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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I think my 18 yo would really like that. He is the one who is out in the garage tinkering and stuff. Great idea, thanks!
  2. My 20 yo is easy because she wants gift cards LOL. But my oldest 3 sons? No clue! The older they get the harder it is to shop for them. I miss the days of buying legos, match box cars and some blocks LOL.
  3. I asked Dh to repaint the kitchen but I don't see that happening LOL.
  4. :iagree: When I told my 19 yo he the award no longer has any merit.
  5. DD 1 CC majoring in accounting( Works 20ish hours/week as a vet tech) DD 2 Unversity majoring in Civil engineering DD 3 CC majoring in business
  6. No, we are doing Medieval this year and did Ancient last. We plan on US next and US II the following year.
  7. I am doing this right now with a co-op class of K-2nd graders. We are using The Body Book from TCM ( I think). I am using the Kingfisher First Body Book as my spine and Head To Toe science as our experiment book.
  8. The year my now 8th grader was in K we were doing a worksheet for big bigger biggest. He said big bigger honkenest ( he used to call eveything big honken?) I about fell off my chair laughing .
  9. I don't have WA, we are using IEW themed books. Thanks for the link to Susan's series!
  10. We do R&S. It is thorough and gets the job done. It's not fun but my kids don't complain either.
  11. Thanks again, everyone. Yesterday we did the lesson from the book. The children that needed more work did the worksheet. I think knowing that if they get many wrong they have to do a worksheet might stop careless mistakes :D
  12. How do you use them? Right now I have been teaching the lesson one day and having them do the written and review questions, then doing the worksheet the next day. At this rate we will only get through half the book. I do like the worsheets so I'd like to keep using them, but I don't know if I want to drop the written book work either.
  13. I got married at 18 and have been married for 22 years, so I don't see age as an issue.
  14. We have a TON of credit card debt we are paying down. :banghead: We closed all our cards 18 months ago and never looked back. We use a debit card to purchase things online, rent cars etc.
  15. I found some magnetic tiles, very similar to AAS but already with magnetic backing, at a teacher supply store. We use these with SWR.
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