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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Are we talking about high school? The shop class and home ec at my school were offered in jr. high. For home ec it was paired with a semester of First Aid/CPR. We made a pillow and watched the teacher bake cookies once. I was scared of the sewing machine and didn't finish closing my pillow. I think I mostly did the hand stitched parts? I don't know how I was supposed to close the opening after we stuffed it, but I never got around to it. I wasn't strong enough to adequately administer CPR chest compressions on the dummy lol :/
  2. This is the first time we are trying it. I ordered diapers. We looked at prices recently and decided it's cheaper than the same brand of diapers at Sam's Club so we'll see how it goes. Unfortunately they didn't ship the diapers right away. At this rate I'm going to have to buy some locally before my order arrives.
  3. I could see getting a ride to the airport, but not understand paying fees to board and get the in-flight meal. Then don't you have to stay on the flight? That would eat up your day. You could all stand around a sink, that's not so hard to believe. It's the punching like that which sounds crazy. I dated a guy that lied about everything. I didn't know what he lied about at first. Then things would come up. I considered him a compulsive liar. He lied about making something that I later saw in Wal-Mart. He lied about much worse. I even ended up in the car with him when he out ran the cops who we were going to pull him over for his broken light. Who does that? If I hadn't been there I would have thought it was a made up story.
  4. I believe the choice was wood shop or choir? I was interested in both, but took choir. Ds took a woodworking class at co-op one semester. He was in second grade and they didn't have him work with too many items, but I think it was good exposure. Hammered some nails. Not sure what else they did. He brought home a little wooden box and a bird feeder. The week he was out I think they did something that looked like a turkey. My sister did something with metal. She made a necklace. It was a giant peace sign lol.
  5. Well, I suppose it's possible if the delays are weather-related. She's not old enough to rent a car, either, so another reason to not want to be stranded.
  6. Just my personal flying comfort zone - always keep a change of clothes in carry on. Toothbrush/mini toothpaste (the mini tube should be okay for liquid regulations). Just in case something unexpected happens. Someone spills a drink on your pants, you get stuck over night and want to brush your teeth, you make it to final destination but checked luggage is missing, etc. I did have a flight completely canceled due to weather once when I was traveling alone. I got a hotel voucher from the airport (I didn't even know how they worked and had to figure out where to get in line to ask for one), but I still had to pay a large chunk of the fee. The hotel was not cheap. I didn't want to sleep in the airport overnight so I took the hotel. Maybe if I wasn't traveling alone and it wasn't going to be so many hours I would have stayed. The airport shuttle took me from airport to hotel. I was fortunate enough that a friend was able to pick me up from the hotel and go eat dinner with me, otherwise I would have probably had to rely on prepacked snacks or a vending machine. So, make sure she has cash for something like that. Also cash to tip. May need to tip someone handling luggage or if she needs to use one of those carts to be driven across the airport. I am able-bodied, but there have been times where due to airport layout/timing/or traveling with someone elderly that we relied on that service. It was a big help. I don't know if texting works during flight just because of cell tower range, but I don't think it has anything to do with wifi capabilities. I can still use a texting feature on my phone when I disable my wifi. I didn't always have a data plan, which means I used to text before wifi/internet. I've always just used my phone before takeoff/upon landing. I don't know that it would be so crucial to communicate mid flight. Ok I just saw some replies above. I'm frugal. I probably wouldn't spend the money on the wifi assuming it's expensive Lol. I'd probably bring a book or kindle or coloring book or something. Agree with checking the flight info on the boards when you land. The app thing sounds cool! I have never used an app for that. I think I'd rely more on the airport boards/airport staff in case the app is slower. If it's possible I would choose the most direct flight arrangement as possible. I am agreeing with the poster that said I wouldn't even want to do two connections myself. My problem with the idea of getting stuck in an airport overnight is the urge to sleep but feeling vulnerable to keep an eye on my luggage adequately. I'd loop my strap around my leg but still be concerned.
  7. Still trying to figure out how eating something affected by zombies affects you. We never got that completely answered via Bob. Now this is via the pigs. I heard Ezekiel say that the tiger eats a lot, but I'm not sure I understand how they keep it fed. Can they really afford to give up that many pigs? How often do they do that? How fast do pigs grow? I'm not used to seeing animals in the show so this was kinda weird. And all those horses! Wow. I'm glad Carol was called out. I was like, "she didn't do a good job of seeming sincere." They did that on purpose I guess.
  8. I painted a pumpkin white and hunted down parts to our R2D2 potato head to use on it. Then the darn pumpkin started foaming when I made a hole for a part. I didn't even know pumpkins did that. So I guess it's rotten? What a waste of my time.
  9. Someone posted a spoiler image on my FB feed. I hope it's fake. Ugh. Since we're talking about all these things the characters should have/could have done like make a meeting spot, why didn't Rick's group get more info on Negan? I'm agreeing with the thoughts above... find out that one place is an outpost vs hub, etc. I mean I guess there wasn't a whole lot of time to talk since Rick's group killed lots of people swiftly, but I dunno, I'd think that I might chat up the lady with the bad cough or something. "So, what's this Negan guy look like, anyway? How many of there are you?" I don't know, maybe that was too dangerous. But at that point they probably thought Carol was a dead man walking so maybe they would have shared. No more bazookas, huh? lol I had forgotten the term Saviors. I did a quick google search and somewhere on the TV wikia page it says they are opposed to rape. http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Saviors_(TV_Series)Dh thought that they made their women prostitutes. I don't know what he heard in the show that I missed that made him think that. Any one else know?
  10. Oh weird. I was talking about a per season rate. We ran into that before... I think dh bought a full season of Mr. Robot, or at least a number of eps. Then we couldn't get past like the third ep. Not sure if we will ever finish that show.
  11. Popcorn balls... well maybe they can be made differently. Someone made them for ds before and they were hard as a rock. We threw them out.
  12. I have thought about it. But even if I wanted to do it, I don't think my tall husband with a bad back could tolerate getting in/out of a bed so low all the time. He also likes to sit on the bed to put on his shoes and socks lol.
  13. I asked some friends this question on facebook. I thought it was funny my MIL picked a treat that I thought no one considered their favorite. I never knew what exactly they were! Just tossed the to the side probably ha. Apparently one term for them is Mary Janes and they may or may not be the thing Slartibartfast mentioned. Not familiar with the x-ray thing, so I guess no. I think I've always been fond of chocolate. Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat, Mr Goodbar, Reeses. I actually love Take5s but I rarely think to buy them. I saw some today, but they were in a huge assorted bag and I didn't want to buy another large bag. I have seen them sold differently but I didn't have time to hunt. Least favorite? Hmm Tootsie rolls or anything really chewy. I'm actually kinda getting away from Twix these days just because I favor candy that doesn't get so stuck in the teeth. Snickers discontinued Cruncher which didn't have the caramel. That was my favorite of their line. Now they have something very similar called Crisper.
  14. I saw three IBCLCs. Two were nurses, one was a dr. One wasn't super familiar with ties and referred me to another. The other was familiar, but when we actually got face to face I couldn't get my baby to breastfeed so the visit was pretty useless. I saw her again after a revision but failed to directly ask her her opinion of the result and wish she had asked. The dr tried to reassure me that my baby was getting enough (this was two tongue/lip tie surgeries into our nursing journey) and tried to make me think it was all in my head, but honestly, I left feeling like she was wrong. Well ultimately she told me to listen to my gut over everyone else, though. Not to say these women didn't know a lot, but just that a lot of what I learned happened outside of my appointments and I left feeling like I wasn't really any more informed or helped than before.
  15. I don't know if we were ever directly asked. Dd is very clingy at night and wants to stay in the bed. But last night dh didn't come to bed and although we were more on one side of the bed, she managed to roll out on the other. I heard her crying in my dream and when I opened my eyes she was rolling off and I couldn't stop it. I felt awful! I use a bedrail when I visit my parents, but she sometimes tries to stand up with arms on the top of it, so I think it's actually a hazard until she's actually asleep. I want her to sleep in her toddler bed soon, but not sure that will go over well at all. It is lower to the ground and has rails on both sides. I know this thread is probably more about babies. When she was younger we flip flopped between bed and pack n play. As in, if I couldn't get her to sleep in the pack n play, I'd move her to it later.
  16. I don't know, maybe we should say something like, "you know you're violating HIPPA when you do that" just to bring awareness. Also, might make them knock it off if they fear they will be reported. But really, I think it would probably lead to them gossiping about me as soon as I left the room lol.
  17. I have had people ask me reason for visit or something like that. I can't remember exactly at the moment. Oh yeah and this is not quite the same, but one time I called to complain about a bill that I should not have received. Well the lady that answered the phone wasn't even familiar with the dr I had seen and asked what kind of dr that is. It was for mental health. I kind of didn't want to tell her because I didn't even know if she needed to know, but after I told her she said she had to transfer me. But in the moment I was a bit irritated. Who cares what kind of dr, this bill shouldn't be here! lol
  18. There is a dentist with the last name Beavers. Oh just saw the ob/gyn's name upthread.
  19. Irrelevant. I have prime as well. I get the shipping perk on my account, I have it linked somehow to do that. And when there is a coupon like 10% off a book, it's per account.
  20. Yeah, I vaguely remember first ep being free that way in the past. But back then I was using the app on my phone and didn't want to watch tv on my phone. I would be willing to pay to see The Talking Dead sometimes if AMC offers that. I know Amazon doesn't offer The Talking Dead last I checked. I asked dh if he wanted to do the season pass but I think he said no because it's cheaper on Vudu. But for some reason he bought it via Amazon again this time. So I need to find out more about Vudu. Originally he told me that Vudu also releases the ep earlier in the evening than Amazon so I need to investigate.
  21. You can remedy this if you want. I have a separate Amazon account for this reason. Or change the password and stop letting them order things this time of year lol. Dh gets texts and emails about our orders from our joint account. It'll say the blah blah has shipped. You could enable that on your phone so you know what is coming.
  22. If you do the Minecraft box (Steve's face or a Creeper with green clothing), you could maybe keep it folded flat til you get to your destination, then open and tape. Keep the tape in your pocket or purse. Might need a bulky tape roll, though. If you don't have cardboard boxes, what if you used construction paper + bits and pieces of small cardboard from something in the house to help keep the construction paper stiff... Mac and Cheese box, ziplock bags box, Saltine crackers box, etc. If you have green construction paper and clothing a Creeper might be the easiest. I wouldn't worry much about adding the green pixels, but you could use a green highlighter for contrast if you had to. Similar to the Lego head idea. Does he like Adventure Time? Maybe he could find something blue like a sheet and be Ice King. Maybe you could pin it rather than cut it. Then make a crown out of construction paper. Beard out of white construction paper, possibly with cotton balls on it? I'm making my daughter an extra costume... Beemo out of a diaper box LOL
  23. We were able to get the AMC app on our Roku. It has The Talking Dead. I don't know if it will have every ep. It also has The Walking Dead. I need to see if this stuff is going to be free past the first ep, because that would be too good to be true.
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