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Everything posted by Innisfree

  1. Along the same lines as the toy pets, some dementia patients really love the baby dolls designed just for them. They're configured to mimic the weight and size of a real baby. This website has both pets and dolls: https://www.alzstore.com/doll-pet-therapy-dementia-s/1516.htm
  2. Yes to the two entrances. As for proximity to humans discouraging the varmints, I regret to tell you the house our possum occupied is inside the attached garage. We had just left the garage door cracked a bit past dusk before closing the cat in that night. We've only had one possum, though, over six years or so.
  3. Yeah, if he wants to stay out overnight instead of just having a warm spot to toast his toes during the day, the heated cat house sounds better than the flat heated bed. We have both, since our cat also insisted on adopting us despite family allergies. We find that even the house is best placed somewhere sheltered and out of the wind and elements: a garage with a cat door, or a porch, or the like. Of course there was the time I peeked inside the house (covered with a woolen blanket, for extra warmth) to find a big possum hissing at me... 😳😄
  4. Is their present home equipped for living on one level? And, what do they want to do? Do they see the same problems you see? I've btdt, not exactly, but close. Two story house, no first floor bathroom, hoarding levels of stuff, elderly and increasingly infirm parents. In our case, one wanted to get rid of the junk and move, the other was highly resistant. We forced the move. It was necessary for health reasons, but it was very hard, at first because it was just a ton of work, but long term because the resistance and unhappiness didn't go away. So, I'd listen closely to what your folks actually want. You may still have to move them, but think about possible emotional outcomes. Many hugs.
  5. We have a heated indoor/outdoor pet bed. Maybe Obama needs this for Christmas? https://www.amazon.com/PET-PRODUCTS-Extreme-Weather-Outdoor/dp/B07PFYLYW8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=39COMCLNVRJEX&keywords=heated+cat+bed+for+outdoor+cats+in+winter&qid=1638102193&sprefix=heated+cat+bed+for+outdoor+cats+in+winter%2Caps%2C75&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFVMDJOWjlZUEFHQVMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTEwMDIyMDMzTEZSODlXV1lKV0VSJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA3MTU1ODEzQk5CWkVDVEJLNFlYJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  6. This is what I do. Use the neck and giblets for stock, which then gets used to make the gravy. Sometimes I use packaged chicken stock to make more in subsequent days once the original batch runs out (gravy is popular here 😁), and no one complains. Having drippings to add intensifies the flavor, certainly, but I've also used Better than Bouillon for the same purpose. It all works.
  7. Holding her in my thoughts. I hope she gets reassurance after testing tomorrow!
  8. I don't think you're obligated to let the child stay in the class, even with a parent helper. Don't feel guilty about just saying it isn't going to work. I'd feel it was more important to let the parent observe one time, after a clear conversation about the difficulties you're seeing, just so they can see too. Eta this assumes there's a convenient time without having the student in next semester's class, which might not be the case.
  9. If parents are making teachers' lives uncomfortable because of getting this information, that is indeed unfortunate, both for the teachers and for the students who need help. I'm sorry you've had that experience.
  10. Well... I see your point. I guess it's a matter of gauging the situation and deciding your own priorities. It wouldn't have occurred to me that a teacher would have a strong suspicion about serious issues and *not* tell me.
  11. "If you figure something out, let me know" suggests the parent is open to and desirous of help. I think the best help you can offer is to show the parent exactly what's happening, with comparative samples of other students' work, or by having her sit in class and observe. Then suggest educational psych and/or neuropsych evaluations. [Deleted some info] Speaking clearly about the student's needs isn't mean. It's the kindest thing you can possibly do.
  12. Hardly ever, except when I'm in the car. Waiting at stop lights, sometimes a great stream of smoke suddenly emerges from the window of the driver ahead of me. It's almost always vaping. Probably ten years ago now, I was really shocked to see someone smoking (vaping) at our neighborhood pool. Smoking just wasn't something people did, typically, in that sort of public situation, and especially around kids-- we were all there for swim team practice. I wasn't the only one looking startled and unhappy. It was the first time I had ever seen vaping. In the intervening years, I don't think it's become any more common or acceptable in my circles, but vaping seems to have supplanted cigarettes among those who do smoke. I'd agree that there's a class and educational gap between smokers and nonsmokers here.
  13. This was my first thought, too. Then I realized that out of the twenty or so houses on my suburban street, I know of three for certain where people feed the deer. Dd refers to our local herd as a petting zoo-- not that people are actually petting them, but I've seen them throw corn to deer only a few feet away. I wouldn't be surprised if some feed them by hand. When I walk our 50+ lb hound, we can get within ten feet of the deer before they retreat. So, yeah. People actually do get close enough to transmit the virus. ☹️
  14. I can relate to days like that. Good job! You definitely deserve a prize.
  15. Depending on how long it is, I would be tempted to get on the waiting list for the bus.
  16. Sending lots of hugs and hoping you get plenty of support in person when you're ready.
  17. Thanksgiving for us is always roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans with butter and almonds, probably a family jello salad with cranberries, regular cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. This is dh, and now our kids also. Christmas also has a Meal Which May Not Be Varied. I'm trying hard to have a little variety, but it has to be extras around the edges, not the principal dishes.
  18. That festival sounds like fun--I'd love to go, in a post-Covid year. The list of foods makes me nostalgic, especially the ham biscuits!
  19. In this case, I would want to make sure that the program is appropriate for both mental health and autism needs. Given the serious nature of his health challenges, though, I would be concerned about any inclinations to minimize his need for help. Does his father have an alternate plan beyond continuing to do the best you can at home? How much progress have you seen so far? I think @Tap's suggestion to look at changes over the last two years is smart. Is he doing better than he was two years ago? Worse? Like others, I would take this brief window of opportunity to get him the best help possible, before he turns eighteen. What's the biggest risk here? When you have a potentially suicidal teen, the money isn't the important part. But, again, I would want to get him in an appropriate residential situation. Sending lots of hugs.
  20. Is this the son who was at risk of suicide recently?
  21. That's clearly a bad choice. If they're still young puppies, then that does change things a bit. Is she physically able to meet their needs?
  22. I feel kinda like @prairiewindmomma, especially about the animals. I can't imagine getting rid of beloved pets because I had fallen on hard times. Perhaps she was never in a position to responsibly acquire pets. Still, getting rid of them, probably not ever knowing what happened to them, would be genuinely heartbreaking to many. When she's already in a deeply stressful situation, I can understand resisting that. Some areas have low-cost vet clinics for people in need. One I'm familiar with is associated with a humane society. Any chance something like that is within reach, at least for yearly care? A long day trip once a year to look after the animals could save her a great deal of money.
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