can do the practice tests early next summer after your "scheduled school year" obviously if you go year-round then ignore that. If your student has a shot at National Merit then take PSAT for real in 11th otherwise you skip that. My DS received NM commended which I believe helped with his merit aid offers. Mark
  12. https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2018/01/15/counselor-issues-critique-college-admissions-demands-are-pushing-high
  13. I thought it was 10 years. "How many years do you have to work to get Social Security? If you were born in 1929 or later, you need to work at least 10 years to become eligible for Social Security. The SSA determines eligibility with a system of credits. Basically, you earn up to four credits for every year worked, and you need a total of 40 credits to qualify for Social Security. Feb 22, 2017 "
  14. Yes the less you call it a "class" the better - at this stage in their life the students need to start "owning" the "process" - you can provide the tools and the knowledge how to use those tools. 1) You could get SAT/Prep material that is provided/sold to schools that is much harder to acquire as a pure home school. 2) Create a template worksheet that each student could use for comparing colleges their specific admission requirements such as SAT subject tests. 3) ... all of the aove maybe have part of "class" in 11th grade and part in first semester 12th Good luck
  15. see if your library has: https://www.thegreatcoursesplus.com/statistics-made-clear ================= free "sample" ================= using the R language https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjlnbdCliaJFMYUr3lclNuMYT0v6AghLN
  16. Which chapter in the text are they about to start or have started?
  17. that's a fairly old text so the school is probably adding some "Common-Core" like items which may not be covered/explained well. Do all the HW assignments / problem sets come from the text book? Any Hand-outs? You have a bunch of good suggestions from the folks here - I am trying to pursue a more "technical" path.
  18. Do you have the ISBN for the particular text that they are using?
  19. Looks like he completed a conceptual physics course. Too bad he didn't enjoy it. At least he knows what he won't be majoring in college.
  20. You are looking for an online learning environment. from Wikipedia: " In the U.S. higher education market as of fall 2016, the top three LMSs by number of installations were Blackboard (33%), Moodle (19%) and Canvas (17%). The same three systems lead in terms of number of students enrolled, but in a different order: Blackboard (45%), Canvas (24%), Moodle (17%). " I believe most of these have a free version with basic or better capability.
  21. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/639219-flvs-ap-class-reviews/ https://blog.prepscholar.com/best-online-ap-courses-reviewed
  22. This will give you further info: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement The AP exam score is the primary factor (along with any labs for science courses) for determining college credit or advanced placement.
  23. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/11/adjunct-faculty_n_4255139.html
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