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Everything posted by DesertBlossom

  1. Ugh. It seems that there was so much wrong with the whole case. I hate to say it, but I would rather see a guilty man go free than an innocent man get locked up. Was it in the documentary where someone pretty much said that if SA hadn't been let free from jail for the rape than he wouldn't have been able to commit the murder? Did I hear that right? That just blows my mind. While it's horrible that TH was murdered, it's not okay that an innocent man was in jail. That line of thinking lends itself to the idea that we should/could lock up people who *might* commit crimes. It's not the job of the criminal justice system to try to prevent crimes. And it seems that's almost the reasoning they people had- they felt SA was no good scum who was better off lockdd up even if he wasn't guilty of this particular crime.
  2. I think my grandmother had some NPD qualities and her relationship with my mother was somewhat emotionally abusive. I also know she didn't feel loved as a child and I think many of the things she did as an adult stem from that. When it comes to the day of judgement I think many of those who couldn't or wouldn't see how their actions hurt others may be healed from their abuse or upbringing or a chemical imbalance, or whatever it may have been that affected them. (And I think we ALL suffer from from *something* that affects how we think and how we the world.) With that extra clarity and understanding of their actions I think they will be given the opportunity to repent. I don't have any scripture to back that up, it's just my feelings. There are a lot of really poor choices people make that are a direct result of experiences they'd had that have negatively affected their lives. And while I don't know much about NPD, I think it's possible that their choices and their inability to recongize the hurt they cause stem from experiences in their lives that messed them up. For me, while that means I don't have to put up with the abuse or allow that person in my life, it keeps me from feeling hate and anger towards them too.
  3. I was also going to say southern Utah. Zions is beautiful. Moab is a really neat place to see too.
  4. Dassey says he helped Avery move the car and that's how the DNA got under the hood? We didn't get to watch that part of his confession, but at this point I have a hard time believing he wasn't manipulated into saying that as well. The other evidence is interesting though.
  5. When his mom asked how he could have come up with all those details if they weren't true he said "I guessed." He really was just saying what he thought they wanted to hear. And then to hear him say he was stupid was really sad.
  6. I am only 3 episodes in, but I feel so bad for Brendan. From the recordings, it seems like he just had no idea what was going on.
  7. After doing some more reading last night, I will try eliminating dairy. (Even though I really need to be able to mindlessly feed myself... sigh) One website I was reading even mentioned avoiding deli meats because the same machines also slice cheese. Is it really necessary to be that vigilant?
  8. At the time, no he wasn't. He does like being swaddled. I usually only swaddle him when I am trying to get him to sleep though.
  9. I made an appointment with our PA for next week. We don't see a pediatrician. I had an appt for a Ped GI scheduled for this week bc DS was still somewhat jaundiced at 3 weeks and she wanted me to follow up with the GI just to rule out liver issues. (I'm not at all worried about the jaundice, but I didn't want to be accused of neglecting that so I was taking him in) Because of an insurance mix-up I had to cancel that appointment. So my plan is to take him to our PA, maybe ask for reflux meds, see about checking his stools for blood, and then maybe follow up with the GI whenever we get that appointment rescheduled. Hopefully the GI is a good one. I wasn't super impressed with their treatment of ODS (for an entirely different issue) but maybe she knows more about reflux. Hopefully. That's good to know. And I will do that. I am going to have to google the hindmilk/foremilk imbalance to see what I'm looking for. But what can you do about it if you do have an imbalance? Is dairy the most common culprit? It seems like it's what I usually hear about people eliminating first. I should try it. I am going to have to work up the courage. I've been wearing DS for most of the day and he's been better. He woke up this afternoon and I took him out of the moby, nursed him well and then he just fussed for at least an hour. I held him upright the entire time and he was just grumpy and squirmy and unhappy. I finally strapped him back into the moby and he did calm down a lot. I don't know what the difference is between just holding him and wrapping him up in the moby, but he is definitely happier and easier to calm when he did get grumpy. ?? And then he fell back to sleep.; I guess I may just have to wear this baby all day every day.
  10. I've never done that. I only have an old cheap hand pump. I don't know if it's strong enough to even empty me well.
  11. Blech. I could probably eliminate dairy. The rest just sounds so daunting. I feel like his spitting up is only after he's nursed a lot or cluster fed and probably over-eaten because it's usually right after that. And it's never a lot of spit up. I do put him on his stomach for daytime naps. He definitely sleeps better that way. He doesn't like the swing, except for once in a while, if he's sound asleep I can sneak him in it. I don't have a bucket car seat that comes out of the car. I've been wearing him today in my moby wrap which he's been doing well in. I usually only wear him when we're out because wearing him still limits what I can get done around the house... but I suppose it's still better than giving up and just carrying him in arms all day. ;) He was pretty happy that way. I will test this out and see if keeping him upright all day helps. I did pick up some gripe water.
  12. Sorry for all the replies..I don't know how to multiquote on my phone. I do think he's nursing okay. He's #6 for me, and this feels pretty normal. I haven't weighed him at the drs for a couple weeks, but according to my home scale (weighing me and then weighing me with baby) he is gaining weight well.
  13. I've heard that too. And since I have a pretty good milk supply, I nurse on the same side if he's "cluster nursing" and only switch if it's been a couple hours since he nursed. I also tend to let down rather forcefully, so I sometimes have to pull him until the milk quits spraying and put him back on. My babies usually figure out how to guzzle it down.
  14. I've heard that green or frothy bowel movements can indicate an intolerance, but so far DS has been having typical mustard yellow, seedy poops. And I've had bebies with more green poops than yellow, but without the symptoms. I *hoped* that meant this wasn't an intolerance issue. I suck at diets of any kind, especially at this point where we're still in survival mode. But I can try it... if I feel desperate enough. As far as the binky, I don't feel like it's hindering my milk supply. He only tolerates it at this point anywau, but he is nursing often enough my milk supply is doing great.
  15. I'm not opposed to trying that. I did take my last baby to one that a friend recommended for the same reason and it didn't help her. Not that it wouldn't help ds. But I will put that on my list of possibilities.
  16. I made an appt with our family doctor for next week. I am going to pick up some gripe water. It tried it with Dd but she projectile vomited that, which is why I haven't tried it with him.
  17. No, I wouldn't call it severe either. But I'm a single parent for a while with 6 kids, and realizing that I just can't ever put him down. No wonder I can't get anything done. He screams when he's put down, but he's not even happy being held. I can wear him, but he's still grumpy unless he's asleep. And I do feel like in the past couple weeks he cries more than just being generally grumpy. (Grumpy meaning grunty, constantly squirming, always making noise)
  18. Thank you. I am supposed to take him in to a Ped GI for another reason but our appt got canceled because he hasn't been added to insurance yet. I am hoping our family dr will see him sooner. I feel like he's slowly getting more and more fussy and I hate to wait 2 more weeks.
  19. Baby is 5 weeks and exclusively breastfed. He is nursing and sleeping well. But when he's awake he's just generally grumpy. He grunts and groans and occasionally works himself into full on screaming, even if he's being held. Which he is, almost always. But he's still grumpy. Unless he's asleep. He can sometimes be soothed with a binky but seems to tolerate it more than enjoy it. He will always calm down at the breast, even if he's just nursed well. I did read that can be a symptom of GERD because nursing forces the acid back down. He does spit up several times a day and I feel like it's mostly when he's eaten a lot or cluster nursed for a while. DD was a bit this way and Mylicon worked wonders for her. I've been trying that with him the last couple weeks and I can't say it's helping. We're cosleeping at night. He sleeps all night but just wakes up grunting, nurses and goes back to sleep. He will sleep for long stretches during the day, and prefers to sleep on his stomach. It's just his overall grumpiness while he's awake that has me concerned. It's almost strange to see him lie still and quiet when he's awake because he's hardly ever that way.
  20. It was r ight on for me, listing a handful of cities all a stone's throw from me, including the city I live in.
  21. We lived with my parents for a few months while DH was looking for a job. I had 3 small kids and my mom was so helpful. We got along great and I loved sharing household responsibilities. We only had a couple bedrooms to ourselves and most of our stuff was in storage. Besides the cramped living space, it was probably the best the situation could possibly be. However, by the time we moved out my relationship with DH was beginning to suffer. We needed our own space. I found that the interactions between DH and I were different because we almost always had an audience. We had no privacy except for our bedroom and we didn't hang out in the bedroom much. So we didn't get the alone time we needed and were used to. I felt like we had to "reset" our relationship when we moved out and got our space. So long story short, absolutely not. In a desperate situation, it might work. But I think it does a married couple good to have their own space and household.
  22. That situatiom has never happened for me. But I agree, if I trust the person enough to have my kids for a week, I trust them to find a babysitter.
  23. This is what it comes down to for me. I'm sure that a good photographer manages to get good candid photos of people, or at least knows enough to delete the unflattering ones. But I don't want random people taking candid photos that are gross and unflattering. And I reserve the right to say no to staged pictures when I'm not ready for them.
  24. Even with 6 pregnancies and fluctuating weight, DH has never said anything negative to me. Even when I feel gross and unattractive, he makes me believe he's still wild about me. And even when I try to (jokingly) trap him into admitting I'm not all that sexy, he manages a pretty awesome compliment.
  25. The university I went to (seems like yesterday) had traditional dorms with meal service, but also apartment style dorms as well, with full kitchens. I lived in an apartment style dorm because cooking myself was cheaper.
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