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Everything posted by Brilliant

  1. I admire your perseverance. :D I am guessing you are not getting a lot of responses simply because there aren't that many folks here who have used Saxon through advanced math, and then taken the SAT II.
  2. I recently did the 2x/day radiation. I researched it and believed it was the best option for me, but I had a hard time finding a hospital to do it for me here in SoCal. I considered MD Anderson, too (we have family in Houston) but actually ended up with a plane ticket to Denver to be treated at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center. Then, at the last minute a hospital here agreed to give me the treatment. It was literally the last minute - my flight was in the afternoon, and we found out that morning! I wondered if people thought I was crazy to want to travel so far for treatment. So even though it worked out for me to stay home, I want to encourage you to pursue whatever treatment you think is best.
  3. My dd took it once, and that's probably what ds will do also. Dd had taken the PSAT once - ds will have taken it 3 times (freshman, sophomore, & junior years). I know the test is a little different, but, I still think it's good preparation for both the content of the test, and the test-taking environment/procedures. It's also way cheaper than the SAT, and it doesn't show up on your "permanent record" like multiple SAT tries do.
  4. Oh, and I wish we could get an official answer on this. I really appreciate the honest answers on this forum.
  5. Since my post in the previous thread got deleted, I just wanted to say that my dd had you (Mr. Rosenoff) in general science several years ago. We both thought you were a great teacher, even though your communication style is what I'd call "no-nonsense." I wish we had signed her up for your biology a couple of years later.
  6. My dd took Apologia's general science from Mr. R several years ago through Potter's School. We thought of his communication style as "no-nonsense"; it didn't bother us. Dd liked him and I wish she had taken bio with him a couple of years later.
  7. That's about how we did it, too. Today is my dd's 18th birthday and she's upstairs working on a term paper. :)
  8. I agree - it's reasonable for her to want to have a party for children that are her child's age. But she could have done it in a more polite/less flaky way. It's also reasonable for you & your friends with younger children to decline the invitation, since she's so far away. If the invited children really want to attend, maybe those with younger children could hang out at a park together and have your own fun afternoon nearby?
  9. We recently watched an EXCELLENT movie on Netflix - not on the Cold War specifically, but on communist North Korea, so it's related. "A State of Mind". My kids are teens but I think your 10yo would enjoy it, as it's about schoolchildren and their families.
  10. This Time article says the median house price in Detroit went from $60k in August 2005 to $8k in August 2009. :blink:
  11. I agree with the basic premise that our education system is bad but otherwise found the article to be absurd. I think it was written by a teachers' union hack. The criticism of charter schools as only out to make money is ridiculous. Yes, they need to meet a budget (more so than traditional public schools). But they are charter schools for the very reason the article decries our school system, because they want to change the way we educate children in our communities. They are far less rule-bound than traditional schools. And if they don't hire union teachers to do it, too bad. The author squarely places the blame for failing public schools on corporate greed. I mean really, why is this statement in an article on education? "The speculators on Wall Street looted the U.S. Treasury." I disagree that corporate greed has caused the dumbing down of our society. How about a little personal and family responsibility?
  12. Yes, I found the rules to be crazy as well. But I am truly grateful that I HAVE health insurance - it will save me at least $80,000 this year for treatment of a small garden-variety breast cancer. I think we'd be filing bankruptcy without it. I hope your diagnostic mammo came back clear!
  13. OK, I have to say the 2nd band I mentioned above is Journey. My teens love them. But c'mon - those guys are in their 60s, don't tell me they are still on top of their game! (I saw Barry Manilow a few years ago with my mom and he was charming but WORN OUT - so I am suspicious of the energy level of aging rockers). SoCal must be more expensive than NC b/c the lawn seats here are $40. I didn't even think about parking. :(
  14. I've seen some summer shows advertised, so, just for fun I decided to check prices. The first was for a band that my dh likes - it's probably not anybody you've ever heard of. Tickets are $97.50 each. Facility fee $20 each. Ticketing fee $15.50 each. Grand total $266 for two tickets.:001_huh: (I honestly thought we'd have to pay about $50 each, ha ha) The next one is for a band that my dd likes - they've been around for >30 years but are really "2nd tier" at this point. $25 per ticket, plus $6 per ticket facility charge, plus $9 per ticket convenience charge. Total $160 for 4 tickets to SIT ON THE HARD GROUND. It looks like we are doing free concerts in the park again this summer. Even if I had money to burn, I don't think I could bring myself to pay those fees.
  15. Not me! Many years ago, I made the mistake of watching The Panic Room with a friend while dh was out of town. (it's not even a true horror movie - just suspense). Since then, if dh is traveling and I have to pee in the middle of the night...I don't flush. Watch the movie to find out why. Better yet, DON'T watch the movie if you have a dh who travels!
  16. My dd attended Wheatstone last year & loved it. We will make ds go next year when he's 16.
  17. Thanks for posting your reviews. I like the physical descriptions of the campuses along with the "feel" you got from each one.
  18. My ds has a nook color which he jail-broke to a full android tablet. It's fun and useful BUT I couldn't read on it for very long. If you want to read on it - I'd suggest borrowing one to try it first. I just got a Kindle which I like much better for reading. :D
  19. Our dd wanted to go cross-country on vacation this summer with her best friend & friend's grandparents. We are paying for her trip for her graduation present.
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