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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. Shoebuy has changed policies recently. The last time I ordered from there I believe I only got credit for a return instead of a full refund unless I paid return shipping. I don't remember the details, just that the policy was changed.
  2. Not to completely derail but is Columbus Day observed in Texas? It isn't observed where I live, even the banks are open. I can only remember when it is because it's my brother's birthday. Anyway, just saying that the prices may not be super high if it isn't a big travel weekend all over the country.
  3. Zappos is great, returns are easy. They don't do any promo codes though. My brother recently ordered 9 pairs of shoes at the same time and sent 8 back. I asked if his account got flagged because I felt like that was a lot, but he said he hasn't had any trouble at all.
  4. Following. We are doing chemistry this year so I bought a placemat with the periodic table printed on it, my son has been way more interested in it than I expected.
  5. Frontier has cheap flights too but watch the extras. If you are going to check a bag, pay when you book because it's cheaper. They also charge for carry on luggage (anything that doesn't fit under your seat) so keep that in mind.
  6. I thought I would be a box checker, but I have some CM inclinations, so I'm not ending up that way as a homeschooling mom. I keep a file folder for the year for each kid. I file a sample of work for each subject every few weeks. For seeing daily progress I use a simple spiral notebook for my son as an assignment book. As he completes each item of the day, he crosses it off. The pages of crossed off items gives me that sense of accomplishment my box checking inclinations desire.
  7. We've never done Santa but my daughter, who has yet to lose any teeth, figured out about the tooth fairy around age 5. She will still get her quarter when (if?) she loses a tooth.
  8. The Usborne reference books drive me crazy. There are so many non-cohesive paragraphs, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to read first and I always miss something on the page.
  9. It's a lot of fun, we did one with friends about a month ago. There was a thread back then from someone else thinking about doing one at home.
  10. Above I said I wasn't doing anything formal with my 4 year old this year but I did add FIAR to our morning time. I don't do the super detailed projects though, we read the book and do the simple activities. The most complicated activity I have done is buy chopsticks so the kids could try eating lunch with them.
  11. Can the kids run through the sprinkler? Do you have an air conditioner $1 theater? Can a friend take a kid for the afternoon?
  12. I had all my cousins write a letter to my grandparents with their memories. Some wrote a sentence or two, some wrote long letters. They really appreciated the sentiment.
  13. Have you tried Usborne? Ted and Friends is a book with 5-6 stories in it. They have several others too that are single stories, Racoon on the Moon is one title.
  14. Nalgene with the flip top, $6 on Amazon. Two pieces, a lid and the bottle.
  15. Have you ever seen the show "What not to wear"? It's off the air now but you could do something similar locally. Market yourself as a local expert. Charge people $50 for a one hour consult. Go to their house, sort through their clothes showing how to put outfits together. Maybe take pictures so they can remember what goes together. Give them a list of a few basics that would help fill out their wardrobe. For another $50 you go shopping with them for 2 hours. Whether someone is shopping thrift stores or boutiques many need help figuring out what looks good on them. Work with your friends first to develop a process and a portfolio. I suspect through word of mouth you could develop enough clients to stay as busy as you want.
  16. I think there's something fishy going on, not sure what though.
  17. The alarm is activated when a child starts to urinate. It wakes them up to use the bathroom. It is supposed to teach a child to recognize the signal of a full bladder.
  18. Pink, I don't have advice but I keep thinking about this thread. I know you feel stuck but you are already changing the lives of your children. I'm saying a prayer for you.
  19. My question would be is the young couple going to function as a married couple for a couple of years before they marry? If they are, they may be better off married. My husband and I waited until I graduated to marry, we probably would have been better off to marry earlier. We lived in separate houses but were financially and emotionally dependent on each other prior to marriage. Our life experience likely would not have been that different had we gone ahead and married. Anecdotally two sets of grandparents, my in-laws, and my sister-in-law all married before age 20. All but one went on to college (he was career Air Force), most to graduate school, and have good marriages and successful careers. My biological parents married after college and divorced after 9 years of marriage. They also have graduate degrees and successful careers. I realize it's difficult to go into complete detail but I would suggest that you express your concerns to your child and partner in a non-threatening relaxed conversation. Listen to their side with an open mind. If they choose to go ahead and marry, support them completely emotionally and spiritually. Help them find quality pre-marital counseling and pay for it if you have to. (Disclaimer: my oldest child is 8)
  20. It depends on the situation. I'm not opposed to correcting in public and do when the situation calls for it. Other times I may call out a name to get the behavior to stop, then talk to my kids more later. In a co-op situation it may not be clear who us in charge of correcting behavior. Is each parent responsible? Is the teacher? Is there a volunteer in the room for crowd control? You may need to define these roles if it is an on going problem.
  21. For my family that means spending time outdoors and weekly tea time. My kids adore tea time! We put a table cloth on our kitchen table, get out my grandmother's China and read a poem or two. We make or buy a dessert to enjoy as well. I really thought the idea sounded cheesy, but it is probably my kids' favorite part of homeschooling. I make it a point to go hiking or to a creek bed every 10 days or so for the kids to really spend time in a beautiful area outside. They play outside at home or the park daily but this is different. My 6 year old has gotten into observing birds. My boys like finding interesting rocks. It isn't a cultural richness but it is instilling wonder. I take advantage of local cultural events. For ballets and plays we frequently attend the school performances which are less expensive and often have a kid friendly introduction or a question session. I keep aware of what is going on in the community and take my kids to various events, I find there is often more going on than we are able to take advantage of.
  22. Lots of playing and me reading to my kids. I made my oldest learn to write his name so he wouldn't "get behind". My current 1st grader wanted her own real school work so I had a few random workbooks and the Rod & Staff preschool books. If she wanted to do something, she did them. I'd say after a week or two she mostly wanted to play. My current 4 year old sits in on our morning time and gets read to a lot. He enjoys puzzles and play dough but not drawing or coloring. I won't do anything formal with him. I do a relaxed kindergarten as well, mostly focused on learning to read and then we follow the WTM beginning in 1st grade.
  23. Keep with the pull ups. If you have trouble with them leaking I found some great washable bedpads on Amazon. The brand is Medline and they run about $20 for 4 of them.
  24. My husband does not have side effects from taking it. A half dose knocks me out pretty soon after taking it but it does not cause me any panic attacks.
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