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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. Well, most items are brand name items, such as salad dressings, toothpastes, shampoos, and all the stuff on the inside of the store. Just look through the coupons that typically come in your paper. How many of them do you use? She uses most of them, when the timing is right. Since we shop the outside aisles of the store, we don't profit by the grocery game. I did it for a year though. Really stocked up on toothpaste and shampoo, enough that 4 years later, I'm still using my stock!
  2. I've read 3 of R. K. book's. They are interesting, and filled with principles that are ideal. Many people don't know these principles, such as believing their house is an "investment". Today, our homes are usually a majority of our "wealth" yet it really isn't something we tap into, it is something we live IN. He is also right on when he talks about needing residual income. That is what business owners do. They duplicate their efforts with employes. Rentals duplicate the stream of income. Anything that can duplicate your efforts after you have already performed the majority of the work and continues to grow is what he is endorsing. He is also an endorser of Direct marking sales, because this does precisely that same thing, but without the capital required of RE. If you want to work from "home" don't dismiss this as a valid opportunity. just do diligent research. We've taken this approach, and it is working really well, keeping me home, and will start replacing dh's income within a year. No risk to capital. Very little monthly expense. Hard work, but not physical like remodeling a dump of a property. So, he has some really good things to say. He is also really redundant. After reading 3 books, I think I read only a book and a half of something I could walk away with that was not duplicated. He contridicts himself too. And, as earlier posters have confirmed, he presents his principles and his life story as something that is worthy of replicating even as far as he went.. all the way to bankruptcy. I think there are smarter ways to get going, and the first is being able to afford the new venture without risk to home and family. I don't think that he suggests quitting the day job before the supplemental income is strong. At least, I've heard him talk about getting that second business going while using the day job to support the needs of family. That is important to remember, because it gets lost in the hipe of his message.
  3. I have been using the daily by page one this year. Last year, I bought the week on a page when they went on sale 2/3 of the year through. I didn't stick with it because there was just too much to look at in a day. I ahve been faithfully following the daily though, and it is empowering! ANd, my kiddos know to look there and see what needs to be done, I just put their letter next to the chores I want them to do. It would be great if hubby took a look, but by the time he gets home, most of those items are checked off anyway.
  4. Dose up on fiber, and drink a lot of water. Works for us.
  5. Well, as Oprah had Dr. Oz on in Nov. the Mangosteen fruit has been shown in many cases to help or even get rid of allergic reactions of the bronchial/respitory type. You can see an actual study at http://www.pubmed.gov. This is the independent National Library of Science journals. On the search bar, type in Mangosteen/allergy. You'll get one particular study for this type of study. If you type in mangosteen, you'll get more articles, and if you type in "garcinia mangostana" (the scientific name for mangosteen) you'll even get more. Xanthones are the reason for the amazing results they are finding. They are a super high antioxidant. Much more powerful than the more common grade seed extract. You can go here to read about testimonials of this product: http://www.insidemangosteen.com/gonow There are testimonies of all kinds of ways the xanthones are healing properties. If you would like more info on how to get some of this product, please email me or PM.
  6. I have already seen that there are shots now available to neuter a dog by making him sterile rather than castration. I know this is still rather new, but sounds like a dream so that we wouldn't have to put dogs into surgery anymore.
  7. I disagree that this is a relationship issue, or necessarily poorly thought out decision making. Dependance can just happen and it isn't necessarily good.
  8. I disagree. Our case fits this senario perfectly. My dh and I were both working when we were married. FIL decided that we should buy their house, and they would buy a single story across the street. We would have qualified for the loan while I was working, but because of a credit mark I had, they would not accept my name on title. (blah, yuck, I know). So, FIL decided he would put his name on the mortgage so dh and I would qualify. They already marked the house down to a very fair price, lower than they would have sold to outsiders. 2 years later, I quit my job after we have our ds, and now FIL helps us make the payments (6 years going). There are numerous things going on in this senario. We don't have debt,and live within our means on everything, except the house payment. But, first, we wouldn't have purchased the house if it hadn't been that FIL signed. I'm not sure we could have bought anything, being that we were in Southern CA. Even when they were happy to give us the money, because they wanted us to live next door, it was a burden that we were not living on our own, and were unable to make it independant of them. As to the final conclusion of whether or not it would have been better for us to move to another town, I'm not sure! As it was, we finally decided last year, to sell, and move to ID where we COULD afford to live on our own. The value of the house had risen 300%, and paid for our new house outright. So, I guess it was worth it, but we had 12 years of living in poverty to get there.
  9. http://www.hillbillyhousewife.com/beginnersbread.htm I use this website, and this is an easy bread recipe, easy white bread that makes delicious toast and sandwiches. We buy bread flour at Costco. We buy bulk yeast at the grocery, where I can buy it more regularly without it going bad, but in better quantity than those packages. Sam's Club used to sell a good quantity of yeast, I haven't found it at Costco. Don't have other recipes. I just adjust this one, to add a bit of wheat flour or honey.
  10. I'm not sure the frozen mangosteen would taste the same, but you eat the beautiful white center. It is a gourmet food! I'm sure it is frozen because they can't grow anywhere near here, and it is the only way to get it here.
  11. We've been through 3 of them so far. They are the neatest, simpliest, smallest, efficient appliance in our kitchen. I wish they would take a harder beating though. We use it alot, but the commercial assumes you can use it for everything LOL. Our first bullet lost the plastic tabs on the glass so we had to hold it down. THen the motor went. The second one didn't last but a couple of weeks, so we returned it. This third one we have been using for almost a year.
  12. But see, this is different than what the book is talking about. There were CONDITIONS upon getting the help. You school, they support. It was temporary, not ongoing. I doubt they expected you to become a full time permanent student for full time support everlasting. The book is not saying there is anything bad about this type of help from parents. There are other stories throughout this thread much like this. Please realize this is not about getting money from parents in general. It is specific about ongoing payments to adults who don't "need" the money, they just need the money to live like they want to.
  13. Maybe "real" had to do with Real wood vs. fake wood?
  14. You could stay under the radar for 2 years. It will take that long for them to even start enforcing the law. Then, get that health for life, and get out and get a new job up here and still retire in 10 years. Costs are cheaper up here, you know that, yes??
  15. This all started a couple of years ago. The writing was on the wall when CHEA informed us to go ahead and fill out the R4 even when the state web site said Do Not use this for homeschooling. We moved last year, out of the state. Idaho has NO homeschooling regulations. It's what HSLDA calls "GREEN". We didn't move just because of homeschooling, but it was just one more reason to get out of CA.
  16. Yes, this is exactly the premise the book is using. Weathly parents. Kids who don't "need" the money but become accustomed to the money. = less drive to make it themselves.
  17. I have this book, after borrowing it from the library, I mooched it from Bookmooch because I loved it that much. I think the surveys they did have much merit. Remember, they were following MILLIONAIRES and how money worked within that circle. For the most part, these people were "average" type people, but not "average" in their thought process. This particular example really gets one to think about the consequence of GIVING money as ONGOING help. It is not discussing loans to temporarily help out situations of need. It isn't about the typical daughter or son getting a few dollars from their parents. It is a question about how rich kids grow up and like to live accustomed to their parents wealth, but can't and so they get subsidized. Those kids will not learn to accumulate wealth when being handed the money, at least that is what their survey indicated as the norm. Is that 100%? Well, the survey concluded with ... "it cannot be denied that adult children who receive cash gifts differ from those who do not. " Actual numbers are shown in the table of the income producers with parent help vs. without. That is an average. Thus, there may be a small number who come out better, but overall, in this particular LIMITED example, I think what he says hold true. And, yes, if your SIL is living in a rent free home from MIL, and learning not to live on what she makes, she qualifies for this award of Economic Outpatient Care. It is exactly what this example is pointing to. She isn't getting a little help. She is getting subsidized living.
  18. We have wood floors, and 2 dogs. You must keep the nails cut, simple, or get scratches. Of course, they are surface scratches, and buff out, unless your dogs dig at the door. Kids and floors make scratches / dents too. Our kids drop silverware on the floor regularly, and they leave big dents. I look at it this way... what piece of wood is perfect anyway? It is all just more character of those who live there. The wood is nice to look at, even with scratches and dents because usually people don't notice them, it is warm to walk on, soft to walk on, and all around beautiful.
  19. Motivated Moms, in the daily format works for me. It gives me a list of chores to accomplish, an appt. calendar for me to write down important things, and space for menu planning and notes.
  20. I've used one for years. We bought a nice one that retracts when not in use. Got it from Home Depot. It is in a round case, on a wheel, and we attached it to one wall of the yard, and it reaches a long way. We had a post with a bird house that we attached the other end to. We liked it because we could take it down to mow and when company was over and no big deal.
  21. I'm not sure it matters :( They seemed to indicate that because there was no direct supervision, nor actual attendance at this "school", it didn't qualify. 2 years ago, they made this ruling that as homeschoolers, we did NOT qualify as private schools. They changed the online R-4 sign up that year to reflect that homeschoolers could not use the R4. We did anyway. I believe they will use this to enforce the interpretation that homeschools are not private schools, even if done as a group umbrella.
  22. Are you sure this is an option? In our state, we can't put our kids into high school after homeschooling that time. Even if it is possible, I guess at that age, I would probably enroll my dc in the community college and have dual enrollment. I think the social structure would be a bit more mature, while HS is probably going to be more younger politics that your daughter just doesn't need as a life skill.
  23. I go over it with ds, and then turn him loose on the workpage. Does any 10yo like grammar?
  24. I tried to find something "sunny". Every sun rise or real sunny picture didn't look right, so when I found this one, I decided to use it. I also found a cartoon of a sunshine, and like it too, but decided to stick with this one... is it any good? I can switch, I'm not that partial to it.
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