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Everything posted by DesertBlossom

  1. Oh, many people have been blunt. His kids. Doctors. Nurses. I would say he's got an eating disorder plus something else. The way he rationalizes things is just bizarre. We've done a lot to try to make healthy food accessible to him. He just makes other choices. Unless in the care of someone else and without access to the grocery store junk aisle, I don't think he will change.
  2. This is a lot of our dilemma. My dad is a Type 2 diabetic with poor eating habits. When his blood sugar gets high, he quits testing himself, like not seeing the number makes it go away. He's had several foot infections already and was hospitalized a couple times last year. If he were living with someone, eating healthy food and staying on top of his blood sugar, he'd feel better and live longer. Right now he's on the fast track to losing his feet altogether. And if he loses his feet, he would be forced to go to an assisted living place as I don't think any of us kids would be able to care for him. Nobody wants to make him move. But if he loses his feet are we going to regret not having intervened? Or is that not even our decision to make? It's just hard.
  3. I just saw this recently and the OP made me think of it. I was going to link it too. :)
  4. Not looking for advice. Just putting this out there. My dad is getting old, he isn't taking care of himself very well but he doesn't want to move in with any of his kids. Which is understandable. He'd be giving up privacy and independence and then moving out of the home he shared with my mother for nearly 50 years. I totally understand why he doesn't want to go. He's very much a creature of habit. He likes things the way they are. One of us kids stops by every single day to check in on him, help him, bring meals, administer meds, etc. Thankfully we all live really close and we're all happy to help. He wears a life alert button. But it's still not enough. My siblings and I we're all at this point where we very much agree that he needs to be living with someone. But he doesn't want to. And nobody is going to make him do it. It's just hard.
  5. They fixed it. DS was having the same problem catching the flap in the zipper. In fact, it got stuck once so part of the flap was cut to get it pulled out. They replaced the zipper and I could tell something else was different on the backpack until it dawned on me.... they totally removed the zipper flap from the backpack. I know it's the same backpack because it's got the exact same ink stain on the side. And I can see where the new stitching doesn't exactly line up with the old. (barely though, they did a great job) I don't care that the zipper flap is gone. I think it's supposed to make it more waterproof but it doesn't rain often enough here for me to worry about it. And it's one less thing to catch in the zipper.
  6. I bought a Jansport backpack at the start of last year for DS and one of the zippers quit working. We mailed it back to Jansport and they fixed it free. Yay!
  7. No, never heard of it. However, randomly the other day I saw a meme that said something along the lines of "When I die I want my remains to be scattered at Disneyland. Also, I don't want to be cremated." I totally lol'd. But, I didn't know scattering ashes at Disneyland was a thing.
  8. He turned six last month. We started LOE last August but we went really slow at first. Like really slow. He didn't seem to remember what we had done the day before and seemed to get frustrated easily so I didn't push it. About January we picked things up a little more, but then didn't do much over the summer. We started school and got back into things 2 weeks ago. I feel like he is retaining things a lot better now. He remembers what he learned the day before at least! We're only on lesson 50 though. :) He just has a limited attention span so we do the practice handwriting in his book (which isn't much) but that's it. I let him do the spelling words with tiles.
  9. My just turned 6 year old DS is doing well in LOE B right now. He's technically 1st grade because I put him in a one day a week enrichment program with our PS, but he's young for his grade and it shows. I am NOT at all worried about him. I feel like he's doing great for his age and his go-with-the-flow personality. My concern is with handwriting. It's slow and painful and I feel like he struggles with forming his letters correctly. He doesn't have any fine motor problems. He's just 6. So I haven't worried too much about it. We do the exercises in the book but for the spelling lists I always let him use letter tiles to minimize the writing. Tell me this is okay. Tell me that we can get more picky about handwriting next year. Or, if you disagree, tell me why not.
  10. If it was DH, who knows I hate surprises AND parties, I'd be pretty mad. I mean, I would fake it until everyone went home. But grrr.
  11. Today has been an especially frustrating day as well. I am fantasizing about what my life would be like if I put all my kids in school.
  12. I think the child's attitude can make a difference too. It's one thing if they know that they goofed up and recognize that they are asking a favor from someone who will have to take time of their day and are genuinely grateful for the help... versus an entitled attidude where mom exists for the sole purpose of bailing them out of their problems.
  13. I think there's a balance. I think allowing a child to experience a "soft failure" is okay, but it's also okay to reach out for help. If I needed help with something I would be shocked if DH told me essentially "too bad so sad." DS10 forgot his instrument ONCE all year, and never usually had to be reminded to take it with him. He's just been really responsible about it in general. So when he forgot it once, I had no problem bringing it to him.
  14. I took abx for a uti and I felt like the symptoms hadn't completely resolved by the time I had completed the antibiotics. I went back to the doctor and my urine sample came back negative. Long story short, I had a yeast infection because of the antibiotics. I got that treated and the burning went away.
  15. I can't say I've ever seen a homeschool tshirt I would want my kids to wear. However, I did make some shirts using freezer paper stencils. The front is our last name in a fun font and then numbers on their backs. They wear them sometimes on "field trips" and while they draw attention to our little circus, it is soooo nice to easily pick out my kids in a crowd in their matching shirts.
  16. Also, does anyone find it weird that the DH would stop by on their family vacation (of sorts) to say hi... I mean, they're neighbors. They can see each other whenever they want. Is DH good friends with textneighbor's DH? Do they hang out together? I find that part odd.
  17. It's just so bizarre. If it was just a text to let the DH know so he could watch the dogs then why lie about it? And if it wasn't about the dogs what on earth is he covering up? Whatever is going on, it doesn't sound like their marriage is very healthy.
  18. She thought being "Bible-thumped" would have been worse? :crying: The denial is strong. I feel really bad for her.
  19. I've been worried all day for the wife and didn't even think about the odds of Bolt being hog tied in the back of a car. Oh goodness.
  20. Go to a good shoe store that makes custom orthotics. There are shoes with removable soles just for that reason. And in a lot of different styles. Expensive though.
  21. Is there any chance she might mention to Yan she has plans to meet you?
  22. If text neighbor's boss is out of town, it would make it easier for her to skip work and hang out a hotel... depending on her work, I guess.
  23. I'd feel guilty because DH deserves my full fidelity and honesty. Cheating on him is being dishonest in our relationship. Keeping that secret is only adding to the lies. And even though there's a possibility my marriage might blow up and DH leave me over it, he deserves honesty. Hiding a secret like infidelity isn't exactly doing him any favors. And because I do love DH, I would feel compelled to be open and honest with him, even when it's hard.
  24. I don't know how it's manipulative to give everything to your marriage while also expecting your spouse to do the same. I've either not explained myself well or you've misunderstood what I wrote. If we were talking about a friendship or a relationship where it came out the friend was lying or being deceitful, the advice would be to set boundaries and protect oneself. I don't know how this is different for a marriage. And I don't believe you can compartmentalize something as serious as infidelity. It will affect other aspects of your marriage, even if it's not apparent that's why.
  25. On the flip side... if you (general you) had been the cheater, and the affair or ONS had been years prior, would you feel comfortable never telling your spouse about it? How would you justify that? I'm the type that walks back into the store to return or pay for a $1 item that I forgot in my cart or I feel weird about it. The guilt from an affair would eat me alive.
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