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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. Yes these companies are not so naive to think that if critical work is performed directly in China, India, etc that it won't end up in a competitors hand. Money talks. Saving a little on salaries for high tech firms is penny-wise pound-foolish.
  2. Some of the AZ charters in lower wage areas do provide some transportation for example: http://www.southgateaz.org/transportation.html
  3. Magnet schools are another good choice if available!
  4. 1) Charters are certainly not perfect in any way. The reason I ended up hanging out in the hive is that the charter schools my DS attended had deficient Math programs because they rushed the students to higher levels than they could handle and then the teacher was forced to slow-down/dumb-down the whole class. I ended up after-schooling Math with DS from after 7th grade (Algebra 1) to after 10th grade (Precalc). Finally for Calculus, (11th and now 12th) he had a very good teacher and I could confidently turn the reins over. The hive was extremely helpful in finding the correct textbooks to use for this adventure. 2) Homeschooling was never a viable option for our family - it was hard enough doing the after-school Math. You folks doing full-time homeschooling are quite incredible.! 3) Life is a compromise! I was never totally thrilled with either boys' education. Please re-read what I wrote. I "believe" I was strongly stating my opinion (this is a chat board) not trying to "put down" the OP. Insightful public debate is the sign of an open society which seems to be slipping away into fiefdoms or silos these days. Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Mankind Mark
  5. interesting quote: There are millions of Scotts in the modern economy. “A lot of workers were just 18 at the wrong time,” says William Spriggs, an economics professor at Howard University and an assistant secretary for policy at the Department of Labor in the Obama administration. “Employers didn’t say, ‘Oops, we missed a generation. In 2008 we weren’t hiring graduates, let’s hire all the people we passed over.’ No, they hired the class of 2012.” later on But the blame doesn’t only fall on companies. Trade groups have responded to the dwindling number of secure jobs by digging a moat around the few that are left. Over the last 30 years, they’ve successfully lobbied state governments to require occupational licenses for dozens of jobs that never used to need them. It makes sense: The harder it is to become a plumber, the fewer plumbers there will be and the more each of them can charge. Nearly a third of American workers now need some kind of state license to do their jobs, compared to less than 5 percent in 1950. In most other developed countries, you don’t need official permission to cut hair or pour drinks. Here, those jobs can require up to $20,000 in schooling and 2,100 hours of instruction and unpaid practice. oh yeah who would hire a plumber these days unless it was a major job - you would do it yourself - barter with a friend - or hire a handyman
  6. I don't necessarily agree with all this - in the past I was quite involved in hiring Engineers for our company. Not everyone has opportunities for many of these items listed. The things I focused on for college grads with no relevant experience: 1) Upper level course-work, was it challenging and could the candidate tell me what they liked or disliked about class X (especially project classes) 2) Enthusiasm in the interview for the type of work for the positions we were trying to fill - no pulse no offer ! Most of my hire recommendations that were eventually hired turned out to be quite successful. I trust my gut. Derek did say that the candidate had some qualities. Of course "business" hires may be totally different - I did not interview those type folks.
  7. 1) More charter schools were created in our area and most no longer have waiting lists. Also the public elementary schools stepped up and they are good as well! We have used both. I do believe that charters do NOT do a good job with truly special need students and I hope that the district above has a public school that they could attend. I have two sons: one gifted one with special needs (non-verbal autistic) ================================================================ 2) I am open to suggestions - start new thread with some ideas - complaining without offering some ideas/solutions is just too easy.
  8. The school seems like a failure - let it go This is from my fiscal conservative side - charters are there to help with "competition" Personally I think public charters have provided this in AZ (but many still need some more fiscal oversight). Maybe a successful charter could take over the physical property. In general, I am opposed to vouchers for private and parochial schools.
  9. Boy that's a sad commentary on that major from an overall highly rated school. I would assume that one majors in International Business to be employed in a business with some multi-national aspects and not just for the "experience".
  10. Hmm - College Spanish 101 here at area colleges is more like 15 weeks of HS Spanish 1 and much of 2.
  11. [TANGENT] I own this https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/how-music-and-mathematics-relate.html I have watched about half of it but really like it so far. [ I never learned enough music growing up because as child #5 my parents did not have the time nor money for my lessons that some of my older siblings received (and I have little natural musical talent - that I learned later on - so probably a good choice on their part)] I listen to and enjoy music each day. When asked "What instrument do you play?" ans: I play the radio.
  12. https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/textin-in-2017?utm_term=.nu23X5Jl0#.jqZD48eW6> some are quite funny!
  13. First of all try to see what interests he has versus any career programs that are available. Also discuss any "natural skills" he may possess. Maybe do some guidance counseling. Do you have someone that can do that?
  14. What Do SW Engineers Listen to While They Work? https://www.designnews.com/design-hardware-software/what-do-engineers-listen-while-they-work/174225722257024 some more trivia not to care about! :laugh:
  15. I think our local Walmart pays close to that for starting overnight shelf stockers these days with some benefits.
  16. Johns Hopkins part of coalition seeking to increase transparency on life science career prospects https://hub.jhu.edu/2017/12/14/biomedical-workforce-coalition-for-students/
  17. My brother used to be an Economics professor - he left academia years ago because of crap like this by the deans at his UT campus. Good riddance to that dean.
  18. listed in dealnews.com as Up to 90% off textbook rental or purchase https://www.amazon.com/New-Used-Textbooks-Books/b/ref=amb_link_1?tag=dealnewscom&ie=UTF8&node=465600> Is this just the standard rental? I never understand Amazon that well.
  19. One of my DS' classmates/friend got into MIT as well and is probably going there next year.
  20. Start with that. Good enough - then borrow stuff from your library The student is starting at a fairly low level.
  21. A fair amount of folks here look into using online (virtual) charter schools. (this article uses the term "cyber charter") An Education Week Investigation of the Cyber Charter Industry https://www.edweek.org/ew/projects/rewarding-failure-cyber-charter-investigation.html some of the articles are older
  22. Got offer for free sign up today: https://brilliant.org/?utm_medium=sponsor&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=betterexplainednewsletter_131217> Does anyone find it useful? TIA
  23. For our college searches, Niche.com has been helpful and their data seems to match what I know about some of the particular schools (like my alma mater). Good luck in your search.
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