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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I was thinking of combining my dss, once the younger starts "real" school, in history and science. Since there's a four year cycle, my thought was, start younger ds a year earlier on those and then the boys can do the ancients and biology together and so on. I agree with the pp, they will get different things from it, I expect my older ds to do more with the work than his little bro. Of course, our age differences are VERY different, but if it makes you feel better, I've known people to hold a child back a grade in ps so their kids could go together. :grouphug:
  2. Augh, that stinks too. Ours are stacked, so we couldn't have a pedestal. There is more room in our front loader, but I miss not having to sit on the floor to load the washer....
  3. You have to bend down to put the clothes in, you have to bend down to take the clothes out, you have to bend down to remove the toys that your toddler stuffed in there, because it is easily accessable.... I love the way it looks, I don't mind the way it cleans, but I detest all the bending.
  4. My dd is more understanding, but my ds can get downright mean :( We've talked about bullies and how to treat people that aren't as capable as you, but I guess it's hard to remember when you live together. Sigh...
  5. This looks really incredible. I'm with all the others, the picture is beautiful. I can't read it all just yet, but so far, so excellent! :)
  6. I think I would be given pause, that's for sure, and it's very possible someone would have to snap me out of it. If only, because it's so completely unexpected. I've noticed that things which are completely out of the ordinary tend to be difficult to understand at first. IOW, I would see a squirming red thing making a lot of noise, but it might take a moment for the idea of baby to pop into my head. I agree with a pp that there MUST be a level of denial going on. I saw an episode where the lady had taken multiple tests, got negative results and assumed she had a tumor. Well, she didn't want a diagnosis, because then she would be sick (what you don't know won't hurt you, right?). She found out she was within two weeks of delivery and then they called her that night, said her test results came back and they needed to give her an emergency C-section. Can you imagine? Going home, omg I pregnant and then getting a call that you had to come back and give birth now?!? I avoid that show, don't want the kids watching it, but sometimes I get drawn in......
  7. Officially, we follow the local ps routine, because we are required to by law. We have decided to add in additional classes throughout the year to supplement and use various weeks during the school year for outside learning. (See also, we decided to take off one week a month, lol). I don't have a hard and fast schedule, I tried to do that, and then had things pop up. Now, I just pick a random week a month, when we have nothing else, or something big, going on and we take it off, er um uh, use it for outside learning (I guess I could say cleaning and enrichment).
  8. It depends, can you normally trust this pharmacist and is it possible this was just an "off" day for him/her? If not, then switch. I'd be irritated too. As so many like to say in the kid threads, if you are that one percent then the rarity of it happening doesn't really matter. Personally, I find it rather dangerous that he would deny a possible side effect, especially a rare one, as those are the ones that usually lead to death.
  9. Can you believe, I've actually gotten some choice words, because we did NOT ease up these past two weeks?!? Oh, c'mon, the school's just putting them infront of a t.v., it's not fair that Drew has to do work. Imagine their surprise when they called this morning (school's out) and I said, gee, we're in the middle of class, but I'll let you know when we're done....
  10. We've been getting Dalmation Press abridged versions from Walmart for our ds. He's read Treasure Island, Around the World in 80 Days, The Call of the Wild and some others. They do cut a lot of the meat out, but at least the boys get the adventure and a few pictures to keep it palatable :)
  11. Impish, why don't you take her to work with you? Drop her off, let her visit..... :lol: sorry, that was in horrible taste (it was funny), bad taste....
  12. You're doing something super nice for me for no reason! I'm not going to be miffed if it takes a little bit ;)


    I'm sorry things are tough. It will get better, in a month :)

  13. Really quiet dialog and ear shattering sound effects? Oh yeah. It irritates me as much as movies that are so dark you can't see anything that's going on. I wonder if they realize, it doesn't make you pay closer attention, it makes you change the channel.
  14. You are an absolute riot tonight! Thanks for all the giggles :)

  15. Maybe it was a joke? Bring your own bottles? (crickets)
  16. I feel like this some times too. My gramma exploded at her doctor when he tried to alter her diet. Lol, she went off the deep end, "I am a grown woman and for the first time in my life I can buy the foods I want to eat without having other people eat it or complain that they don't like it. I will be darned if I'm going to let you invade my fridge now that I've finally gotten it to myself!" That's pretty much my feelings on it too... I don't want to eat healthy, because that's like letting someone else pick out my food for me. I know it's rediculous, but I really need a way to make it all my idea, iykwIm.
  17. I've known parents that believe that kids are SUPPOSED to be little monsters bouncing off the walls and that it is unnatural and wrong to expect them, or force them, to behave like a mini-adult.
  18. This horse is dead and beaten, do a search ;) From what I remember, the discrepancies were in the interest of keeping the stories going and also, not necessarily "wrong." I can't remember ALL of the details, but if you dig a little you should be able to find the threads that covered it.
  19. I'm impressed :) Here's my follow up: If you want to share a drink, is it okay to refill it only once? That's just taking advantage of the free refill, without going back repeatedly. It's almost as though the refills force you to buy more, if you want to be moral. Whereas, I would've never considered the morality of sharing a drink, now I have to wonder if the free refills are not just some way to guilt some patrons into buying more than they normally would. I'm sorry, but all of these "honesty" threads have struck me with their simplified black and white answers.
  20. And a very worthy four cents it is. There are certain things that most people don't mind their money going to and caring for those members of our society that are unable to care for themselves is, normally, one of them. Allowing an entire family to hit rock bottom to pay for the care of an elderly relative is incredible to me. I could not do that, I find it immoral and unethical. The fact that elderly care costs can reach so high, imo, is immoral and unethical. A person giving away their possessions, so their families can continue on, that is, imo, common sense. Again, the fact that our elders would be better cared for if they were criminals is utterly disgusting.
  21. I'm not sure that it damaged personal responsibility. People believed they were being responsible by paying into it. It's definitely messed up government credibility.
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