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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. DO NOT RELENT! Nothing until the chores are done. No food, no rest, no tv, nothing, nada, zip, zero! Also, Managers of their Chores recommended having the kids write out (with your help, of course) a step by step description of how to do whatever chore they could not do correctly. The idea is to put together a check list, in their own words, of the chores need to be done. Then, when they don't do it that way, they copy the list. :) HTH
  2. My dad was molested by his grandmother. She also molested her son (my dad's uncle). I do not believe she ever was rehabilitated and I don't believe she ever thought she'd done something wrong. Her kids pandered to her until her death, including her son and my dad's mother (who practically fed the woman her own son). Dh was molested/raped by a female friend of his mother. We see her occassionaly, he never told his mom and they remain friends to this day. I don't really talk to her and she never pushes too hard to say hi to dh. They're scum.
  3. Make sure you print it out backward, so you can read it in every reflective surface(oooh, a pun!). :lol:
  4. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: It seems like the quiet makes all the other sounds so much louder (and threatening, in a strange way). My brain goes and goes and goes and something simple, like the click of an appliance turning on, can become something huge, before I get around to figuring out what made the noise, iykwIm. Then, I'm also the one that hears every.single.sound my car makes while driving... I dutifully report them to dh and he (just as dutifully) chucks them all out the window with, 'all cars make noise.' :lol: I used to fall asleep listening to my dad watching tv. Now, I set the tv to shut off after an hour and strive to fall asleep before it goes off and plunges the house into 'silence' (ie creaking and other strange noises).
  5. 1. Background noise decreases the uncomfortable quiet stretches in conversations. ;) It isn't meant to be rude. 2. It also, for me, makes it less stressful. I prefer noise, because then I don't have those jolts (what was that!). I can concentrate better with some sort of noise in the background. Otherwise, the few noises are much more distracting (the sound of birds outside, or something clicking on and off, like a fridge). I'm sort of an introvert. I think I'm converting, though...:001_huh:
  6. Maybe mutter, 'okay God it's on you.' That's what I've been working on... I also tend towards, 'God bless this,' when things get too muddled. What a lovely post :grouphug: :) Thank you!
  7. I've never minded the "Three's Company" set-up. The idea of them sharing a room is, imo, completely different. I don't think all of the drinking and sex in college is due to coed rooms, obviously it was going on well before the rooms became coed. However, I don't see how coed rooms would help, in any way shape or form. I mean, what 'good' reason is there for coed rooms?!?
  8. Right about now it just sounds like they want to smear someone that has shown you can have it all and not become a total jerk.
  9. LOL, we're moving half the living room furniture into the kitchen to make room :)
  10. Did I miss something? It says they were arguing because she had "reports he was seeing another woman." Uh, I've had pigs say that about dh... because they could. Hasn't there been allegations before, because people wanted money? Duke? Hasty? If it was a domestic dispute, because she heard he was cheating on her, that doesn't necessarily mean he was cheating on her. It could mean some jerk took it upon themself to make us some crud so they could blackmail her to keep them quiet. It happens.
  11. Any online (free) sites for dream interpretation? I keep having the same two dreams over and over. They don't make obvious sense (the places and situations are not realistic at all), but they're driving me crazy. Just like yours, they're strange, I want to say they're nightmares, but I don't wake up freaked out, just feeling wierd. Both involve water, if anyone wants to take a shot at figuring this out. Water and older ds, not necessarily life threatening, just strange.
  12. The idea of a coed dorm room, wasn't that brought up? That is, imo, absolutely insane. There's no way I'd be alright with dd sleeping in the same room as a boy, especially one she did not know, especially far from home, extra-super-duper especially for an extended period of time.
  13. Opa was Dutch :) His name was Julianus, I'm Juliana :) Lol, always nice to meet a name twin ;)
  14. I love all accents :p My opa was dutch and had the most incredible accent. I just loved that he would call me 'Yulcha.' I was named for him :) Dh is Scottish (no accent :( ), but I could listen to his uncles mumble for days ;)
  15. :iagree: My best friend growing up had the most beautiful skin, it was a rich brown, but it positively glowed! I would love to be in her skin for a day :)
  16. Now, I have to wonder why I'm so hot to put my kids in college.... I see some CC years and finishing at Uni, while they live off campus. Goodness!
  17. Tell her you need to check her belly :( Gently pushing to feel for swelling or hardness, or to locate the exact area of pain. Geez I'm glad she mentioned appendix, it didn't even occur to me :( If not, then see if she can describe it..... you might want to call your dr's office, do they have someone you could talk to?
  18. Good point! Pain towards the right of the abdomen, hard or very sensitive to the touch (symptoms, just fyi OP)
  19. Let's interrupt this moment for a gentle reminder... Breath... In with the good air.... Out with the bad air... All will be as it will be.... In with the good air.... Out with the bad air.... Thanksgiving is almost over.... In.... Out.... :grouphug: And this too shall pass.
  20. another good point Use a level too... or else try to make it jive with the non-squareness so it doesn't make everything look off kilter, iywIm.
  21. Tell her to chug it down :( She might like the idea of burping too. The first time I gave one to ds I told him it was the fizzy pop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and would make him burp a lot (they got the bugs out and he didn't have to worry about flying into the ceiling ;) ). Poor kid...
  22. Mark the wall FIRST. That's all the advice I have :p I am unable to make straight lines without the assistance of many many many measurements. As long as you mark out where you want it (clearly! thin lines!) you should be fine. Don't eyeball it, really, please, don't.
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