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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Westmoreland just called it a loss. I'm not sure what happens with funding or anything, I just know the folks came together and said it was time to move on.
  2. You're probably very right, it depends on where you are. Just like the shot records going to the school nurse, done here, but nowhere else. I would be a little concerned that aren't being classified as homeschoolers. What ARE you classified as? That's a scary thought... In this county, if you can write a nice enough letter of intent, they ignore your diploma and transcripts and say, 'you've proven a mastery of the English language' and use that as your qualification. Btw, this is my 1000th post, woohoo me! Or, is it time to find a therapist?
  3. Fredericksburg is out, how odd that Stafford isn't. King George, Westmoreland and Colonial Beach are out too. Poor Stafford.
  4. All you need is a high school diploma, a curriculum, and you can use the form letter for your letter of intent. Go to Heav.org, they have everything you need. It is easier if you don't use the religious exemption. The people I knew that tried to could never "prove" they needed to for religious reasons. I don't know how you go about it, but from the people I knew that tried it around here, it was nearly impossible.
  5. Being a bike passenger, often, I have to say, there are times when I really wish I could putt around without a melon protector. (Ducking)
  6. Thanks for the heads up, I will let my mom know. Sorry for any snarkiness, but we've been through heck and back with those quacks. I DO appreciate the info :)

  7. Frankly, how aware they are of medical procedures and "cancer" is debatable.
  8. Then, that explains why my mother's doc stood quietly by while she ranted about her second ticket. :glare:
  9. She had multiple issues and they continue on, today. :glare: She never took any of them to court, didn't see much point in argueing.
  10. Do you have any idea the number of tickets my mom has had to pay in the last few years? Of course not. Thanks for the info. And really, her doc couldn't have told her that?!? Argh! A bilateral mysectomy, that would qualify you... pretty sure... Sincere thanks.
  11. The people that have quized ds have been, for the most part, very quiet about it. 'So, I hear you're learning Latin, know what veni, vidi, vici, means?' They all come across kind of smug and ds rises to the bait and starts to spew everything that comes to mind. He floods them with 'we learned this... we learned that... did YOU know....' It normally ends with someone saying, 'gosh he's turning into a show off.' :glare:
  12. I find it funny that for many people it comes down to money. How much is your freedom worth? What's even more funny, imo, is that people that support these laws, blanket laws that "protect" us, don't take into account people that CANNOT abide by these laws. Yes, there are people that CANNOT wear seat belts, and hey, they still get tickets. No one is trying to save their hard earned cash though, right? The government is not supposed to protect us from ourselves or regulate us to death. It's supposed to protect us, our rights, from each other.
  13. Well, I guess you're "free" to follow the law. Woohoo freedom. How about the freedom to be an idget, yes, even an idget whose head goes through a windshield? Time to regulate food and exercise then.
  14. We do sleepovers. We do not, however, require an explanation if someone says 'no.' I could not imagine needing or demanding a reason. A simple 'no' would suffice.
  15. :iagree: I don't know about elsewhere, but here, the high school makes the elementary school look like the creme de la creme. I am hoping to have my dss taking flo classes from the local cc in high school, that way they get the higher level classes, without the social pressures they would not be ready for.
  16. OPGTTR users: Did you ever go too fast? Luke LOVES the poem, he's working through his vowels, and it's still kind of early to have started, but he WANTS to do work and LOVES flash cards. In the intro., she says to keep going, that the review at the beginning of each class will reinforce the parts they're having difficulty with, but I'm wondering if we should just do the same lessons next week, and maybe do the vowel lessons over and over and over until he has the poem mastered. He knows the letters and he'll say the sounds, but he doesn't have it down, iykwIm. What do I do?
  17. That one does floor me. I tend to just say, 'wow' and look shocked. Then, I change the subject, I don't want to hear someone trash their own child, that's just horribly depressing.
  18. Depends on your definition of neighbor. For some that means the adjacent property owner. For us, our neighbors are those people living around us. We talk, we know each other, we try to be considerate, helpful and polite. Neighbor across the street is going through tough times, here, I just finished taking his trash to the dump, he cut and ran. Nobody's planning on turning him in, we split his cats, he left a key and later I'm going to clean out his fridge. Here, that's what neighbors do, they help eachother, even after one's moved. Of course, if you're talking about an adjacent property owner, then, by all means, call and complain a blue streak. After all, you have your property value to worry about and it's not your responsibility to go to the health/agriculture dept and get some mosquito discs to toss in the pool. IOW, it's not going to make any difference, one more problem, one more drop in the bucket, ah well, just toss it in the complaint box, we'll get back to you when we get a chance.... btdt I'm sorry you're going through this.
  19. Definitely History, we had no world history classes here, the closest thing we had was World Geography and what we learned through French and Art. Also, Latin and Greek. I took a year of Latin in hs, but it was on tape and I didn't really learn anything. I'm also learning A LOT about music. Really, it all hinges on history, though. I really love Sotw.
  20. The guidance counselor at my hs was a drunk. It was funny and a little sad, sitting in her office while she slurred her way through your future. The one at the other ps hs (where dh went), told all the girls to find a good man and settle down (it was the 90s) and the boys should join the military or go to Votech.... Yeah, I might find some hobo in Richmond or DC and bring my kids to them every once in awhile, it will be a fair trade.
  21. With ds, we tried so many things... for awhile we mirrored him, but it really stunk to behave like that (for us), it was having an effect, but... well... Then, I decided, if he so covets his little bros things, then they would switch for a day. Drew wasn't allowed all those things that come with being older (DS, TV, going to friends' houses, etc). He lost the top bunk, he lost his science kits (sorry, that's not for little ones). By the end of the day, bedtime at 7 little one!, he was ready to be happy with what he had and MUCH less jealous of little bro.
  22. He'll know you. He might be standoffish at first, just fyi. It's almost like they punish you for leaving. But, don't worry, he'll know you and love you and miss you.
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