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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Don't take it personally. But maybe tell him gently that you think he's taking things out on you. He might need to hear it spelled out. Maybe you could help him arrange to do something fun to take his mind off things? Get him out of the house or whatever. Could you field calls from the hospice or nurse occasionally? I noticed visiting my parents recently that my dad has a short fuse as he is dealing with my mom's failing health. Well, sometimes we think her health is improving, other times we don't, most of the time we can't tell. I had to make a conscious effort to be positive the last few days I was in town figuring my emotions fueled others'? I'm not sure what specifically you are doing, but it sounds like you are trying really hard.
  2. I hope that new router solves your problem. Each child is different. Ds had wooden train tracks and trains but he was not much of a play independently child, so most of his toys just sat untouched much of the time unless we played with him. He asked for the Big Hugs Elmo and got it for Christmas one year and barely touched it. I was so glad I didn't pay full price.
  3. But spending $20 on a dress that can be worn again might be worthwhile. That link didn't open up a lot of formal attire, but if you click around I think you'll find some. I clicked on the dress with yellow/white then found this one. It looks more formal. http://www.amazon.com/Richie-House-Little-Bolero-Pearls/dp/B00HKKS13Q/ref=pd_sim_193_6?ie=UTF8&dpID=41rIxIB4-BL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL200_SR160%2C200_&refRID=0JZ5WBG91WKM13S1YHWK I'm sure if you click around more you can find other more formal options?
  4. We don't have a Costco anywhere around here (they might build one??). We got a Sam's membership a few months ago. It was $45. We go weekly. We noticed we were saving money, but buying a lot of "junk" food. So now we're trying to be more conscious of what we're buying. We can get a large bag of lettuce pretty cheap, but half will go bad if we don't pay attention! We started buying packs of 2 loaves of organic bread that we found recently. We are in LOVE with this bread! Alpine Valley is the brand They started selling our OJ (Simply brand) in 3 packs. I was like are you kidding me?? But I guess it's cheaper that way. So now we end up with a 3pk in the fridge which is pretty ridiculous. We definitely cannot rely on Sam's or Wal-Mart for all our healthy items, but there are definitely things we buy there that save us money. I regret the diaper choice, though. I think the Sam's brand irritates dd so we're going back to another brand. Seemed like a bargain at first. Sometimes we buy gas at the Sam's Club gas station. I don't know too much how Sam's compares to Costco because I haven't lived near a Costco since I was like 11 years old.
  5. I'm glad this thread showed up recently. I have given the show a second chance and am digging it.
  6. Which part is a no no? Encouraging people to come up or prayers or blessings added during Mass?
  7. I wouldn't have her wear that, either. Have you already checked places like Wal-Mart and Target? As usami said you could probably find something in the $20 range. Dd got an inexpensive Christmas dress from Wal-Mart that came with a sweater. Have you already gone to the major department stores in person or were you mainly looking online? I wouldn't even ask the bride. I can't imagine that if her answer was no that she'd feel really comfortable telling someone basically, "no, please buy her a dress."
  8. What would you like an alternative toy to do? I can name a few that move or talk Happy Dance Snoopy Some of the Elmo Toys (we have Big Hugs, but got on sale) Alphie (robot with educational cards. Might be better for a child older) The toy you are talking about and most others are actually for ages 3+ We were given a Thomas the Engine trainset at my son's 2nd birthday. It was way too advance for him and I ended up opening it before he turned 3 (he saw it in the closet). I regretted opening it. I still to this day don't quite know how to make the train move on its own and I have kept it hoping to use it sometime. I might be able to come up with some other ideas.
  9. You guys... :lol: I know, I started it. Not just that! But in the bathroom if you have to open a package... oh my gosh...
  10. I don't know about other churches, but I sometimes see two collections taken at Mass. They might specify what cause the second one is for (i.e. disaster relief for such n such area). I've never been good about tithing what I felt was appropriate. Part of this is because dh doesn't belong to a church. So how is that supposed to work with our shared finances? Don't ask me.
  11. You're right, those cases the person may not be demeaned. Guess I was replying more to the comment that there aren't too many graceful ways to opt out (not if you're doing it over and over again). Sweatpants wouldn't make you stick out like a sore thumb in a yoga or spin class? Because I've never joined one, but I'm thinking that sweatpants might be crazy in hot climates or certain classes. And I'm not even certain that sweatpants mask the noise a pad makes.
  12. When my family moved to CA from out of state, I missed the cut off date. They gave my parents an option to do K or first. My parents asked for first. The school decided I needed to be in the K-1 class instead of the all first grade class. So basically my teacher was the teacher aid and the main teacher spent most of her time with the Kers. Anyway, they acted like I was so behind because I didn't read yet. My parents didn't know I was supposed to already and would have helped me over the summer if they'd realized. I definitely felt behind and probably stupid/embarrassed.
  13. I cannot imagine I would be comfortable in a cheerleading uniform with a pad on. Even the "ultra thin" ones seem like they can bunch up or feel bulky. It would affect my confidence and I would worry about leaking. If I was constantly doing something like kicking my legs, I'd feel like I was drawing attention to an area of my body I very much didn't want to draw attention to! I played basketball and I hated wearing pads while I played! I brought this up in an old thread, but I always worried about uniform colors like white for karate (someone told me that not all are white).
  14. This could be anything from turning down invitations to a pool party to not showing up for your fitness class because you just don't know what to wear to yoga (or whatever) when you don't use tampons or you don't feel good. And let's say you are paying a lot of money for this class, you don't want to miss repeatedly or repeatedly tell people you are under the weather.
  15. Just to clarify, the arms crossed is an X across the chest with fingertips at/near shoulders. As opposed to "I'm crossing my arms because I am cold" kind of arm cross lol.
  16. :iagree: For breastfeeding it was so much easier to cut out dairy for me than if I had been doing it just for myself. Right now dh is on a health kick and he does the grocery shopping. He tends to do these pretty major changes rather suddenly. This can affect everyone in the household. But then we'll get burned out on some type of food and we might change things up. So, long-term? It's hard to answer. But short-term, it's usually a lot of change at once. I used to play along more with his dietary changes, but now I'm just trying to be supportive without necessarily changing my own eating drastically. For example, he and ds have sworn off soda for now. I have had Sprite a couple of times, but went without soda for a long time during/after pregnancy. In the past he'd say, "no fast food" and we'd all go along with it, til he caved in. Then I'd just be irritated. In front of him I should try to be mindful of what I eat, though. I know it's really hard when we visit family like over the holiday.
  17. My son is like this! The other day we got up early for co-op and I said he could watch a little TV before we left the house if he had gotten dressed, eaten breakfast and brushed his teeth first. I never saw him move so fast in my life. We're working on routine and he went to bed earlier last night. He was wide awake when dh came home later, but at least he was in bed on time. This morning he woke me up to brag that he got up early. :glare: :lol:
  18. Cramps are not a big thing for me usually. My issues seem to be taboo to discuss IRL. Soreness in the crotch area on heavy days. Something you'll never hear on a TV ad lol.
  19. I bet it's like if you know you need to eat or drink, but have no appetite (like if you are sick). Logically you know you're dehydrated, but you don't feel thirsty. That's maybe the analogy I'd go with.
  20. This article seems to sum up my in-law's views/why they do it. http://www.youfixityourself.com/ask_eli/eggshells_in_garbage_disposal.html
  21. Oh I believe you, in case there was any doubt. I just meant that I think it's the exception. Where I currently live, I alternate between a few parishes. I've lived here 3 years and I think the only time I heard an announcement was during a funeral. I'm usually out of town for holidays so not attending the local parishes then, but they often say something at those on a major holiday. Dh just sits in the pew. He has never gone to get a blessing. I don't know many adults that do that. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
  22. I started to type out a list of options like cross arms or put finger over lips but erased it because I said to myself, "if I was visiting I doubt I'd remember what to do or I just wouldn't feel comfortable getting up." I've been to numerous churches and it's very rare to hear a priest (in my experience) give directions unless it's on a major holiday/occasion where they know there are lots of non Catholics in the room. My son goes up with his arms crossed all the time (he has not had First Communion). I'd just sit near the end of the pew so I could step out if I didn't want a bunch of people walking around me. Sit in a less crowded pew, OP, if you are worried about that.
  23. We have a wire sink guard thingy which catches a lot. But yes, food still does end up going down. Looks like this: http://vermontkitchensupply.com/products/Sink-Strainer.html
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