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Everything posted by JustEm

  1. We just went to the town over got a license at the courthouse, waited 2 days, and then went to a little chapel. It was a random Tuesday in January. Dh's sisters response to hearing our news later that day was, "our we supposed to be excited for you." They were mad that they weren't involved. Then they both swept their comment under the rug and didn't apologize for years. I got over it quickly, it just showed me the type of relationship we'd always have, cordial but not close. Dh held a grudge for a LONG time. His youngest sister did apologize at some point years after our marriage when she was engaged. The other one didn't until a few weeks ago. We've been married for 16 years! I laughed when she apologized because it simply didn't matter anymore.
  2. Disclaimer, I do not judge anyone for spending any amount of money on their wedding. This is strictly a personal thing for myself. I love weddings. And completely understand the want for one, especially wanting your kids to have the ability to have a big one if they want. I just could never spend the money on my own. And knowing how finances are for most young people wouldn't want my kids to have a big one if it put them behind financially
  3. for me, 10,000 is just a doable amount in theory to give each of my kids, I have 6, for whatever major life event comes first for them. If I could give more, I would. But I also would secretly hope that it didn't get wasted on a wedding.
  4. seriously. The only way I would pay that much for a wedding was if I was wealthy enough that 35k would set us back in anyway. But I spent next to nothing on my wedding since I eloped. Then we had a party a few months later in my parent's backyard for a few hundred bucks
  5. Dh says he had one 4 years ago. This was when he made a complete career change as a first step to improving our marriage. It was the best thing for our marriage and probably the most positive midlife crisis I know of. I think I'm going through one right now. I just feel like something needs to change. I'm often sick of the monotonous day to day life of a stay at home home schooling mom. I'm stuck in my own Groundhog Day and need a change. Overall, I am happy with my life and don't actually want to change anything. However, the idea that I'll be doing this for another 14 years is hard to grasp at the moment.
  6. The amount for those questions vary way too much for anyone to give an accurate answer. What I'd do and plan to do for my kids is see what number I can fit into our budget once our retirement is set and cut them a check at whatever major financial life event happens to them first. $10,000 per kid is a realistic amount for us at the moment assuming we're still at least 5 years out from the first kid's first major financial event. But finances are ever changing and I'd love to think we'll be able to offer more per kid when the needs arise.
  7. that's crazy and annoying. sorry you are dealing with that
  8. We got our taxes in and expect the refund to come in the first month of March. Dh got his first paycheck with his new salary and the yearly bonus he gets last week. We put roughly 50% of it into his 401k and various savings categories. Some of it will be fun money and the rest paid our home owners insurance yearly premium. We don't have any major expenses in Feb so that is nice
  9. I'd recommend just going straight to the supervisor with the issue. It is not your job to handle a coworkers poor behavior, that is what HR is for
  10. I have a few people like that. Dh is one of them. I could tell him absolutely everything that goes through my brain or that i've done and he'd be loving, understanding, and support me through whatever. Another person is my closest friend. She's been my confidant for nearly 20 years and I can't see that ever changing. I have another friend who I've known just as long as my closest friend and I could also tell her anything if I needed but I don't share quite as much with her, mainly because the first two people fill my need for venting and sharing. Then there are my 2 sisters. I could tell them anything and they have been my confidants at different periods of my life. But not so much lately because of the business and hectic times in their lives. For them, I listen now more than share
  11. We haven't decided if it will be for our 20th, which is in 4 years, or 25th but we plan on going to Ecuador and the Galapagos. We started saving for it this year. I did a 5 week trip their in college right before I met dh and have wanted to go back ever since. I'm so glad that he is excited to help make that happen
  12. That would be fun but it's a fetal pig. Actually, there is a frog in the box too! I just thought it was so funny when I saw the box with dead animals in it next to his gift to me.
  13. Today two packages were delivered. Unbeknownst to me, dh grabbed them and put them on the table. The one on the left he had no idea what was in it, but it was marked for me so he put it where I'd see it when he called me in to retrieve the gift he got me, roses and chocolate covered strawberries. Any guesses what is in the other package? Here are some hints... 1. It is for my high schooler's biology class. 2. It smells considerably worse than roses.
  14. I'm sorry that happened to you. I eloped, so I'm not sure how I would have handled that if it happened to me. I'd like to think I would have kicked her out until she came back in anything else. But maybe not. I didn't even wear white though
  15. I think the only time I'd bring up an clothing issue is if I knew someone was going to attend in a white gown. And in terms of a reception, if I knew someone was planning on attending without an invite.
  16. Mine started leaking over the summer. It was a broken part. I diagnosed and fixed it for $20 and maybe an hour or 2 of my and my sister's time
  17. right. parents don't need to be involved in a breakup
  18. Sadly, sometimes it is too little too late. If they have been having issues for a while then her going to therapy now won't necessarily fix things. A neglected marriage sometimes just needs to end. And in terms of it seeming incredibly sudden to you, that isn't surprising to me. My parents don't know that dh and I separated for a short period of time and they lived with us during that time. On the outside we had a seemingly happy marriage filled with love and few hardships. But the reality was we did have a marriage filled with love but lots of poor communication that created huge rifts between us until I no longer believed he loved me since his actions didn't show it. On his side, he was struggling with the strain of being the sole financial provider while having a job that was the root of all our marital issues. And he didn't know how to change things so he shut me out thinking it would protect me. During the separation we both stayed in the family home just in separate rooms. And we were always cordial and co-parented well. Had we not worked through things and divorced everyone in our lives would have been shocked beyond belief
  19. We booked our Airbnb for 20+ people. I'm pretty excited, even if the sky turns out to be cloudy. Now I've got to plan the first leg of our trip, solar eclipse is the end.
  20. Ok so, I remembered portions of it. Glad you're able to make it this time. I'll be praying for clears skies for all.
  21. I have been thinking about you a lot while I plan my trip because if I'm remembering correctly you were going to few the last one and decided not to last minute because the rest of your family wasn't particularly excited about it. Am I remembering that correctly? If so, I'm glad to hear you will see it this time.
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