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Everything posted by Rachel

  1. That looks perfect! It looks like I can do the patches without it damaging the case.
  2. My son shot in his first archery competition and got a couple patches. He would like to put them on his bow case. I'm at a loss as to how to do it. The material is way too heavy for hand sewing and I'm not sure if ironing them on will ruin the case. I could try machine sewing, but I don't have any heavy duty needles. Any ideas? Here's the type of case: https://eastonarchery.com/product/genesis-bowcase-4014/
  3. I'm sorry! If you attend church, maybe you could contact the church you plan to attend and see if someone there might have a home to rent. My husband did that in college and when he interned and it worked well for him. Good luck!
  4. Have you looked at Ottobre? You can get past issues. https://www.ottobredesign.com/lehdet_js/2016_5/index.html?en You will have to trace the patterns onto freezer paper or something to use them, but I love their designs. I've only made kid clothes, never tried the women's.
  5. We had lists for all of my growing up. It was pretty basic list though, more like a reminder for parents. My dad always hated that we had to buy Kleenex. We used toilet paper and home and felt like I could use that at school too. Fortunately my mom just bought the Kleenex.
  6. This is a very reasonable list. It seems appropriate for one child for the school year.
  7. I keep meaning to try it too. My SIL loves it and she's really not into clothes. Ever since she subscribed she looks so put together. The prices concern me a little too, but then again I tend to keep my clothes forever. I cleaned my closet out last week and have at least 3 dresses I still wear that are over 10 years old. One of them happens to be a dress I paid full price for at Ann Taylor way back when. At the time it was the only dress I could find for a family event and we couldn't really afford a $100 dress. Looking back it was a great investment.
  8. It seems more and more schools are requesting excess supplies under the guise of helping the kids who don't have supplies. When every kindergarten student needs to bring 40 glue sticks (a requirement in my district) it seems a bit ridiculous though. I mean that's a stick of glue per week per child. It seems to me that schools may need to rethink how supplies are handled. I think it's good to help kids that can't afford supplies, I think it's good to help teachers that have to provide supplies out of their own pockets, but maybe schools need to handle it differently.
  9. Never mind, not relevant for this thread.
  10. I do not cover my head. My MIL doesn't either but does keep her hair long (although not super long anymore). In college I knew a girl who did not cover until she was baptized. She played volleyball and waited to be baptized until the season was over. After she was baptized she always wore skirts, her hair in a bun, and a small crocheted covering near the bun. I can't remember the type of church she went to but it was not a common one in my area.
  11. This is so funny! We do keep our garage clean, but primarily park in there to keep the weather from ruining the paint on the car and to keep me and the kids out of the weather. We have a two car garage but my husband's truck won't fit with my car, so he parks outside. If I got the car really, really super dirty (not going to happen) and giant chunks of mud were going to end up all over the floor, I might wash it first or park on the street until most of the mess is gone to keep it from tracking into the house. That had never happened since we moved here though. We have neighbors who never, ever park in the garage, mostly because it's packed full of stuff, I don't get that at all. I mean if the houses were tiny, yes but that's not the case in our neighborhood.
  12. Found the one I was looking for: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/140032033X/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1499469680&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=jesus+calling+for+kids&dpPl=1&dpID=51Pw5D6sA6L&ref=plSrch
  13. Each of these starts with the scripture where the parable came from and then tells the parable in a simple story format. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1859855881/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1499469003&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=stories+jesus+told+nick+butterworth&dpPl=1&dpID=51Fp0Umgj1L&ref=plSrch A lot of people love the Jesus Storybook Bible: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0310708257/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1499469113&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=sally+lloyd+jones+jesus+storybook+bible&dpPl=1&dpID=61U4WWGzkcL&ref=plSrch I'm having difficulty finding my favorite at the moment, I bought it at a Scholastic sale but I think I've seen it at Lifeway as well. ETA the first one I linked isn't the entire bible just 6-8 parables. I think it is out of print but there are other versions as well.
  14. What about an edible fruit bouquet? Do you know any of the special nurses interests or hobbies?
  15. My neighbor is sort of a travel agent, I'm not sure exactly what her title is. She is a fairly recent college graduate with a degree in international business. She works for a new travel agency in our area, but they focus on corporate travel which is a lot different.
  16. Just saw update 4, I'm so sorry. Saying another prayer.
  17. I don't think that's enough. I would expect to pay $50-$75 for that. Maybe with a slight discount for a second child from the same family.
  18. I have cut my FB friends down to only those I actually interact with regularly or very close family members. I do post lots of pictures and brag on my kids, but I view it the same as getting doubles of prints made and mailing them to grandparents the way my parents use to do. I do talk to my friends about struggles with life and am quite candid about it. I don't necessarily post the details on FB though. I may post a general complaint about it being a long day but I'm also just as likely to text a friend about that, providing more detail.
  19. Can he not find 10 students? That sounds like the perfect way to earn money to me. I would put his music skills to work. What about playing for weddings? Offering music camps on school breaks?
  20. Not a Rom Com but The Bucket List is on Netflix right now, it's really good.
  21. OP thanks for the link, fascination story. I can't believe how much time and money went into that investigation. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the stories you all have linked.
  22. Our beagle mix doesn't mind them at all either. Our shepherd mix we use to have didn't like them, but if he was right with us or under a table he was fine.
  23. I'm so sorry this is dividing your family. Saying another prayer.
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