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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. You're right, it does not make sense to ask someone to ignore their own opinions and beliefs when it comes time to vote. I've heard this same tired argument so often, and I wonder, do the people that throw it out there really realize what they're asking someone do? I can understand some issues being more an American issue than a Christian issue, but imo, the beauty of our system is that you can vote based on any rediculous thing you want, it's your right and your responsibilty. IOW, if you want to vote Republican on days it rains, versus Democrat on sunny days, Independant during other weather, and Green during extreme weather, go to it!
  2. Sounds like your dh's back is better, there's something to be happy about. Take a deep breath, the ball is rolling, all the stress and things can be let go, because your moving beyond the point of return :) How exciting! :grouphug:
  3. :grouphug: It's funny you thought it might've been industrious spiders. I read a book once that claimed that evil places were full of cobwebs, especially very heavy ones and that it was the evil that made them collect... It was fiction, but what you said reminded me of that. I agree with most of the pps, it is very possible that you saw what you thought (iow, a symbol or sign of the strife in your home). I'm glad it's gone, the idea of sleeping with something like that..... I don't know how you did it.
  4. Then we agree :) I don't like the use of the word "marraige," because it does seem, imo, to step on the toes of those that feel marraige is based in religion. I think the most obvious answer is for the states to step in and change their policy, allowing marraiges to be church business and civil unions to be the states' business. I do not understand people that demand "marraige" be used... It seems to be more based in wanting to force a shift in morals/perspective/acceptance than in actually wanting to have access to everything traditionally married couples have.
  5. No kidding, this is one of those things that makes me want to burn bras and stop shaving my pits :lol:
  6. Yes, but the big thing they've been cheering about around here, is that it protects you from certain HPVs, which boys DO get... and whatever happened to herd protection or whatever it is that always gets thrown around in the immunization posts. It just irks the heck out of me that they want to experiment on my daughter, whose reproductive "stuff" is in there and not being renewed constantly, versus my boys (not that I would let THEM get these shots) whose reproductive "stuff" would, in the future, be replaced with fresh "stuff" on a regular basis. It's the principle of the thing! :glare: Ok, so I have a streak of angry feminist........ ETA, saw your ETA and a lot of this is sort of tongue in cheek... this vaccine DOES tick me off and imo, it DOES stink of, eh try it on the girls first... but I'm not really trying to be ticked at you..... ok, so clear as mud...... let's try this, lol, it's not you, it's me.
  7. Depends on your pov. IOW, when dh and I got married, we did it twice :) Once infront of God and our families and the second time at the court house. A Godly marraige depends on the people in it, how they behave and how "Godly" their union is. A Godly marriage, if you mean like God sanctioned, imo, could be performed by anyone and is as simple as making a covenant to God and your s.o., to be together as one and to be as righteous and upright as you can. Coming from the other direction, I have seen these civil unions more as an attempt to include other people in an institution that has proven, for many, to be healthier and more productive. From an American pov, I think open civil union, promisary scenerios between the state and whomever signs the contract, as a possible boon to society. One group, one home, one electric bill, combined taxes.... But then, I do think that there could be limits in place (renew every five to ten years), and I think it should be open to most any humans of voting age. IOW, poligamy, knock yourself out! At least you've made a commitment to the state not to reak havoc and to take care of each other. Same sex, closely related (here I'm thinking spinsters, lol), go right ahead, as long as you plan to be together and not to break the contract, knock yourself out! Interesting idea. I can definitely see where you are coming from. How would you feel about 'civil unions' instead? Contracts between the state and the persons involved, versus marraige (which I do dislike including this). :iagree: :iagree: There are plenty of marraiges wherein children are not, cannot and will not be a part of it. The "children" route is a dangerous one where many people can get very, very hurt. Nope, there's plenty of straight couples that can't adopt. There is a screening process.
  8. Or like the birth control that caused birth defects like webbing, was that in the 50s-60s... Yeah, I stay far far far away from things like this. Hate to play the sex card, but it doesn't seem like women's health is taken as seriously as men's health. After all, since people have touted the protection against some HPVs, why no rush for a male version???
  9. I'm planning on reading all the pages of responses in a few... IMO, if it's a law to protect someone else (ie, laws concerning murder, theft, etc) then, yes, vote for it, because those are sins against someone else, BUT if it's a law to keep someone from sinning against themself, iykwIm, then no. God gave us free-will, again imho, and we should not interfere in someone else's life to prevent them from sin. It won't stop them, anyway, and in some ways (again, imho) it almost FORCES them to sin even more, by making them break the laws of the land as well as God's laws.
  10. I can remember talking to a certain life guard at the local beach. Egads, hunk hunk hunk. Then he stood up (on one of those tall life guard chairs), yeah, tmi. I stand by the fact that speedos leave less to the imagination than most women's bikinis, although I guess some women may wear something comparable.
  11. (I did qualify it with most men I know, in my defense :) ) I've known men and women that were painfully thin and couldn't gain weight. Ironically, I'd have to say that is a harder position than being overweight. They eat like horses (dh is like this) and people ASSUME some of the worst things about them, because they don't gain. You're right, though. I was so into responding to the idea that heavy women were disturbing in swim wear I overlooked that.
  12. I've tried a hundred responses and they all come off mean and nasty, so :iagree: and now I'll zip it ;)
  13. chiropractor You could try one of those braces to help you fix your posture. If you bring your arms out in front of you and turn them (rotating so your palms go down and then out, not up and out), bring your elbows as close together as you can, then while your turning them back out bring your shoulders up to your ears. Once you've gone as far back, with your shoulders as you can drop them straight down. Your elbows should be pointing back now, your shoulders should be down and back, that is how you should hold yourself. Do that over and over once your neck/shoulders get sore from being hunched, until you feel tingles :) then relax into that position. Eventually, you are supposed to be able to hold that position without thinking about it and viola you have good posture!
  14. :confused: gold.casket.??? I was at Cub Scout camp with ds when he died, didn't find out until that Saturday, on the ride home. I'm glad I must've missed HOURS of coverage.
  15. I would have to say that, for the most part, Speedos are a little more revealing than your average bikini, but then, women have parts that are a little easier to conceal. I don't care if guys wear them, but I can see where some might be a bit uncomfortable. We have had some 'fun things kids say in public' over a speedo clad man. MOM LOOK YOU CAN SEE HIS -----! Yeah. Good times. As for man boobs..... I put that with big girl back rolls. It's a part of life, and a part that doesn't necessarily HAVE to be covered. I've told my ds (dd seemed to understand this without needing an explanation), that it is hurtful to say someone does not look good, if you can't compliment keep your yap shut. The few times he's pointing out women with moustaches, men with boobs, or anyone particularly huge, I've asked him to reflect on how he would feel if it was HIM being pointed at. Oh, and I definitely dislike the Miss America contestants walking their dogs... we have one that jogs, JOGS, in flip-flops and a bikini... That seems, imo, to be screaming for attention, but (shrug) it's her life.
  16. Keeping your heart rate at certain levels for continuous periods is the only 'loss' in breaking it up, but if you have to choose, either less walking or less constant walking, go with less constant walking :)
  17. :lol: You got me, didn't mean to throw you under the bus there ;) ETA: You know what's funny is that I hear people calling him "MJ" now... When was he ever "MJ" irl? I understand, short-hand on the computer, but it seems wierd that he's suddenly got a nick name.
  18. Not watching. They had a psychologist on the news last night explaining why Americans feel so close to their celebrities... I listened, until she inferred that it was healthy :glare: From that point on I wondered if she had feathers, a bill, and waddles...
  19. ? I'm not sure why that should be hurtful, but I am sorry I hurt your feelings. I was responding to the idea that men dislike women with any extra weight... I did not, at all, mean to imply that no men like slim, slender or even skinny women, simply that there are men in this world that prefer heavier women. The phrase 'meat on her bones' is one I hear very often, not one of my favorites, it's just the way I hear it put more often than not.
  20. The wages of sin is death. Sin is sin. I'm not sure I was clear before, what I meant was that all sin is sin, all sin is equal. To argue whether or not one sin in particular is particularly bad is misleading, they're all bad. The emphasis is personal. God hates sin. Premarital sex is sin, lies are sins, murder is a sin, stealing is a sin, coveting is a sin, etc. They're all sins, all bad, all get you the same "rewards."
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