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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I was assuming the 8 percent quote was for United States across the board. So I was coming back with links that I also thought were talking about across the US. I believe you that there are issues in given areas. I just found the 8% quote hard to believe if it was referring to the US in general. I still can't find the link to the original article that was in reference to as I haven't read every page of this thread and there are various links throughout. In my area it's really hard to find a decent rental (pet friendly or not). We lucked out. We were going to have to live close to an hour away from dh's job. I don't know how many of the places we toured were pet friendly since we didn't have a pet at the time and that wasn't important to me.
  2. Links like this make me think there are more pet friendly places to rent than stated above. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-survey-renters-pet-friendly-options-20140811-story.html http://www.myapartmentmap.com/rental_data
  3. 8 percent? That sounds wrong to me. Is this everything from condos to townhouses to apartment complexes to houses?
  4. Weird. I just went to my own cart to look around and the item I had saved for later went up a few bucks :( I don't want to spend $10 on a post it note pop up dispenser.
  5. I saw some comments about worksheets and Teachers Pay Teachers. It's not limited to that. I have found flash cards and games on Teachers Pay Teachers. I've only used the free portion of the site.
  6. Eh. That might not be fair to say. We just have to make sure we look at homes that allow pets if we move. We currently rent and have an indoor cat. Pets are allowed here. I have seen apartment complexes that allow pets but include a pet fee. I would like to believe if you are serious about keeping your pet, you will find a home that allows pets. Just like if you are determined to live in a one story home (let's say stairs are not practical for the tenants) you will find a one story home. When there's a will, there's a way... (at least that's my motto)
  7. I'd wash the recyclables so there isn't any peanut butter etc. to lick/draw their attention. I'm still in the habit of rinsing things even though I don't have recycling here. I would probably not feel good about the kids being outside without an adult given the situation even if they remembered how to remain calm. None of this really solves the issue of bears randomly coming through your area, though. That really stinks! I'm sorry :(
  8. Don't know if I can think of a really ridiculous maternity item off hand, but I find it stupid that so many tops are not long enough. Just give women some extra length. Sometimes I wished my last pair of maternity jeans had a different color belly panel. I can't remember now if I wanted the nude or didn't want the nude. I just remember being self-conscious that my panel was going to show as the pregnancy progressed and the tops weren't covering as much. When I watched Gilmore Girls and one of the characters had very long maternity shirts I was wondering where the clothes came from LOL
  9. Well, I consider myself sensitive and I close my eyes/leave the room rarely during The Walking Dead. Have you seen that show? I'm trying to think of a good way to describe it. Stranger Things is suspenseful and there's some blood. I did cringe in a couple places, but I intend to watch the next season.
  10. This rating sounds pretty accurate. I was in and out of the room for part of the show, but we finished the series with our 8yr old son. It would be a bit too much for some kids, but we're not super strict about tv content here and ds has probably seen worse (he handles some stuff better than I do). I would say maybe better for an older child, though. There is some violence/blood/suspense for sure. Dh said s*x was not actually shown, but mentioned/implied. In short, not really family friendly but similar to a PG-13 movie?
  11. Stranger Things! New show we are all watching on Netflix. Whole season available now. It's set in the 80s.
  12. Do you have a Staples near you? For this price I'd try the quirky stapler. http://www.staples.com/quirky+stapler/directory_quirky%2520stapler If the drawers on mine opened better I'd highly suggest this: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/seville-10-drawer-multi-color-cart/prod7060004.ip. I don't know if I just got a dud or what. Maybe she won't know what she needs til the school year has begun and would appreciate a gift card?
  13. Yeah, I just don't think I could swing it. I have a therapist I have seen once recently. I literally just went over finances tonight to see what we can afford and I'm not sure if/when I should make my next appointment to see her because even with a co-pay that's $25 or $30 a visit + gas to drive 90 min. round trip. I'm thankful for that rate, don't get me wrong. I'm annoyed that our ins. doesn't cover marital counseling at all so dh and I will have to pay out of pocket + a babysitter fee if we go. I do think the system is flawed and would like to see changes. I don't know the logic here and I'm not trying to be rude by saying this, but I wish more practices had non-traditional hours to see patients (evenings/weekends). I have to drive 45 min. to see my therapist and she luckily sees patients in the evening, but only with limited availability. When dh's fall hours begin I will probably have to stop seeing her all together due to scheduling conflicts and I have barely just begun.
  14. I know people that have had rats for pets. So I guess the idea of taking one to a vet doesn't sound so crazy to me. Maybe we should ask Ron Weasley about this. The idea of killing one in any matter makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel guilty just killing bugs. I used to let spiders out of the house but haven't done that in some time.Maybe just look dangerous and I'm not good at identifying good vs bad (though I've looked at charts before). Oh yeah and right now I have a huge bite that I suspect is from a spider. Not making me a huge fan tonight.
  15. My ds doesn't act quite "normal" in group settings at times. We are awaiting an evaluation. I don't really have advice, but wanted to say that I know the awkward feeling of seeing your child stick out like a sore thumb. Ds (age 8) went to VBS for the first time this year. I was there as a volunteer so around him part of the day. When he joined my group I gave the children directions and he clearly had not listened. He was messing up the game(s) for the other children (one of which was because I had failed to teach him the game which is a common children's game so that was a bit more understandable). I felt a bit embarrassed and helpless and made sure to correct him. At the end of the day the kids had a little performance where they would dance to the beachy/hula themed music and follow some simple dance moves they'd been taught that day. At some point he just pretended to ride a surfboard through the crowd of kids. I chuckled at first but then he didn't stop and was zooming around the room. I went right up to him and put my hand on his arm and told him to knock it off and do what the other kids were doing. He sulked about it and drew attention to himself a bit later by moping on the floor. Maybe I spoke too firmly/aggressively but I still think some of his behavior/reactions are different than his peers. I have trouble sometimes determining what he is ready for and not looking like a helicopter parent. Seriously, it's like you can't win in social circles sometimes. Had you swooped in you might have someone on the forum or in the audience going, "why didn't they let the teachers handle it?" Hang in there.
  16. Not really the question you asked, but as a short-term solution would it help at all to have part-time outside care? I don't know in this case if that would work or not. My mom and dad have someone from a company come a couple of times a week to watch my mom and do light cleaning. My dad gets a break this way. My grandmother also have someone come over to her home, but they are there certain days and not overnight. She has someone come over daily, though, so at least someone can sorta check up on her once a day (caregiver, hair dresser, neighbor and/or someone from church).
  17. Does hulu not have current episodes of the Flash? I've only watched the show a little and when it first came on I didn't watch it in a timely manner so episodes would start disappearing. Now I think older seasons are on Netflix, though.
  18. I have three services — Amazon streaming, Hulu, and Netflix. I personally use hulu the most. Might want to consider hulu. Really depends on what you like to watch I guess.
  19. I don't really see it here. In fact I see "looking for a home for this animal" posts here and there. Both cats and dogs.
  20. We've had our kitty a few years and have not bought a new litter box for this home yet. Some time back we started lining the box with litter box trash bags (found at Target). I guess that prolongs the life of the box (from scratches/smell) but I don't know if it's preferable to the cat. The last bag or so has bunched up badly and been a nuisance. I wonder if we got the wrong brand this time or something. We tried one rather shallow litter box at a family's home where we take the cat a few times a year with us but have swapped that out for the deeper one with the high sides that we have here at the house. It is not completely enclosed like a hooded litter box, but it has a top half that snaps on for extra height on the sides. I heard that no kill shelters end up having to move cats out to kill shelters so basically a no-kill shelter is just death row. I guess there may be exceptions but this sounds plausible to me.
  21. Money is pretty tight right now so I probably shouldn't even look. Just glancing at the page right now I don't see the big whoop about the Alexa price or the Amazon fire stick. We got both of those cheaper or same price when they were brand new. Car seats you say? I may have to look, but my current plan is to take dd's old one to Toys R Us/Babies R Us for their trade in event which usually happens in August and get 25% off the spare booster I need.
  22. Well the OP has literally been cleaning up the messes inside the home daily for years so she may be willing to try some things that takes months. I would have been at my wit's end long ago.
  23. I agree with some of the advice about getting new litter boxes/cleaning up best you can. Do you know how old your litter box(es) are? Maybe they are due for an upgrade. Do you think you clean the litter/swap out the litter as often as the cat would like? No judgement, I haven't been cleaning mine as often as I used to. Used to do 2x a day. I use Dr. Elsey's line of litter. We have used both Cat Attract and Precious Cat. Briefly the Precious Cat skyrocketed on Amazon and it was out of stock at the nearest pet store so I was pretty frustrated. Last time I checked it said it could take up to a month to ship on Amazon. Okay it's in stock now and not for a ridiculous price. Buy now! lol. Never heard of behavior meds. I was thinking more along the line of "what is causing your cat anxiety? Can you do anything to remove it?" I figured the peeing and stuff was in response to something upsetting the cat. Even a litter box they were refusing to use for some reason. Would adding things around the house make the cat feel more at home and relaxed? A cat seat by the window. Cat toys. The cat might be bored? Supposedly when cats bring us prey it's because they are trying to teach us to hunt lol. I had previously heard it was a "gift" but the hunting thing was the last thing I read. I just can't jump to "get rid of it" when it sounds like the problem solving hasn't gone past medical.
  24. Have you considered building a cat run? That way he probably wouldn't have access to mice, but still enjoy some outdoor time. Maybe move the litter box there? Connect the run to the cat door somehow? This may or may not be helpful, but you can look around for other videos.
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