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Everything posted by DesertBlossom

  1. Chevron. I guess I just never really understood the appeal.
  2. It'a funny because as I was reading the book (literally, in my hand) I was sitting near my 7 year old who was pushing this old rickety metal bench swing. He pushed it hard and then tried to jump on it, and nearly slipped. He had this look of horror on his face. Thankfully, he held on. Had he fallen, he would have landed hard on a concrete step below the swing. Immediately afterwards he looked at me and said "did you get a picture?" and proceeded to so it again. And that one *is* my generally cautious child. But I had to LOL at the whole scene because I had just finished reading that chapter.
  3. My kids are 10 and under and we've had conversations about drugs and how they can be addicting and dangerous. Even cigarettes and how someone who just wants to try it out may find themself battling an addiction for the rest of their lives. I read "Why Gender Matters" and the author talked about how for boys, sometimes the danger is the appealing part. Boys are drawn to do stupid, crazy things. (Ever notice almost all the youtube "fail" videos are guys trying stupid stunts? Lol!) He said for boys sometimes you have to have a different conversation besides the inherent danger of drugs and alcohol. He suggested more of a "if you do it, here are the privileges that will be taken away, etc." Instead of just "you might do something stupid" it's a "you will definitely not have car privileges anymore" kind of thing. I would probably only have that conversation with an older kid who could actually be faced with an opportunity to try drugs, but I thought it was interesting that he felt the different genders benefitted from different conversations.
  4. I don't like the Bratz dolls either. But I haven't paid close attention to them either. When she takes paint off their faces it becomes a lot more obvious how young the doll is-- the head to body size ratio is much more childlike than Barbies-- which makes it that much more horrifying that they painted up with so much make-up. Icky. I love how her new face paint makes them look more like little girls. I prefer that so much more than adult Barbies.
  5. Oh I am quite aware that Castellano is Spanish. But Argentines are very particular about calling it Castellano. They act mildly offended if you call Espanol. Yes, it is probably mildly pretentious. 😉
  6. Argentines don't speak Spanish. They speak Castellano. 😉
  7. Me too! And I love pulling my kids' teeth out. Usually they won't let me though. It takes a lot of bribing. Like $5-10. A whole lot more than if it just fell out and they got their measly dollar from the tooth fairy.
  8. This sounded like the weirdest thing to me. But, are you talking about the popping sound your ears make when you yawn? I can make my ears do that without yawning completely, but I making the beginning of a yawn without opening my mouth. If that makes sense. If that's what you're talking about, I can do that! Doesn't sound so weird anymore. 😄
  9. None of the above. I pronounce it more like "past your eyes." Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  10. This drives me batty too. Can not stand it! Blech.
  11. Where can I watch this? I need to know! 😄
  12. I use power level 5. Which I think is about the same as PPs who stop and stir or give it a 30 second break. When I use PL5 I can hear it alternate between cooking and not cooking.
  13. Thank you. I've been doing okay so far. We're keeping our heads above water anyway. Eliminating diary hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. It would just be nice to be able to mindlessly put food in my mouth, ya know? :lol:
  14. Sorry if I'm sounding whiney about this. Life is stressful right now. I am essentially single-parenting this year with 6 kids under 10. (DH just deployed - don't quote) I want and need him to be an "easy" baby but finding the time to eat so carefully sounds hard. And I need easy. :crying:
  15. I googled and found this page. Now I'm just more confused. In the last week he's been more congested. But we've got colds going around the house and I've attributed it to that. He's not losing weight and I don't think his stools are mucousy. They are sometimes green, but all bf poop is thin. I even googled it and "normal" and "mucous" pictures looked the same to me. ?? In the last couple days he's got this slightly raised red rash on one cheek that clears up with aquafor, but I also attributed that to this cold going around. And this is after a month of no dairy, though I haven't been looking to eliminate soy.
  16. Bloody diapers would definitely be motivating to keep going. But how do I know that a diet is change will be helpful or necessary for my baby? I've never felt like foods I ate ever affected my other babies, so this is new to me. What warning signs should I be looking for to know if cutting out more foods are necessary? What things are "normal" and what indicates that something is wrong? Is this all making sense? I am committed to continue the dairy free diet and will continue that.
  17. I really appreciate all the replies. I have been thinking a lot the last few days. For anyone still checking back with this thread... how did you decide it was necessary to cut out other allergens as well. DS is 2 months and weighs 12.5 pounds. So he's growing well. He still has periods of fussiness some evenings. He does get himself riled up into purple-faced screaming pretty easily, especially if he isn't picked up right away. And he is a little bit grunty still but it's better. I wonder how much of that is "normal" and if it will even be helpful to do such a strict diet. He's more fussy than my other babies, but I joke that this is his way of making sure that as baby #6 he doesn't get neglected and is always held. 😉 I guess what I'm saying is I'm looking for an excuse not to do it. 😩
  18. I am more worried about turning the dryer on right before I go to bed than when I leave the house. If the house burns down, that sucks. If it burns down when we're all asleep... that's even scarier to me.
  19. I know the dairy proteins take a long time to get out of our systems. Is that also true for other things like gluten? I hope not. It would be nice to get some more immediate feedback. 😩
  20. I've been doing both and I can't say I see a difference either way. But I still try it when he's fussy.
  21. I've been eating dairy free for nearly a month now, and it seems to be helping. The first few times he laid there calm and content it was a little shocking because he'd never done it before. He's still not an easy baby, but things are much improved. I never did make an appointment with a ped GI. I wanted to see how things went first. He is still a little grunty and in the evenings he can more fussy. I'm not sure if I should pursue the meds or if I should try cutting something else out. Thoughts? Bonus: I've lost 7 pounds!
  22. This is definitely true. Though I can't help but think that MIL would be horrified if someone pointed out that her continuous talking has this effect on people. I'm not sure she could do anything to change it. But I think she would want to be someone who others could talk to without her constantly interrupting. I don't want to be the one to point that out to her though.
  23. I don't know if this really goes along with what you're saying, but it made me think of it. A good friend said that her husband mentioned that when he was having a hard time loving her, he would do service for her. At first she was like "when you have a hard time loving me?" 😉 But honestly who doesn't have a hard time loving their spouse now and then? I think it's true that it's hard not to like or love someone when you are helping them. Even if it's a "fake it till you make it" kind of situation. It can turn that glass on the counter situation into an act of love instead of an opportunity for contempt.
  24. During her last visit we were up in the mountains. The only cell phone reception required walking down the road a ways. I checked my text messages regularly just as an excuse to get out.
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