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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Right now it's dry, but what I didn't know, and learned this week, is there are 2 kinds of dry; hard and soft. Soft is the worse kind of dry to have and is what I have. Soft is bad because the drusen is larger and tends to clump together which is what = vision loss. Soft also has a higher % of risk to lead to wet.
  2. I started with just a low fat, high fiber diet and eventually switched to something close to McDougall, but I am not 100% McDougall.
  3. I did a low fat, high fiber diet to ward off having my GB removed. I lost over 100#s and felt great, but did end up having it removed because it was too late. They say once you start having trouble it's too late and diet may help, but eventually you will have to have it out. You want to eat a low fat diet with lots of fiber ( the more fiber the better) and drink plenty of water. Tea should be fine, but coffee really bothered me. As far as the surgery it really was a breeze! I was in and home within 3.5 hours and up and about that night. I wish I had done it sooner as I am having trouble now that I think is retated to waiting too long.
  4. I think the only days I didn't have a baby are Wednesday and Friday.
  5. I have macular degeneration( was diagnosed 14 years ago) and I got a bad report from the doctor this week. I know God is bigger than this disease and I'd like to ask you all to lift this up to the Lord; that I have no vision changes now and in the future. I have to see a retinal specialist in a few weeks and I'd like to find out some answers to why and what exactly is going on.
  6. I'd love to be able to shop those sales too! Maybe it's a good thing I can't? LOL
  7. I need to place an order and would like to use a coupon. Any floating around out there? Thanks!
  8. I was bring my 9 yo, who was 2 at the time, to Boston's Children hospital for a check up. We were almost to Boston when we heard the news of the first plane hitting. We kept driving, thinking at the time that it was an accident. When the news reported the 2nd plane, DH took turned around and we headed home. The other kids were home with a sitter and I remember feeling absolutely panicked until we got home and were all together.
  9. Little late but here is ours: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/585971/
  10. I think 6 was the turning point for us from feeling small to feeling large.
  11. :iagree: I had always wondered how to teach them to study and these lectures were perfect!
  12. the first since starting his meds in March. I was really hoping with the meds that he wouldn't have any more seizures, so I am pretty discouraged. I am going to give the neuro a call today and see if they want to do anything different or see him, or just keep on until his next visit in October. I was wondering, can missing a dose of meds cause him or allow him a seizure that would of otherwise not happened had he taken his meds? He usually takes it @ 7PM and "we" forgot ( I wasn't home. Enough said) and the seizure was @ 10. He says he didn't get his morning dose either, but I am 99.9% sure I gave it to him, so I don't think that was the case.
  13. :grouphug: Thank you for the update. Praying for you.
  14. I said prayers, but I never said praying to WHO. I meant prayers, I don't care what your religion is-if you tried to pray in school you would be quieted. For the record I don't want prayer in school for the reason someone stated; prayers to who? I wouldn't want my kids subjected to forced prayers to Buddah or Allah or listening to Jewish prayers( sorry I don't know what to call that, no offense meant) nor would I want to force my religion on anyone else. Therefore I do agree with no prayer in school. However, I have no trouble with a moment of silence each morning to allow those who wished to pray the time to do so.
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