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Everything posted by SeaConquest

  1. He may a prefer a whole-to-parts approach. My DS is loving MCT for grammar.
  2. Our issue is that we currently live in a small apartment in an urban part of a relatively large city. We have no backyard and have to live with regulations about kids playing on the premises (with balls, scooters, bikes, or making noise generally). My kids can't go to the local park by themselves without fear of someone calling CPS on me, and they can't play on the street because of traffic. Yes, there are tons of things to do in San Diego, but most everything requires my direction (or, at least, participation at this point), shuttling the kids from one activity or playdate to the next. It is exhausting, and mama needs her breaks too. Yes, the kids play board games and do puzzles, play Lego and imaginary games, color, read for pleasure, etc., but, as homeschoolers, they also have a lot more free time than their public school counterparts. School takes about 3 hours, extracurriculars and non-screen activities take up several more hours. But yeah, there is also screen time. And really, given our living circumstances, I am at a loss as to what else they are supposed to do with their day? We don't live on a farm, we don't have animals, they are too young to really do chores, we don't have a playroom/homeschool room/tinkering space, and kids playing out of doors is a basically nonexistent concept in our neighborhood.
  3. Mazal tov! So very excited for you both!
  4. If I saw any of that type of behavior, the devices would be gone. Immediately. Convo this morning: M: Sacha, come eat your breakfast. S: [Looks up from laptop] Ok. [Runs to table and eats] Convo yesterday: M: Sacha, time to start school. S: [Looks up from laptop] Ok. [Runs to table and does work without issues] I'm not saying that this works for every child, but it works for us with this one. And if it ever stops working, then we will make changes. But, unless I see issues developing, I prefer to remain true to my parenting style, which is very hands-off, Also, I've read tons of research on screens/vid games, and it is pretty positive, on balance.
  5. Thanks for the concern, but I promise that the sky is not falling. I get it if this more permissive style doesn't work for your family, but there's no need to be dramatic to others.
  6. My 7 year old has an iPad and a laptop, and no real restrictions on their use. He has to get his school work done, has to exercise and play, read for pleasure, and can't be a jerk if I tell him he's had enough screen time. He plays and mods Minecraft, watches Stampy videos, and codes in Scratch. Yes, he has his computer obsessions, but he always has obsessions -- whether it's Pokemon cards or Lightning McQueen. The obsessions always fade into something else. He's been very responsible with his devices, and nothing dire has happened to him as a result of us letting him mostly have free reign.
  7. I beta tested, and also see this price. I would definitely call. My kids are still too young for most of the lectures, but my main issue is that the whole library of lectures is still not available. Purportedly, new videos are slowly being added, thus increasing the value proposition over time (if the price remains the same). I will likely subscribe in the future, though.
  8. I love those days. Good for you! I'd also love a review of Mel Chem and the RFWP Latin curric. Alas, I gave Sacha a test today for Continental Math League. I put him in the Grades 1&2 level (he's in 1st grade by age), even though he is working in Beast 3C. He got 3 of 6 correct, proving yet again that hard is easy and easy is hard. :banghead:
  9. That is some pretty diligent spam.
  10. Tornado warning in San Diego?!? Dude, El Nino needs to chill out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. swimmermom3


      Are you kidding? I've thought all year that somehow Portland and San Diego traded weather, but tornados?! Stay safe and keep us posted.

    3. SeaConquest


      Thanks. It's been nuts around here.

    4. EmilyGF


      We live in the midwest and hubby is in San Diego right now. Not frequent that one can boast of better weather in the midwest than So Cal!

  11. We are really liking New American Cursive. It's a more modern style.
  12. Don't beat yourself up. You are taking an interest, and are there for him, come what may. That is what matters. I am so in awe of your son's dedication and persistence. Truly. I am confident that his efforts will be rewarded.
  13. Peeking in... I set an ambitious goal of 100 books this year. My oldest (Sacha -- age [almost] 7) and I just finished the Blackthorn Key. It had good reviews, but I wasn't super into it. Middle grade mystery/historical fiction. We are finishing up All of a Kind Family and beginning The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate. I started listening to Fates and Furies on Audible, and quickly realized that this is a book that I want to savor with a physical copy. So, I have set it aside while I am waiting for a copy from the library. I picked up All the Light We Cannot See, and am a good 75 pages into it already. I have enjoyed lurking here for awhile and will do my best to contribute. If you want to friend me on Goodreads, feel free: https://www.goodreads.com/zakoh02
  14. OMG, I just googled the BB8. I am so buying this for Sacha's bday! We actually just watched Episode 7 yesterday together -- it was a huge accomplishment for him to watch it in the theatre without getting scared and crying! THANK YOU!!
  15. I almost bought this. Do they love it? We're not very esoteric with our choices. I think our nerdiest Hanukkah gift this year was a Brock Magiscope and 200 slide kit. Last year, it was Snap Circuits and Thames & Kosmos kits.
  16. So, if I can play Legacy like the original, it would seem better to get Legacy, no?
  17. Looking to add to our collection, which game do you recommend? For now, it is my DH, my older DS (who is great at strategy games), and me. My little won't be joining us for a few more years. Which game do you recommend -- Pandemic or Pandemic Legacy -- and why?
  18. Sacha (6): Buddy reading The Blackthorn Key and All of a Kind Family with me Me (old): Fates and Furies
  19. Don't steal her! ;) I agree with you about the housing market. We are waiting for the next dip before we buy again. I read this the other day: http://www.businessinsider.com/us-at-risk-of-recession-says-jpmorgan-2015-12
  20. Hmmm. That's a good idea. I never thought of doing it that way. I think I will call them next week and see what they say. Gosh, who knew my SAT could be useful almost 30 years later? I'm trying to remember what I even scored, it was so long ago. ;) The COGAT does have different levels for the same age group, if I understand it correctly: http://www.hmhco.com/hmh-assessments/ability/cogat-6/tests-and-times So, I am trying to figure out which level I should give him, or if it even matters. I think I read somewhere that, because the higher levels have more questions, missing some questions counts against your score less vs. taking the easier level test, or some such thing. So, it might be better to give him a higher level? I just don't have any clue about testing.
  21. These are the requirements: http://www.us.mensa.org/join/testscores/qualifyingscores/ http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=7C1A0B55-636A-4C0E-91CC776A5938BDA7
  22. My reason for the test is primarily so that he can attend the event in San Diego. He needs to be 98th percentile on the Cogat or Olsat to qualify, but I don't know what that means exactly for an out of level test.
  23. I'm thinking of having Sacha tested to see if he qualifies for Mensa, so that we can attend the Annual Gathering this summer in San Diego. I need advice on testing. Do you have a preference on the Cogat + ITBS combo vs. Olsat + Stanford combo? Any recommendations on testing providers? Lastly, what level do I give this kid? He's 1st grade by age, but working at least 2-3 grade levels ahead? If I give an out of level test, am I making it too difficult to qualify for these types of programs? Expecting him to be in the 98th % of 3rd or 4th graders seems like asking a lot. Do they score against his age? Has anyone taken the online version, or do most people prefer paper tests? Thanks so much.
  24. YES!!! Come here! It's cheaper than the Bay Area and less of a rat race. Plus, we have AoPS at our math circle. Classes for your DS at UCSD and much less traffic. And the weather can't be beat. I didn't suggest here because the OP asked for Southern and reasonable housing prices. But, we have lots of glorious water and amazing seafood tacos! :) ETA: we also have a homeschool group specifically for teens called TAG.
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