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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Don't feel bad, I'm a mess over here. Don't even get me started on how I ended up accidentally finding out I owed a tiny fee to the radiology dept. but it was not the same fee I owed to the billing service people that handle the medical bills... ?? So basically if I hadn't happened to call the radiology dept. I might still not know about that measly fee that did/could have affected my credit. I don't remember ever seeing a bill for it, but I'm horrible with mail so there's that. I think I'm a mail hoarder. I make dh open all the mail pretty much. I only have two kids but we have all these separate bills. ETA: The best I can seem to do right now is I write down the acct. number, the contact number and the balance on my calendar. Also, some of them are willing to email a receipt!! So I say yes, please do. Then at least I can go through my emails for info.
  2. Oh my! I don't think I couldn't handle that even with life jackets. Just way out of my personal comfort zone. Neither of my kids can swim. One is turning 8 and one is 17 months old. We're granted access to a pool through dh's work, but there are no life guards and it has limited hours. That's great that you were able to do that, though. Especially with the nap time LOL
  3. We're still doing school but... I would like to get ds a new bike helmet (he's outgrown it) and get him riding his bike. He's never spent much time on it and it still has training wheels on it. During the summer it's much safer to ride around here as most of the college kids are gone. I'd also like to get the kids to the pool and work on swimming. It's just going to be hard to do based on pool hours and dh's work hours. I can't monitor both kids alone. Yes, decluttering needs to happen here, too. We also need to hang up some things (thing for drying shirts, thing for holding guitar on wall, pictures). Visit family. Grandma isn't doing too well at the moment. Hope we can celebrate her 101st birthday this summer.
  4. But maybe he plays an instrument and just doesn't have any certificates/degrees/etc. to prove it? lol
  5. Pretty much lol. Maybe a teething necklace would make more sense.
  6. Our kids are spread out like that and dd (the second) was planned. Don't know if you have other reasons to make that assumption, so just saying it may not have been a surprise. I started babywearing a lot recently, but I think fits and tastes are very individual. I'm in a babywearing group and there are lots of choices in carriers and probably lots of preferences. I never could get the hang of my Moby and it's taken a while for me to get more adapted to my Lillebaby. I checked out a knock off Ergo from the lending library (realized it was a knock off after I got it home) and I found the back panel too short for my tall baby. I would be very hesitant to buy a carrier for someone. Just moved? I don't know if they are sitting in a flat with unpacked boxes so really that would influence my decision to send more stuff their way. I'd probably just send them an Amazon gift card to use for what they wanted, when they wanted. But maybe that's because that's usually what we do for my sister and her husband in Europe who prefer that over most things.
  7. Lol yeah, there always seems to be a group overlooked. Dh needs big and tall shirts. Literally for big and tall. For the poster that has a tall son, he'd need to find one with the "T" in the label. I'm small framed and have no b00ks to speak of, so I would have probably been the kid swimming in a shirt. If it was possible, I'd get a hi-res copy of the image and order my kid a shirt on my own time in the same color with the same logo. If bulk orders were required or whatever, maybe I could do the iron-on transfer. If comfort trumps looks, I might risk a less than beautiful screen print for a shirt that doesn't dangle or look like what I'd wear to shoplift a turkey. ;)
  8. Never thought about it. Glad I ate my lunch on a paper plate?
  9. Inform them otherwise??? I sometimes wear men's small shirts but I'm an adult. As a child I'm sure I'd have been swimming in it, too! Plus, some girls have ahem, b00ks to fill up the extra shirt. I think it's unfair to assume the shirts would fit children.
  10. I have mixed feelings on disclosing it. Part of me feels like the tenants deserve to know. Part of me feels like if I toured the home, felt no bad vibes and never knew I would be fine and finding out would just mess with my head. I actually wanted this home blessed, but the idea of asking the priest to bless the home kinda weirded out dh (different faiths). He feels this house is fine (we rent) but my parents always had our homes blessed. It didn't matter what kind of vibes there were. They just did. I do have holy water here, though. Anyway, I think I'd be really messed up if I didn't know, moved in, and then some locals told me about it after the fact. That is the real problem with not disclosing early on. Now I'm stuck with this house and I'm dwelling on something. I have OCD. I can't easily shake certain thoughts.
  11. Well I've heard some bat sh!t crazy stuff about PETA and most people think they are supposed to be humane toward animals. I no longer trust that. I definitely don't trust the media to report everything. I don't know what to make of the quota thing. Don't mind my tin foil hat. lol
  12. We will never know unless we grill employees about their supposed quotas. Who knows how they operate from year to tear, either. Things could change. Yeah, I assume it is very hard to find neutral sources.
  13. We discussed how the numbers could be seen as misleading earlier in the thread. There was an article or two linked explaining how services were tallied. I found a video that addresses my question. No need to point as a bias. I realize it's possible it might not be 100% accurate but it sounds like the answer to my question is "a very high percentage." Nevermind, I don't think this video is really fair either because they narrow it down to just pregnant clients.
  14. A co-worker told me a story of someone she knew that had testing done and it was wrong. So they fretted the rest of their pregnancy over something that never happened. I don't know how often that happens. I didn't do testing.
  15. I don't doubt the numbers would be different. I'm asking to what extreme. Basically make a point that PP figures are misleading as stated earlier and/or can be used for/against them.
  16. All I was trying to say is I'd like to see the figures of Planned Parenthood clinics that offer abortion and how the pie chart looks with regards to abortion if you remove the clinics that do not offer abortion from the chart. You'd also be removing the other services from the other clinics as well. Just wondering how skewed the pie chart would be in the opposite direction. I'm not arguing that women might go to other places to have an abortion. I'm not arguing that women are in danger if they try to perform one themselves. I'm not even sure how I feel about pro-life/pro-choice as far as legal options go these days.
  17. I didn't mean to ignore that. I was just saying that had no bearing on the PP stats unless the place where they seek them happens to be another PP clinic. In the state of Louisiana, their clinic does not do abortions. I think they have to go out of state to get one and I don't know how far they have to travel. Editing: I'm unclear on LA now after looking it up online but I remember people living there commenting on it on facebook. On the website it is kind of foggy whether they offer it or not using wording like "eventually" in regards to their clinic. Either way, it sounds like it's offered at some other places in the state currently so I didn't mean to misspeak.
  18. Yes, both are true. But one figure gives one impression and one gives another. When I used to see memes on facebook with the PP charts shared, it was always to push one angle or another. "Look! They don't do many abortions at all! Why does everyone hate on PP? They are helping people with STD screenings and other things much more!" vs "Look how many abortions they do a year!"
  19. I don't know why, but my first instinct is that something may have happened to him personally involving religion and that is why he is so caught up in your answers. His daughter was rolling her eyes and I read into that as, "here we go again..." like this has been happening lately. I know, it might not be that at all. I'm just saying what I read into it. Maybe he just recently finished a church retreat or became active in a parish council or converted himself at one point. Maybe he has great issues with female pastors and felt you were lying by saying you were not affiliated with that church (during some other visit) and now you are. Now he's grilling you because he doesn't trust you. Who knows. Big misunderstand. I'm glad the wife still wants to see you and I'm sure she's embarrassed by his behavior.
  20. I know, I'm not making sense! Let me start over. I guess what I'm saying is with the gym example... if I looked at only my gyms that had the pool, I could make a statistic like, "75% of our clients use the pool." But if I look at all my gyms I'd have to say, "20% of our clients use the pool." Although the same physical number of people use the pool no matter which stat I cite, one makes it look like a lot of people and one makes it look like a small figure. So if PP only gave the stats of the clinics that offer abortion, I'm sure the figure would appear bigger than their current 3% figure. And I am curious how significantly bigger it would sound. You could do the same with McDonald's around the world. Only some McDonald's offer ___ item so if you do stats on how many ___ are sold, it would look higher if you only included the chains that sell ___ item.
  21. I'm talking about areas where there is little to no option for services outside of the PP clinic. So, everyone is going there for STD testing, mammograms, condoms, etc. But no one is getting an abortion there. When they tally up their services it doesn't reflect the women that walked in looking for an abortion. I get that no abortion = nothing to reflect. But I'm just wondering. Like if you owned five gyms and only one had a swimming pool. You might say swimming was only used by 20% of your clients. But only 20% of your clients lived by the pool. Now you look at just the one gym with the pool and say well actually the pool was used by a greater portion than 20%.
  22. Is it because not all their offices offer abortion? I wonder what the stats are if we only looked at the clinics that offered all the services? I'm not saying it would be 95%, just curious where it would fall.
  23. I think there's a difference between simply "died in" a la natural causes and "killed here" or "a suicide took place here." I probably wouldn't be too keen on any of the above, but I would be more likely to move into a home where someone peacefully passed away. Especially if while touring the home I felt no "icky" vibes.
  24. Oh yeah it's tricky. I never know if by not saying much I sound like I'm condoning something but sometimes it seems better to not really agree/disagree and just say something neutral (I remember hearing about that/it's quite the hot topic lately). This happened to me recently and I basically felt really fake and uncomfortable because I knew saying too much could be social suicide. Not that I'm friends with these people, but I could be interacting with them a lot. I guess it kind of depends on the given situation/person/topic. I didn't say anything when some relatives made what I considered an offensive joke in their own home, but I did privately tell ds why it wasn't funny to me and how it could be considered offensive to a group of people. This may not be the same scenario as the question but it is similar.
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