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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. My 16yo dd recently started performing in musical theater. They had a show in June, and just complete another one last weekend. Both times, she ended up very sick. As in, she was completely useless and couldn't leave the house for a few days after the show ended. We thought she was getting better yesterday, but this morning she is crying and saying she aches all over. I don't think these could be aches & pains from the physical exertion because that should have showed up sooner...so I have no idea what's wrong with her today. Sigh. The next show isn't until January...but we have to sign up soon for auditions (and payment). What do I do? If I *know* she will get sick, I don't want her to do it. I don't even know why this would be too much for her. She is in good physical condition - she used to do ballet and/or Irish dance up to 5 days/week and never got sick. I wonder if the pace of the rehearsals just gets her exhausted, combined with being with all the other germy students in close quarters. Any thoughts? What would you do? I'm thinking of giving it one more chance with one more show... Edited to add that many other students were ill by the time the June show ended...I don't know about this last one. Also, we really tried to minimize other activities during the rehearsal/show times but I guess we could do more.
  2. OK, I changed my settings to see if my battery will last a little longer... And will check out some of the other suggestions. Jen, we will have to get together and compare apps one day. :) I did load the screen cleaner and my screen looks much better, ha ha.
  3. Thanks for the responses. Just to be clear, I was not going to bring the boys (teenagers). The other mom was going to bring them and stay with them. As it turns out, the sub-courthouse where I reported had a big sign on the door saying that nothing was open to the public. And then it turned out I was released after sitting for 3 hours. So no civics lesson for any of us this week!
  4. I have a new iPhone and am looking for some help. I've already searched the boards and gotten some good suggestions on fun/useful apps to add. :) If I want some general help on how to use the phone and its features, where should I go? Is there a good website or book? Also, my battery gets low very quickly. I have my screen turned down to a pretty low brightness. And I don't use much talk time. Is this normal? The battery is about 2/3 gone by evening. I'm worried that if I ever forget to plug it in overnight, I won't be able to use it the next day. One more question. Is there an app for this: I have a list of doctors & medical information (last immunization dates, etc.) that I'd like to put on the phone. I guess I could list all of the doctors, dentists, etc. in my normal contacts, but I sort of wanted them segregated. And I still need a place for the other info. Have you seen anything like this? I searched the app store but didn't come up with anything. Thanks!
  5. I have to report for jury duty tomorrow. Are courtroom proceedings always open to the public? My 13yo is hanging out with a friend tomorrow, and the other mom thought it would be interesting to bring them to the courthouse for the morning to watch the proceedings. Of course, I didn't think about calling the courthouse to find out if this is permissable until after 5PM... Anybody know if they are likely to be admitted or turned away?
  6. I think Uncle Tom's Cabin is not to be missed because of its importance in American history. It's one thing to know a book was important, but quite another thing to actually read the book. Also, many of the characters are part of the American iconography, and important to know about from a cultural literacy standpoint. Since I read the book several years ago, I've seen literary references to Uncle Tom, Simon Legree, Eliza, and Eva St. Claire in other works. I wonder how many references I missed in the first few decades of my life, simply because I wasn't familiar with the characters?
  7. I thought that when we first moved here. :) I'll add to it: In Orange County, all the women aren't thin, blonde, and rich.
  8. My 13yo sleeps about 9 hours a night and usually gets up on his own after about that amount of time. My 16yo sleeps closer to 10 hours...we usually have to wake her up to get her day started. I occasionally hear parents say that teens "need" 12 hours of sleep a night. Someone said this to me yesterday. Really? Some days we MUST get up at 6:30; my kids would have a 6:30PM bedtime to get 12 hours of sleep! I don't think it's possible in our house...am I doing my kids a disservice?
  9. My daughter will be reading this as part of Torrey Academy's Inklings course this year. But that course is designed for 15yo and up. (she's 16). I read it last spring (trying to read everything on the booklist) and think that my 13yo just wouldn't get much out of it. So I agree - this is more of a high school book than jr. high. Skip it for now. :)
  10. We did our first group college visit in the spring, to a private school. EVERY prospective student was in jeans and casual tops (i.e. hoodies). Most were wearing Chuck Taylors. Unless my daughter has a private interview, this is probably what she'll wear to any future visits, too. We are in California...everything is more casual here. That might make a difference. But honestly, she would have looked completely out of place wearing a dress, or even khakis.
  11. OK, I'm confused. How do we know Anne's desire to be called Cordelia is a literary allusion? I'm familiar with the story of King Lear and still don't get it. Couldn't Anne just like the name?
  12. It doesn't sound like you are a packrat. But books aren't excluded from packrat behavior. I have a family member who is definitely a packrat. The packrat behavior includes keeping every book ever purchased. Entire rooms are filled with unused stuff, including stacks of books (paperback novels purchased 30 years ago and not read since then, for example).
  13. "Is that legal?" When I assured him it was, he wanted to argue about it. I walked away as quickly and politely as possible. (I was actually afraid he would try to pursue something...it was a postal clerk to whom I'd handed some mail with our return address on it...)
  14. I'm with you. I have a couple of friends who take every quiz...I always hide them, but you have to hide each and every quiz and these same friends always find new ones to take. I wish FB had "hide all quizzes" option. At one point I opted to hide both of these friends, but I missed some pretty important news that one of them posted, and I know the other friend also posts semi-important stuff too (invites to events, etc.) so I gave in and "un-hid" them. I love seeing pix of what my friends are doing, and reading about even their mundane day-to-day stuff. I want to know if you went to the beach today (even if I wasn't invited!). But I don't care that you should be living in Paris, or that the military weapon you are most like is an M-16, or that you remember more about 80s music than I do. Sorry.
  15. I'm confused. Why won't they see him? What reason is given when you ask for the appointment?
  16. You can still bring food...but not drinks, since you can't get past security with them. We travel a lot and always pack food - we try to bring something really yummy because too many times I have been jealous of the pizza or other tempting treat a fellow passenger is enjoying. Last time we brought muffaletta sandwiches, yum. (a little messy but worth it). Hot cheesesteaks sounds great!
  17. I was going to recommend Tracfone, but you have to have the double-minutes-for-life feature (DMFL) for it to be economical. My phone (for which I paid $20 at Wal-mart) came with DMFL. I added a 1-year 400-minute card. The DMFL added another 400 minutes. And I had a bonus code which added another 200 minutes. So I got 1000 minutes good for a year, for $120, including the phone. It comes to 12 cents/minute. I am thrilled that I have a cell phone for $10/month, and it has enough minutes for the type of calling I do. Always search for a bonus code online before adding minutes!
  18. We have been in a private program this year. I don't think we're going to continue with it because of the cost and the burdensome paperwork requirements. I spent so many hours of my life doing the required paperwork. None of their forms were in electronic format; I had to hand-write every course description and every report card (which required detailed notes about what had been completed).
  19. I am very allergic also. One thing I've done is to make sure I wash any of my exposed skin with soap & water thoroughly as soon as I get back inside, if I think I've been in an area that's infested with poison oak. And wash the clothes I was wearing ASAP - remembering to wash my hands & arms again after handling the clothes. I don't know what I'd do if my dog were regularly bringing it in, though...
  20. My kids and I like sandwiches for lunch. And when dad's home, we frequently have grilled burgers or hot dogs. I'm in a rut with side dishes for all those sandwich meals. We tend to have the same things over & over: chips, potato salad, and baked beans. I'm looking for something healthier. For some reason, regular vegetables don't seem to go with hot dogs or tuna sandwiches, KWIM? (steamed zucchini, sauteed spinach, etc.) What else can we try? My family isn't that thrilled with coleslaw or carrot-raisin salad.
  21. There are lots of other young people there, but he doesn't really hang out with any particular friend. There are lots of adults, too. (adults not attached to the young people). There are separate stalls, but still... So we will continue to have him shower at home.
  22. Hilarious! Some of the best threads on this forum over the years have been hair removal related. Brazilian wax, anyone?
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