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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. Is the nearest Kohl's far/out of your way? Yeah, I would wonder if they could even refund the right person. They can't seem to box things correctly so I wouldn't have too much faith that they would refund you and not her.
  2. I was picturing a wooden fence that you can't see through, only over, from your porch. I have no idea what kind of fence they have and if it's visible from other parts of their subdivision. Good point.
  3. :lol: There might be less overlap if people can see what others have already purchased. Of course I'm no help, someone put out a wish list on Babies R Us and I bought it on Amazon because it was overpriced on BRU. And you can link specific items you want (she wants the flower bath thing vs a hard shell tub). I think it'll work out either way, though.
  4. I am not sure this would even occur to me. I like to add a few drops of peppermint oil to a load when I'm trying to sanitize. That is what we did after a hurricane and we wanted to save items that had been affected. That is what I do still when I just want to help a load that is icky (like extra smelly). I never do laundry with bleach so I wouldn't even know how. Ds had flu (not stomach flu but he did throw up) a few months ago. I didn't do anything particularly special. Probably washed on hot or warm with my usual Arm & Hammer oxi clean detergent + peppermint oil. If I have two drastically different colored items I just do a separate load. Like we have some bright red towels I never wash with my other towels because they are still fairly new and I'm not willing to risk them bleeding as I wash them on hot.
  5. I don't really understand how the HOA is affected by this. Will they tell the owners to cover holes in their backyard? Their dog, their yard, their problem I guess.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/get-button
  7. I don't know the special jargon but there's some amazon button you download that will link anything to your wish list. So you could have an Amazon wish list that linked Target items, etc. Just an idea. You could do two registries. I can't remember if that's weird lol Might wanna ask yourself where you do you shop more? They might give you a gift card. There are a couple issues with Amazon. One, if they aren't a prime member the shipping is a pain. Two, if you need to return it, they might not have included a gift receipt so then what?
  8. Yeah, seriously, sometimes it seems like there's no time to use the bathroom unless you lug extra books so you don't have to stop at your locker, too. Of course it's been years since I was in this situation but I'm thinking I had to make choices like that lol.
  9. It varies even among US schools. I went to two elementary schools. Run completely differently. My first school we were supposed to use the restroom during recess/lunch, but I don't recall a punishment system?? It's hard to say if there was one. But I do know that my fourth grade teacher was really laid back about it. He had a white board eraser with half a paper plate stuffed in the top. There were two of these. One paper plate said BOYS and one said GIRLS and if you had to use the restroom, you placed it on your desk and left. No one (the I recall) abused it. I don't think it even got used every day. In that school we could talk in the cafeteria and eat with our peers. In the next school we had to eat at a table with our teacher and she had red, yellow and green cups to monitor our noise level. I hated it. Also, our teacher had to join us for recess. Like she literally played with us. I thought it was weird Lol.
  10. I got my answer after I posted. At that age he might not be able to necessarily elaborate on his like/dislike for the school and whether or not he has friends? I don't know. I would wonder if he asked to go to the restroom several times in the past outside of normal time or if this was the first time this happened. Either way, not the best approach to getting kids to use the restroom on time. Maybe the reason is they have to get an additional person to watch the class so someone can escort him??
  11. This sounds familiar and I don't like it. Something like kids keeping a perfect record by never being absent or never asking to pee. Stuff that seems to encourage not staying home when you are sick and holding pee when you gotta go. I don't like that. I don't know what an international school means. Just that people from different cultures or locations are present? If you're not connecting with any of them, what's the benefit? Is it because he's exposed to more activities that teach him about different cultures maybe? I don't really understand. I don't know how old he is and if he can really articulate his opinion on the school or not. I don't think any school ensures friendships. I'm not really sure what the pros are if the perks (social environment) are not perks to him.
  12. Are they paying for it be shipped back? I'd think they would just tell you to keep it and then they will send one from their warehouse to the customer.
  13. I don't think Kohl's is all bad. Like online their inventory didn't match what was in stock so when I went to the customer service desk and explained that I found the item on the shelf and wanted to pay the online price they honored it for me. And when I tried to use a coupon for a high back booster car seat for ds I didn't realize the coupon excluded car seats. I was on the phone with a sales associate trying to figure out why my coupons weren't all working. In the end they got special permission to let me use the coupon (along with my others because you normally can use up to 4). I got a great deal on his car seat and was very excited. I know MIL ordered ds a shirt from their site one Christmas and they sent the wrong size. Just a toss up with that store.
  14. A few months ago Kohls gave me two of three of my items, but the inside slip had some guy's name on it. I said maybe he got my order and I got his?? I tried to offer the Kohl's rep his info to clear it up but they refused and basically said it was up to him to contact them. Then I said what about my third item? And they said they would have to give me store credit and I could rebuy it (if or when it was in stock. I can't recall). I ended up just keeping the store credit for something else. I felt badly for the other customer.
  15. No, but people I knew that got them tend to do so as a hurricane precaution. I think they were mainly using it to supply power to fridge. They are loud. I don't know if I could sleep in a house with one. The neighbor's was loud enough.
  16. This is really high on my list but I'm also so used to it I am starting to become desensitized? I have to remind family members not to put large things in the can like empty orange juice bottles. It takes no time at all for ours to fill up or no one is pushing it down.
  17. I believe there's hope for us all, but I am also one of the chronically late people. I might not be late to everything or I might speed to get there sooner, but getting on time is a real struggle for me much of the time. I feel like such a failure when I can't get it together. I actually spent all this time making a Valentine's box and helping ds finish his Valentines for a co-op party one year. Then we couldn't get moving fast enough in the morning and I had dd who was probably still nursing at the time. I didn't know how long the party lasted so I decided to drive to it, anyway. The party overlapped Mardi Gras and we had a king cake (which is not found in this part of the state so I thought might be special. No one knew we were bringing it). We showed up, everyone was leaving. The party had lasted 45min-hr max. Ds didn't get to exchange valentines except a couple to his friends leaving. I sat in the parking lot crying before we drove away. We drove 45 min. back home and ate some king cake. I got sick and decided maybe the cream cheese filing went bad and so at least we didn't serve it to anyone else. That was pretty much my only consolation. That was the last straw for me. I was not going to continue to embarrass myself and stress myself out trying to make it to co-op events on time. I feel like now that the kids are a bit older we can look into trying again next year, but I am very nervous about how it will go with dd/potty training and that commute. For a while I could locate my keys with a button but the battery died and I need to find a less common battery. I constantly misplace my keys, phone, shoes. I should put them in the same spot every time, but don't always do that. I am my own worst enemy sometimes. And then other times I feel like my family sabotages me. Like refusing to get up or moving my items without telling me. I know logically that a strict wake up time/routine would solve things, but it's just really hard for some of us.
  18. Mine probably wouldn't think to ask about the missing items. Wouldn't notice. hah. He just wore a pair of jeans the other day and added to my dirty laundry hamper. I reminded him again that he can usually wear jeans multiple times before washing. I found a pair of his other jeans under a rug in his room today. I think we have a missing pair of cargo pants floating around the house somewhere. I'm sure this has not crossed his mind.
  19. The rule we have at church is two adults always in charge of kids, but not adults related to one another. I might just make an announcement that if kids need to use the restroom there will definitely be a group escorted at X:00 so the kids could plan for that rather than randomly asking throughout the party. Of course, when you gotta go, you gotta go lol. So I don't know if that would be any help!
  20. I don't see my cousins that much and just because two cousins live in the same area doesn't mean they communicate much or like each other. So without knowing anything besides the original post, it seems rather invasive? The cousins live an hour away? I think that's too far to stay from the person you are visiting (assuming the main reason for the visit is for parents to see child). I have very different reactions when certain aunts/uncles visit town. Maybe cousin 1 can get a 2 bd apt. in the future.
  21. Wow, exactly the kind of things I think about. Only as the host I'd be scared to send the child with a parent that wasn't hosting as I may not know if the injured child's parents know this other parent blah blah. I'm sure there was a phone call made, though if numbers were available. Totally agree on having the cell numbers handy!
  22. I don't know about normal expectations. I would just want more adults to linger if I was at a place like a park. At least, a park without a fence where kids might wander too far and I lose track. Ds is the same age as the OP's daughter. I would be okay with drop offs depending on how confident I felt about keeping tabs on everyone/hosting games, etc. They are not likely to leave the park, but maybe someone will get hurt or something else random will happen and I would want assistance. My worst nightmare in this park scenario would be me hosting a party with like 30 people and someone needs to go to the ER. Then dh takes the kid to the ER while I lead the other 29 back to my house because one has to pee? lol If I don't know your child that well I certainly don't know their siblings. That's new kids to keep up with. So I would be a little overwhelmed. But given a decent parent/child ratio it might not be a problem.
  23. I wouldn't start inviting scouts now if you already have 15 invited. Because 15 actually means more. It's going to be 15 + parents and siblings. Edited: I'm not sure I understand. She doesn't have to invite all scouts but has to invite all TKD students? Where did the number 15 come from, is that how many are in the class or is that including some scouts? I would consider avoiding any face-to-face distribution of cards if there's a chance someone will witness it. Send it snail mail or email only maybe. Maybe just scan/create one invitation and send that.
  24. I would err on the side of caution and expect to feed the parents, but I would want to know in advance if they were letting siblings tag along. That would affect headcount for other things as well (like if I was doing goodie bags possibly). We went to an event that was a pancake breakfast with Santa. Dh told me they would probably just feed the kids. It never occurred to me til he said that. Boy was I glad he warned me.
  25. It took me a year or two and now I'm pretty good at unclogging the toilet. Maybe I had break in the plunger LOL It wasn't the most flexible kind but I got it because it came with its own caddy.
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