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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. :iagree: There are more issues here than being QF. Her and her DH need to get on the same page @ this.
  2. LOL I hope soon, but at the same time I am scared :D I turn 40 in October :scared:
  3. We have gone from no TV to cable, to none, to sat TV to none to sat again LOL. We are on the fence @ getting rid of it again, but I will miss House!!! :D
  4. I know my kids would love it and my 19 yo keeps asking me when we are haivng another LOL. It just hit me as I sat there looking at all the other moms that none were pregnant and how weird it would be, but I am weird anyhow :D
  5. and no I am not pregnant that I know of. But as I sat with my 18 yo at college orientation the other day, it hit me that I didn't see any pregnant moms there and I wondered how weird it would be to have a 19 yo and 18 yo and be pregnant. I know a few of you have had babies at 40 and I am curious if any of you have/had a baby and adult children at the same time?
  6. My older kids do school in their rooms and work pretty well that way, but I think it really depends on the kid. If you have one that needs constant prodding it might work better to have them in the same room.
  7. If you would have told me 20 years ago that I would be the mom to 10 kids and homeschooling them I'd have called you nuts LOL. :D We celebrate 21 years in August.
  8. ROFL! If we owned this place those cabinets would be GONE. Now to bury my head .....:leaving:
  9. Nevermind, I am too emabressed @ how UGLY this kitchen is LOL. Ignore me.
  10. Glad you are home and I look forward to the pictures.
  11. I have never tried the flax, but I did try it without the gluten and found it didn't rise as much and wasn't as soft that way.
  12. Thanks! I have never been to target so I didn't know @ this. I am going to see if we have one in my area.
  13. Me and my oldest DD have changed that we start within a day or two of each other. Very weird. DD 13 is still a week off from us though.
  14. Oh, I forgot about our blender, thats out too LOL. I don't have much cabinet space though and I don't know if I can fit all the appliances in cabinets. I am going to have to reorganize and see what I can do. We don't have a diswasher so the kitchen liiks like a distater hit most of the time even though we do the dishes 3 times a day.
  15. We have used this too and have been very happy with the results.
  16. I lived in Southern NH and Maine most of my life and VT would have been a choice for us. It's an absolutely beautiful state! And Ben and Jerry's! What else could you need? :D
  17. I am glad you have an answer to why you have been feeling badly and I hope you feel better soon! It takes @ 3 weeks for the thyroid meds to kick in.
  18. This is my wheat bread ( makes 2 loaves): 2 cups warm water 1/3 cup olive oil 1/3 cup honey 1 tsp salt 1tbsp yeast 4 tbsp wheat gluten Add to this 3 cups fresh ground whole wheat flour and mix in the kitchen aid for 1-2 minutes. Then add 2 1/2 more cups flour and let it knead for 9 minutes. Cover, let rise to double and punch down. Let rise again then shape into loaves and let rise in pans @ an hour. Bake 350 for 35 minutes. Lghtly brush with butter while warm. White Bread( makes 2 loaves): 2 cups warm water 1 stick melter butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp salt 1tbsp yeast Add in 3 cups white flour and let it mix for 1-2 minutes. Knead in another 3 cups flour, one cup at a time, until it pulls away from the side of the bowl. Cover, let rise to double and punch down. Let rise again then shape into loaves and let rise in pans @ an hour. Bake 350 for 30 minutes. Lightly brush with butter while warm.
  19. I have little kitchen counter space and it's always crowded by kitchen appliances. So I got wondering what you have on your counters? I have: crock pot toaster kitchen aid grain mill food processer coffee pot rice cooker griddle and we use these just about every day, it's a pitb to take them out and put them away. I need an island or something LOL.
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