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christine in al

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Everything posted by christine in al

  1. more grammar questions to come. My need is so great, we could have a Grammar subforum. ~c.
  2. Folks who hang out over there might have some ideas as well as folks here. ~christine in al
  3. Really? Really? That's a HUGe piece that neither of my fantastic grammar programs have told me. ( well , in a way I got... just yet) REALLY? That's so easy , so cool. Really?? Thanks. I love Grammar. ~christine
  4. We try to think of it this way" private school costs for a private school education" It's the lessons, piano and TaeKwonDo, art and pottery, soccer and equipment, that eat us alive. plus: cover school 110.00, computer printer ink, paper, pencils, dryerase markers etc. 200.00 year lessons cost more than curriulum here. ~c.
  5. ( Here is why I am doing 2 grammar programs... I don't get it yet) So in the sentence: The dog jumped up. Is " up" a prepostion or and adverb? ( WHY?) Or can a word be two things in one sentence? OR,, is Gramar an art and both interpretations can be argued? ~christine in AL.
  6. Music of the Hemispheres is so amazing. We are doing Grammar Island and FLL 3, FLL 3 seems obvious to him and he wants to jsut go ahead and diagram. I've started letting him. Grammar Island and FLL use slightly different terms, Adjectives describe in FLL, modify in GI. And a few of the otehr terms seem different. But so far it's worth it to do both because they cover things in different ways. diagram or label. why not know both?? ~christine
  7. 2nd and 4th. This past week , we've been starting the day with a science video from Discovery Education Streaming. After that we've been doing a 15 minute yoga program and then 3 minutes of meditation. Being quiet and just breathing is working wonders for both ds and me. Then we look at a short thing we should all be memorizing, ( preamble to the constitution a' la School House Rock we have done and it's teh planet order for now) I read a little of a read-aloud ( this is new and working well) relating to Medieval history. We do Latin together. Then split. I make sure 2nd grader is set up to listen to SOTW, and have whatever activity sheet or Kingifsher page to look at while she listens on head phones, then she'll do stuff on her list: memory work, cursive,typing, piano practice, literture reading. and make us a snack. ( While that's happening, I'm doing Maths, Grammar, Spelling and Compostion with 4th grader) We have snack. Switch: I do Maths, Grammar Spelling and Comp with 2nd grader, while 4th grader does the above plus a computer Spanish program. And makes us lunch. The kids making snack and lunch was the most wonderful thing we have done. afternoons are a mix of Piano lesson, chess club, Pottery lesson , ( all on Thursdays) TaeKwonDo, ( Mon Wed.) I try to have a STAY AT HOME DAY on Tuesdays. ~christine in al
  8. I am so tempted to just close the curriculums, cuddle on the sofa and read, read, read to them...and then play some...and then cook some...and then read some more... That might just be your intuition. Intuition is often dismissed and be littled.. That is a mistake. What you wrote soudns to me like it might be your " mother wisdom" trying to speak. Be still and listen. I tend toward wanting them to get lots rather than unschooling. So, If it were me, In order to really relax, I'd hyper-enrich the environment . Don't schedule, Just make available Library books rather than computer games and videos. An art shelf Educational movies available, but not schedulued ( we use NetFlix) And relax and breathe. Congratuatlions on the baby and your health. Christine in AL
  9. Declensions? I don't know yet. moving on.. Whole to parts? When you look at or listen to a story or sentence , the WHOLE thing... Try to figure it out and comprehend as you go. Just picking up what you can at teh beginning. Then learn to break it into it's parts of grammar. I think this is also called immersion. as in jumping into the deep end and immersing yourself in the language. Some folks love this as it gives them the global view and a feel for the language. This is how we learn our native languages and how many folks thing we should learn MFL ( Modern Foreign Languages) This works beautifully for many folks, others it drives insane. The insane ones are the ones screaming " WHAT does that MEAN?!?!?!" "What are they saying?!?!?!" Parts to whole? You learn the parts, ie: vocab, grammar etc, the PARTS, then build it toward the WHOLE. Right.... see above,.... reverse it. This method can go a bit slowly for some folks, For others it seems great as they understand everything that's happening. Classical? The form of pronounciation that one hears in Classics Departments at Universities. The letter " c" is always pronounced as "k" and "G" is always "G". and V is "W" Some people say it is easier to go from Classical to Ecclesiastical than vice versa. Ecclesiastical? Church Latin. What one hears during the Latin Mass in the Catholic Church. some folks think it sounds softer. The c and g follow the same rules of softening they do in English. So, that's what I THINK is happening in Latin. Can't wait to learn about Declensions and Stems and Cases. etc. ( that's Latin) ~Christine in AL
  10. :cheers2: Working ourselves out of a job is our job isn't it? Well Done.
  11. I think I'd start with readings for you to see what style resonates with you. Be thinking about where you want them to be at the end of their high school. ( you don't have to KNOW,, just kinda think about what's important to you. ) I'd go to the Library and get: Well Trained Mind.... Classical Some books by, oh shoot, everybody, who's the unschooling guy..?? Charlotte Mason Maria Montesorri my man just got back with gorceries, gotta go. cheers, ~c.
  12. It may be an abomination of an Aboriginal war dance. Maybe it's insensative, but if we were studying the Aboriginal People of Austrailia, I'd at least investigate it. I think it's cool to see anglos doing this war dance. I am not a First Nations person, so I may be missing a major sensativity issue here, but I see it as honoring the power of the Maori . Anyway, I'd check you tube for the All Blacks and see if you can find a film of the Hoka. not what you were asking , I know, good luck getting your REAL question answered. Christine in AL
  13. This isn't a religious group. Other's always choose books from NY best seller list and there is always a long wait for them at teh library. and I'm too cheap to buy a book just for a book group. We're a bunch of middle aged , wine drinking, moms. I'm thinking very non-curricula books like Lady Chatterly's Lover. Any " classics" , that just means books that are good and might be at my library. Thanks, ~Christine
  14. We also like FLL 3. We like that it's workbook and straight-forward. ds 4th grade is half way though it and we are adding MCT. but we'll finish this years FLL 3 also. ~c.
  15. I find it much easier if I get the temperature and saline right. too little and it feels like a swimming pool, too much and the ocean. ( TMI...coming) When I asked my sweet but rather crass, MD Brother in law, hoping for a formula for parts of H2O and salt. he said adjust the salt content until it taste like mucus... he used the tacky "Sn.." word) I suggest distilled Water and organic Sea Salt. not necessary, but hey, why potentially add bad stuff to your poor body. Oh , and sometimes it's un eventful, but sometimes,,,, WOW,, you wonder how you were walking arund with all that gunk in yoru head. Gross, but better out than in. ( I do mine standing over the bath tub, You tube video helpful. I hope you feel better. ~Christine in al
  16. With pretty-near-perfect, although non-English husband. ;-) I did decide to go wtih Latin Prep. But LfC looks great too. If LP is tough, we'll just take it slowly. Like the Indigo Girls said long ago, " the sweetest part is acting after a making a decision." Thanks for all y'all's feed back and support as I wallowed in this decision. Isn't it wonderful that there are so many curricula out there? ~c in al
  17. So, macrons and classical pronounciation on the DVDs cool. I had found the info on their site, but I wasnt' sure about the DVDs. Kinda pretty really. Thank you. ~c.
  18. Now I'm dithering about starting into Latin Prep, or LfC.. Latin Alive. Can someone tell me if the LfC and LAtin Alive DVDs use ecclesialstical or classical pronounciation? I'm guessing E. I dont' speak Latin, but I think I'm hearing some beautiful rolled r's in the Latin Alive sample I heard. Thanks, ~Christine in al
  19. hopefully tomorrow as a family. We gathered our goodies today. I am so excited about this project because I ahve been wondering jsut this for years. How Big is the Solar System. the Thousand Yard Model or The Earth as a peppercorn. Here's a link ( I hope) www.noao.edu/education/peppercorn I think it's a good start, regardelss of your curriculum. have fun. ~c.
  20. obvious suggestion warning: Have you thought of peeking over at Accelerated Learner sub forum. Chrsitien in al
  21. I'm not leaving LfC, I"m trying to GET to Latin Prep. We've been doing Latin together SSL, and Minimus, now ds will be 10 next year and ready I think for LP, but dd, won't be, so I'm thinking of a bridge curriculum for 3rd grade. LfC looks really good, really good. I am trying to decide beteen Minimus Secundus for her or LfC and then on to LP. True confessions here: In my working-class snobbery I tend to think of a good British education as ( get your received pronounciation ready....) "Superior" to a good American one. I think mostly , this is because I met a young man, when I was a young, impressionable woman who was educated in England. ( y'all he had black hair and blue eyes and the most wonderful accent ... ANY HOO..) He knew Latin and Greek and History ,,, He was planning to name his first child Xenophon. I was , hmm how do you say,,, most impressed, So, I would love my kids to have an Eton education... or what I , in my total ignorance think of as an Eton education. Sort of like the thread of really educated people form the 1700's. I also admire Laura ( formerly from China )'s curriculum. So, I recon I'm trying to give my kids a really good British education. All that to say, you may not want to be basing your children's curriculum choices on my interest in Latin Prep. :lol: And I do want to pick one and try to stay with it, If we are going to a UK order, I might should switch them in LfC.,, or just go with Minimus Secundus. All these posts have been very helpful, The detail y'all have given gives me lot to work with.
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