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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Should have polled those who are healthy and didn't get either :) Mom called just 2 days ago. She was vaccinated, and got the flu really badly. Dr. said this year's vaccine is not the majority of strain of flu going around.
  2. Well then... :) In the last fitness book I read, the portion sizes were denoted as "what can fit in the palm of your hand." That to him was a good size because it got smaller or larger with the size of the person. A piece of meat should be not larger than the palm of the hand. The potato should be as small as your hand. He didn't say that about salads. It was understood that one could eat as much veggies or salad as one could feel they wanted to. Maybe you can try to make sure they eat more veggies and then keep the meat/rice/potato type stuff down to no more than their hand size. There are sophisticated caloric tables I've seen, and from what I know, it is too hard to figure out on a daily basis. I do know that when I eat more veggies, I can feel full eating more, with fewer total calories. IF I eat more bread and starches, I can't eat nearly as much quantity and I get hungry again. So, I've never limited my boys on what they can eat when it is healthy stuff.
  3. Were you around when T-Tapp was giving away free DVD's? I finally got around to watching it. They have some great exercises on there, and after poking around the web site, I love her "diet" advice. It reminds me of Jack LaLanne... just eat God Made food 2 days, and Man Made foods 1 day. So, that means that the portions are as important as WHAT they are eating. If they eat real food you can eat more than if you eat processed stuff like hotdogs, bologna, canned stuff..ect.. I know it isn't specific like you were looking for, but when you think about it, it is so easy.
  4. We use this too. No need to flush expensive stuff down the drain!
  5. Anything is better than carpet. You just can't get carpet clean. We have hardwood and it is the first time I've ever had them, and I LOVE the wood floors. We have kids, pets, dirty yard.... and it cleans so nicely. Yes, we get dings, but it just adds character (I tell myself that's ok). And, once it gets really bad, we can always refinish it. We had tile floor in an area you describe in our last home, but it covered 850sf. It was awesome to take care of, but very hard on the feet. Would that be a consideration? Even if you decide not to get real hardwood floors, it is such a small area, that a nice higher quality laminate would be easy maintanence. It is realatively inexpensive, and when you can afford real wood, simply redo the small area. I would highly recommend getting rid of the carpet though.
  6. Not really, I'm in Boise, and haven't yet been that way.
  7. My provider offered it, Quest. I had to pay a portion, but it was a deal. Can you buy it from them too, and set it up with your own? I don't think they are specific..
  8. We took a Bradley class offered at the hospital. You sure you can't find a local class? I thought it was great because they gave alternatives. They informed us of the typical, and gave us options. HIghly recommended, but I don't know about a book, sorry.
  9. We're using LL7 this year. Ds also uses Analytical Grammar and CLP Spelling. I would like to incorporate PTIW, but it seems there is never enough time.
  10. We've used it from Alpha to Zeta, and used Classic prior to that. As to Thoroughness, as long as you use the new, you'll find each year very thorough, but very different from Saxon. Saxon is spiral. MUS is mastery. Therefore, you will only work on one concept at a time, until you have exhausted it's application! So, you'll learn to add, and then you'll add 2 digits, 3 digits, column, carrying ect and will not have ever seen subtraction yet! This makes it hard to skip around in programs, but it does make for a "thorough" program. As to thorough in the long run, it shines brightly. it is so logicaly in its presentation, uncluttered in its presentation,and Demme teaches way better than I could. He loves math, and it rubs off.
  11. Well, I don't think I KNOW anyone famous, as in a personal aquaintance. However, I grew up in an affluent area of So. Ca, and there are many famous people there. James Caan would drive down the street on our way to elementary school in his big Rolls. I worked at Disneyland for 5 years during college. During that time, I can't even count all the famous people I was introduced to. I got to be a tour guide one night when they had a special star night. I was assignned to a kid from one of those evening shows I didn't watch, so I can't even remember his name! A head turner though. They were an average family, with a star of a kid. Michael Jackson came for the big launch of his 3 D movie, and we had to clear out Space Mountain for him to ride his own car. He doesn't like to get near any regular people! Most of the time, the stars attempted to come to Disney incognito so they didn't bring attention to themselves, but among us cast members, news spread pretty fast. But, again, I didn't really get to know any of these people. I saw Kurt Russell at the ice skating rink where he was watching his son practice hockey. He looked like a mess, sweats, ruffled hair, face hair growth of several days... He wasn't hanging out with the rest of the parents, he was looking down form the top side, where we were just walking by. We went to a water slide park this summer, and the wife of that black basketball player on the Lakers with the wild colored hair was there with her boys. They live nearby, and get all the neighbors mad because they use a helicopter to land on the beach where it is not allowed. She had his name tatooed on her back side and stuff about him on her arms. We were in line next to her and her kids for several rides. Interesting family.... (Rodney somebody maybe? ) See, I'm SO bad with names! Unfortunately, I've never considered any of these people special, so I never bothered to remember the names of most of the people I was introduced to, or helped get onto a ride or simply noticed or was told who so and so was. I'm terrible with names and stars just don't strike me. Sorry.
  12. Does anyone have a coupon for these? Where is the best place to purchase them?
  13. Well, I'm amazed at how much publicity it has gotten! I started with her way back when it was very new. It is bigger now, but basically, the list is the same. It TOTALLy depends on what kind of things you typically buy. I noticed they are all name brand items, and convienence stuff. I bought everything I could that was cleaner/shampoo/deodorant related. They were practically free. I still have a BOX of toothbrushes and toothpaste that were all free! I did not find that we ever bought the frozed food stuff. I did buy BBQ sauces and salad dressings. All in all, it was worth what I paid back then, but I haven't seen it lately, and now there is no store to where we live that I could use, and I don't really miss it. We eat much more healthy than what she has you buy. Because I still have BOXES of all those shampoos and stuff, I don't need any of that for a long time. I just stick to the outside edges of the store and come home with less cost.
  14. I've had a linksys in the past. It worked fine for years, however, I had a hard time figuring out how to make it secure. In fact, even now, I notice that when I look for available WiFi when visiting family, it is usually a linksys that I can find unprotected! We were told to use the 2WIRE wireless router by my neighbor who is in a WIFI business. It has great reviews and it links our printers and all computers without any trouble. It was a sinch to set up WEP too. In fact, 2WiRE has shown up on my "all" list often in many places, and then it always shows it is secure and therefore unavailable. If that matters to you, consider the 2WIRE.
  15. We travel with 2 shepherds. They get the back of the SUV to themselves, and we put all our belongings in the overhead roof racks. Some things we put in the cargo box, for safe keeping and weather, but you can also strap down suitcases or rubbermaid containers to the roof racks without a cargo container. I don'tthink you need a Uhaul! Surely your mom has laundry facilities? :) We leave the dogs in the car when eating, but it hasn't been hot when we did this. If it is HOT this summer, you can't leave them in the car for even a short time. You would have to eat lunch going through a drive through and keep the car running / ac to eat. We do that for lunch, but for morning/dinner it is usually cool enough to go inside and leave dogs in car. We travel with folding crates. Motels are usually fine with crated dogs. Just make sure ahead of time that a crated dog is ok. This makes it easier when visiting guests too. Our dogs are very comfy in their crates, so they were fine with all the differnt places we stayed. Keep him on somewhat regular routine with eating, potty, sleeping and walking and he should be fine. We found remote places to pull over and let the dog run and get some quick exercise and do their job. It was nice to let them run for 10/15 minutes every few hours. But, our dogs come on command, and so make sure if you let loose your dog, he will come back! Being a retriever, you could probably throw a few balls back and forth to get some workout.
  16. As said previously, cavy cages has great examples of both kinds of upper/lower builds. We bought our stuff at Target. We went to a "sign store" and asked for the coroplast. At first they didn't want to sell it, then we were specific and said it was for a guinea cage, and they were happy to help. They thought we were going to do a DIY sign! We always used pine for horses. We bought the BIG bag at the feed store. (the paper stuff was way too expensive for such a large cage). Pine was less than $5 and lasted a whole month. Our cage was 6x2 grids on the bottom, and 1x2 on the top. We had 3 pg's. We used a board and bent on of the grids to make the ladder. Put carpet on the board, and they easiily went up and down. Those ties worked perfect to keep it all together. The boys had a fun time gathering sour grass and the yellow weed flowers. GP LOVED that stuff. We rarely fed them pellets, but there were always a small amount in the bowl. We fed them all the left over cuttings from our salads, fruits, ect. Actually, we went to the produce man and got all the old stuff they were throwing away. We had plenty for the gp's to eat fresh a couple of times a day. Don't feed them seeds from apples or anything though! Iceburg lettuce is bad. Romane lettuce is ok. Really, they want real veggies and fruits, grass and LOADS of Timothy hay. I could buy a large grocery sack at the same feed store for less than $5 and it lasted about 3 weeks. They eat mostly hay! Not alfalpha though. THat is really hard on them. If you buy hay in those cute little bags at walmart, you will never feed them enough. Go for a bale or half bale and give them a big handful every day. Make another bent grid and hang it on the cage so that it is up off the bedding, otherwise, they nest in it. Another tip.. We always scooped out the corners of the cage every day. That is where they mess up. We then scooted out the middle cleaner pine chips, and put the new in the middle. This made sure we were constantly rotating the chips and then once in a while we would remove all of it, and wash the plastic. Didn't need it much if we were up on the daily removal of the wet chips. You need a box or something for the GPs to chew on to help their teeth. you don't want them eating the pine. We had an apple tree in the yard, and would saw off a small branch and let them chew on that. THey loved it. Have fun,they are a fun pet!
  17. Wow! How fun. First, get the book "before and After getting your puppy by Dunbar. I borrowed it from the library, then bought it because it was Excellent. There is an online training book, that I love, and she trains a Portuguese Water Dog. Her name is Sue Eh? http://www.dragonflyllama.com/%20%20MAIN/indexdog.html. The dog's name is Scuba, if you would like to read a blog about training one of these dogs. Enjoy the pup!
  18. I've noticed in our community college/ adult ed catalogs that there is usually one of these classes. It walks you thru a business plan, and helps with filing city papers to get started, specific toward your own city. As far as getting credit cards, you typically use your bank that you will be doing business with. Ask them for a merchant account. Beware, because you will be a store front, with possible cash deposits, you will pay for your account. Only personal accounts are free :( You need a federal id number. City license. Probably Liabiltiy insurance. Enjoy your venture into self employed land!
  19. We've made our wills with Quicken Willmaker. Once about 12 years ago, and again this year. Nolo is now the company behind Quicken's program, and works easily. I also like how it is now capable of making a pot trust for the kids, so that we don't have to have individual trusts for each child. (more like how money is spent as a family). I attempted to use the online site, I think it was a link I got from Dave R. (Legal Zoom was the name!) however, I didn't like the method used, it was confusing, I didn't feel comfortable having to find that particular info and input it online, and then they have someone evaluate it and then I pay for it. It wasn't inexpensive either. So, I'm happy to get one done with Willmaker. Life just isn't that complicated for us at this time that this seems to fit our need.
  20. I'm here in IDaho! Just moved here about 6 months ago. Loving it!
  21. How you use it is totally up to you, and varies with each unique family :) I bought the whole package. The volume, activity pages, bible cards, timeline/map. Turns out, we don't like the activity pages. I use the text down the line as suggested. I use the timeline/maps when asked to, and we use the cards to review the bible book. But, my kids are 12/13, and the advanced pages were too young for them. Since my 12 yo is slower to grasp things, I bought him the Intermediate. So, I own 2 full sets, but only did it once. We spend about 30 minutes each day on 1 lesson. We typically get through 4 lessons/week because something else comes up during the week. This month we don't school on fridays, and we haven't even found time for Bible on that day.
  22. I found that I like those new shape/form pillows. They sell them cheaper at Costco than at Linens and things. But, if you have a coupon, and they are on sale go for it. You have to buy 2 at Costco. One end is a bit lower than the other side of the pillow. That way, if you sleep on your back, there is a smaller bump, and if you sleep on your side, you use the larger bump end to support the neck. It always poofs back up after removing my head. We've used ours for 6 months now, and they are still like new. I've always used a big fluffy down pillow, so this is a first, but I really like the pillow! SOrry, I can't remember the name brand, but you'll see them at any bed, bath place.
  23. It is standard in the business these days to do the exclusive contract thing. I think they feel like they can give you more that way. They make sure you are a qualified buyer so they don't waste their time or that of the sellers. They spend time looking for the listings and showing you around. However, you are not obligated to sign that contract. You must be specific. Basically tell them: 1. You are simply asking them to show their house to you this once. 2. You are looking for something very specific, and have access to the MLS and are looking yourself because of this tight criteria. IF the realtor can come up with something to show you that fit this criteria, you would be happy to go with them to see the house and IF it was the right house, you would be ready and willing to buy. In this market, I think realtors are working hard for a sale. A willing/able buyer means alot.
  24. My sister did this to us! WIth Amway. If one cannot be honest up front, the whole business will suffer, and it won't be any fun. I can't say that I threw the baby out with the bath water though! The products these type of companies have can be great. Just don't have to sell them yourself.
  25. I have been using their products. I signed up to buy, and considered selling. You have to really like the product,or believe that lots of people will like it, and want to promote it. Their MLM is fairly done. If you are interested in direct marketing, I'll tell you that I've also been looking at which one would be the better one to get into. Avon has been around for 118yrs. They are rated #1 in sales volume. No wonder. Everyone has heard of Avon. Amway is #2 in volume. They've done business for 44 years. Again, a household name. Mary Kay is ranked #3 and doing business for 41 years. Most people know about them. Rated number 4 is Xango. It has been in business just 4 years, and already has volume to rank number 4. Oprah just did a show on the Mangosteen fruit. Hardly anyone has heard of this product, yet it has the quality of being the next aloe vera. They have done something very different with their MLM too. You work down as a team, rather than compete across with other distributors. The part i like most is, they have an ad co-op, so that you can participate in getting leads that are people that are interested in home business, rather than attempt to recruit all your friends and family. To me, that was a big thing. I could easily sell Avon or Amway stuff to my family, but I doubt there is room to grow a business to really make money at it. I believe this XanGo has great potential for future growth, and so that is where I'm going. BTW, Arbonne is not on the list that I have of the top 16 volume sales. If you are interested in looking, you can go to my web site. You'll need to input your name and email so I know you were there, but no one else sees this info. Take a look around the site! My Website
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