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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Sounds good. Dh makes scones. One of his is fresh blueberries and white chocolate. But I don't remember trying that particular one so now I'm gonna have to bug him to make those this year lol.
  2. I feel like I've been lied to (unintentionally) by society about how I just need to follow these specific formulas for good parenting and everything will be fine. I'm relieved to come across some materials that admit those formulas don't work either at all or with a huge percentage of children. You know, like Super Nanny's timeouts that match the child's age, the book 123 Magic, you just need to spank them, etc. "My mom did XYZ and I turned out fine!" (says who? lol But seriously, this as an excuse to do certain practices deemed unsafe by medical personnel) I think I've been more bothered by omitted information or lack of available information than lies in my life. "A frenectomy is no big deal! Your baby [probably] won't even need pain relief." It's been described so nonchalantly so many times and while I know their stories are legit, they are not a reflection of our experiences.
  3. Well I was hoping to set aside enough money to apply for my Irish passport but I always end up needing the money for more pressing things. I'm worried I will miss my chance like if the rules change. We're supposed to be saving for a family trip to Disney World and/or The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but we always end up needing it for other things and we're not even sure when it would be ideal to go given the kids' ages and lack of babysitting options for dd. Some other things I would like to see money saved go toward: a Mac for myself second vehicle new fridge and/or oven/range. The burners don't work half the time, the fridge temp. is wacky. Not sure if getting a dishwasher installed here is realistic so I'm focusing on the others.
  4. I'm not a big fan of tea towels, but I'm not the one that bought them. They're here, so I use them. Really I think they look like they are strictly intended to go over a bread basket either while it's rising or when you want to serve it lol. This happened like a week ago here. They figured, eh, so what, the shirt is going in the laundry. :glare:
  5. Sometimes I wonder if I should just buy beach towels on sale for the kids to use as bath towels. I wonder if they are the same thickness as some of their current bath towels. Some of the designs are not obviously for the beach.
  6. They are different to me lol. I wouldn't say, pick the green one to dry my face. I might grab the top one from a clean pile to dry my face or hair in the bathroom.
  7. People that I used to hang out with IRL that I haven't met up with in years are on my FB. People I went to college with. People I'm related to. A few people I met through a homeschool group. Old colleagues. But I don't text or call the majority of the people on my FB page. If you're not deliberately added to my cell phone and vice versa, we're probably not that tight. "Friends" is subjective I guess. But there are few that would actually notice/care if we were in the same town at the same time. Sure we might say hi/catch up if we ran into each other, but we wouldn't go out of our way to say, "I'm coming that way, are you busy?" The reality is most people don't literally have 100+ friends no matter how many people they are linked to on social media. They just don't. I couldn't pick out five to be bridesmaids, let's put it that way. The majority of people on my facebook page don't even live within a 50 mile radius of me. It doesn't really matter to me if you want to weed your facebook page. I'd rather be deleted than horribly tolerated. I'm just saying that I personally find it less confrontational to just hide people. Maybe I'm a coward. I don't think you have to pretend necessarily. I think you can just slowly distance yourself from someone if you feel they are bringing drama or toxicity into your feed/life. Or avoid those specific topics.
  8. I don't see why you can't build relationships based on those things? Why not? I think it's just that it's discouraged to be friends and then suddenly burn a bridge over some disagreement on facebook. That type of thing. It's not just disagreeing, it's how you interact. Do they actually discuss topics or start dropping insults? Do delete posts by people that disagree with them? I think you'd have to consider all that. I was defriended on Facebook this week for laughing at what I thought was a funny sign mocking people that play Pokemon Go and asking them to get off the sign holder's property. I don't care if people play it. Dh even downloaded it. I was laughing at the sign because the man was obviously bitter and the note was silly (something to the effect of, "I think Pokemon Go is more ridiculous than Hammer Pants, The Macarana" etc. I basically said I thought the sign was funny and if I saw it in real life I'd laugh and brush it off. This received a very negative reaction and I was defriended/blocked from both their personal page and one of their side pages. There's a guy I know in real life. He says very offensive things in regards to religion. I know if I ran into him in person we'd probably just say hi and ask about each other's kids or something. I just hid him from my feed (months back). I lean toward "hide them" as the solution most of the time. I don't even know if it's expected. But I would say it's enlightening to be friends with someone and see where they are coming from. I don't agree with a medical practice that a friend of mine was involved with. She got very defensive when we ended up discussing it and I got to hear where she was coming from. Her reasoning made sense. Not for me, but her intentions were good. It actually made me feel bad for never having her thought process occur to me. The term "friend" is too generous for a majority of my facebook connections. Acquaintances would be more appropriate. If someone is close enough to consider a friend then maybe you can just avoid certain topics and focus on the parts of the relationship that are more in sync.
  9. Mine knows the difference, but if I have two towels in the kitchen and one is intended for drying hands and one is intended for drying dishes, he doesn't ask and they get mixed up immediately (if both kinds of towels are clean it's pretty obvious which is which. Like one is thick and one is a tea towel) or one gets dropped on the floor. I think I'm just going to buy the kind that can button closed around the oven door handle so at least I can address the falling down issue lol. Last time someone went to replace the hand towel in the bathroom they put a wash cloth there. We had clean hand towels but they were not put away in the right place (let's just say the person that replaced the hand towel is probably the one that put them away in the wrong place and therefore should have known we had clean hand towels lol). The biggest offense to me with towels has not happened in a long time. That's when someone gets something like chocolate on their hands and instead of rinsing their fingers, just wipes them on a towel. Come on.
  10. Thank you. They say this knowing that the nearest ones are 45 min. to an hour away as if acquiring transportation to/from daily is a reasonable thing to tackle.
  11. Ok I just couldn't keep quiet during all that probably. I think I would have had to say, "oh I agree. I was able to experience that at xyz or during blah blah." I have had people twice tell me about sacrifice and insinuate that I haven't made a big enough sacrifice for my children because I haven't sent ds to a Catholic school. It makes me leave feeling so upset.
  12. Oh yeah it's normal for someone to underfunction while another overfunctions and vice versa. It's all in The Dance of Anger. Frankly I'm surprised the OP has such a balanced relationship with her mate. I don't know how common that is. That's actually pretty awesome. The Biblical references actually kind of offend me, but I don't know how to express myself.
  13. I agree we should all know. Just never had this practice scenario and don't feel particularly inclined to go outside and practice removing a tire out of the blue. We don't even have a place in the car to hold a spare.
  14. There are conflicting bits of info for me in this thread. It's an "I told you so"/"that was stupid" face but it's not rude? I could definitely see it being perceived as rude to others if that is what it conveys. I would just classify it as rude if it sends those messages to err on the side of caution.
  15. I think it depends on the individual and there's no way to determine this about all people that fit that mold. For certain things I procrastinate/rely on dh's help. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I actually feel very overwhelmed/stressed/paralyzed with certain tasks. I will go to the post office, but I don't know what the bleep to do with half the mail. Do I need to keep this? So I ask dh. And then it's just easier to let him go through the mail to begin with. But I fully admit this and he knows this. He says, "just give me the mail." I also get intimidated with other people in certain situations. I hate hanging out in the kitchen with everyone. I don't know what to do, or I need to use the sink and someone else is using it. I believe myself to be OCD, but the psychiatrist said I just have OCD symptoms. I wash my hands a lot and don't like starting one task, then feeling like I need to wash hands between tasks and I can't. I just want to be in the kitchen alone or do something else. So when I go to big family gatherings I try to keep myself busy but it may not be in the kitchen. It may be watching the kids. Plus my MIL is very particular about how she likes the fridge organized, the dishwasher loaded, etc. People that have been in the family longer than me won't even try the dishwasher LOL I worry sometimes that my reluctancy to "get my hands dirty" with certain tasks may be perceived as laziness but a lot of it is anxiety. I do not know if this explains anyone else's perceived lazy behavior. They could be hiding anxiety or something or not.
  16. drips I don't know, I'm under the impression a lot of boys, even men, may drip despite their best efforts. We've even discussed this with our doctor. Negative test for UTI. Dunno if there's another underlying medical issue, but I think it can happen to lots of males. Another reason, seems that males often "spread eagle". Don't need to accidentally flash people LOL. And sweat. If they are sweaty, I would rather them have another layer of clothing to soak up the sweat. Ugh.
  17. I've never tried, but would be nervous that I'd start and not know what I was doing, have trouble with lifting things (is it hard to use a jack? Like how much strength is needed, I don't know. And yes, lifting the actual old/new tires. Maybe you could just roll the old tire somewhere), try to change a tire that actually just needed repaired not replaced and waste a lot of time, etc. We recently had an issue where our car kept telling us that one tire was really low. Some type of leak. Kept getting low after adding air to it. But dh took it to get looked at and it was fixed rather than replaced if I'm not mistaken. It's far easier to have dh handle it or call AAA. Maybe if I was actually trained to do it I would take a stab at it, in the right place. But middle of no where? On the side of the road? Even in my own driveway I don't know if I would where I live. Lots of men that loiter around a nearby gas station and stare at us.
  18. But maybe you were dreaming about the tick being there because it was causing you discomfort? On this topic, I ran across a thing on FB the other day about removing ticks by using a wet (something like coconut oil or clove oil I think were suggestions?) q-tip and running it in circles around the tick til it comes out vs pulling it with tweezers.
  19. That sounds like me. I mean, I haven't had those particular things, but in real life when I went into labor I was more stressed about the babysitter seeing our house (baby came two weeks early and I had no expectation of the sitter coming over) in the state it was in than what was going on with the birth LOL
  20. Sometimes and it is bad if I get to "hangry" mode. Also forget to drink. I'm usually dehydrated.
  21. I would try to let her know she's doing it and if I could manage to be gentle about it, be gentle about it. There was a girl we know that did that and she acted surprised when someone told her that it was obvious what she was thinking by her facial expressions. When I heard the story I kinda laughed because she had given me a "you're stupid" look before which I didn't appreciate. Looking back maybe she didn't realize how much she was communicating.
  22. :iagree: Especially the bolded. They may not even know what they plan to do, but just that their friends are staying out longer. It could be they are going to hear a band play, catch a late movie, or just drive around and get a bite to eat. Also agreeing with LucyStoner about late night plans. I often was doing things like going to hear a band play or eat somewhere late with my friends like Waffle House. Back in the day we even used to have access to midnight movies at one of the casinos.
  23. The cynical part of me wants to know how many of those pet owners actually could have settled for a less ideal rental that was pet friendly but chose to get rid of the pet because it was easier. Maybe the root of the problem wasn't availability but cost/location/etc. I always wonder about this when I see posts on Facebook where people are looking for a good home for their pet.
  24. Oh yeah I hate that when different colors are different prices. I've seen that with baby bottles, door stops, etc. I mean sometimes it works out in your favor but it'd be nice if they were all the lower price.
  25. Is she responsible for the pay to live on/near campus outside of your home? Why has she not chosen that option? (you don't have to go into specifics, just wondering if money was the determining factor). Given everything you've described, it makes sense that you don't want her coming in at 3am. But is she oblivious to the fact that she's not quiet? lol When I was attending community college I lived at home with my parents. We didn't discuss curfew until the night my car got stuck and I didn't come home til like 4am after waiting on triple A with my boyfriend. My mom freaked out. I didn't call because I didn't want to wake them (would have made the landline ring). Anyway, my friends teased me about the whole curfew thing. It was embarrassing. Maybe she is embarrassed. ETA: I see that she is trying to save money. Well, did she know the pro/con list before it was too late to arrange for a dorm room?
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