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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. I've never really thought about it. I would say that my youngest has "always homeschooled," because he's never gone to school anywhere else. All the same, here's the hair splitting, he gets a great deal of his religious education at church. ... I suppose this is one phrase that must be defined by the person who uses it. I never considered preschool, but in reality it's not "school" insofaras it doesn't go on any record. So, imo, preschool doesn't count. Neither does daycare ;) Whether or not even K counts could be argued... Huh, I don't really know, count me an "other.":confused:
  2. Sure, but the original question was why they show babies drinking bottles and whether or not bf babies should be equal in number, or if the difference between how often they're shown somehow means SS prefers bottles over b00ks. My point was that they'll show what kids CAN do more often.
  3. You're more than welcome Bethany :) I'm glad your family found one they like. Just so you don't get to feeling too bad about having public restroomesque signs.... We have a septic tank and when we have guests we warn them. When we expect too many guests to warn in person, we hang a sign. If people hearing you 'go' is embarrassing, realizing the toilet might not accept your deposit is a bit more harrowing ;) That's priceless. LOVE IT.
  4. Did you hear that? If you don't have the fan on, then we did. Please use the fan, for your own privacy.
  5. :grouphug: Strength, not physical (although that might help) but inner strength does have something to do with it. Joanne, you're courageous and you're strong. I don't agree with you much of the time, but I look at you and hope that if I came to a situation where the RIGHT thing is also the most DANGEROUS thing, I would have the strength that you do. I'm going to slaughter a Charles Dickens quote, for you ;) Worth her weight in gold? God forbid. She's all metal. That's you, toots. -------------------------------------------------- ETA, you're a total revolutionary. You stood up to a tyrant, a tyrant a heckofalot closer than a government, and you chose liberty. Go you!
  6. :blush: Sesame Street is very big on showing kids how to do things themselves, how to help out, how to be 'big kids.' I'm sure that's why they've shown babies being bottle fed as well as spoon fed. I agree that showing that it can be done differently it a good reason to show bfing, but it's not something that applies to most Sesame Street viewers in a personal way (they can't bf). :lol: I was wondering what cloak and dagger group we weren't joining :lol: (regarding initiation)
  7. They used to give you vouchers for fresh fruits and vegetables if you were bfing too. WIC, ime, is very very big on coaching people in nutrition and healthy living. :lol: Aren't we something else. Cow comments tick me off. It's like (to me) being called a breeder. I immediately feel my hackles rise and I go into kill mode. No one's died yet, but one day someone is going to drop cow and breeder in the same sentence and I may go off the deep end. Hind sight blah blah blah. I bfed. I hated it. I wonder now if I should have. Was it so much better nutrionally that it made up for me being so uncomfortable, smelly and grouchy? It doesn't really matter though, because what's done is done. :shrug: Your kids are okay? M'eh, don't beat yourself up about it then. Just remember this so when you're a gramma you can bug the living daylights out of them ;) ETA, my kids did all their teething on pork chop bones and dog biscuits. Don't tell though :p
  8. Good for you :D I love hearing/reading about women that stood up for themselves and made a difference. That takes guts to step out like that. :hurray: I hope your children grow to see how incredibly brave and courageous you are. The abusers are the problem. They can use anything to show why they should get to lord it over their victims. They don't even need to make up good reasons, goodness knows being able to twist religious beliefs or threaten someone with eternal ****ation can secure a lot of power for a person, but some of them just use themselves (what would you do without me, what would I do without you, I'll suffer, I need you, you'll suffer, you need me) and their victims are blinded with that. No matter what they use (twisted ideas of what's traditional, stupid reasons that lack any logic), they are the problem.
  9. Did he learn the poems? You may need to just sit back and practice the sounds themselves for a little bit. BOB books are good supplements too. The stories are very short, but your ds will feel hugely accomplished when he finishes them. We stumbled for a bit between learning the sounds and then putting them into practice, but now my youngest is reading Little Bear. Taking a moment to reinforce sounds helped a lot.
  10. The longer this thread goes the more I realize that I (bf all three of my dc) actually find it kind of icky... While pig swill was pretty darn far, my dad once complimented my milk (it was in a bottle in the fridge)... I thought my skin was going to crawl off completely. I have a hang-up I didn't even know about. I agree to an extent. I just feel like some measure should be taken to limit the odds of a peek-a-boob moment. Personally, when my littles started looking around I was even more careful to cover up securely. Not so much to keep from squirting anyone as to keep my nip from being stretched. Ow. Anyone can bottle feed a baby. Sesame Street targets kids and (ime) when it comes to older siblings it's all the rage to encourage them to help out and bond with the baby themselves. Well, a big brother/sister isn't going to bf the new baby. Dad can't bf the baby. So, when your target audience is incapable of doing something one particular way, it makes sense to show it more often being done the way they can do it. What do you mean by "initiation rates"? How high do bfing rates have to be to be considered "great"?
  11. Ages ago there was a discussion about hsers having low immunity because they weren't exposed to school situations. At one point the response, "Oh no, I have them lick the floor every where we go," came up. Now any immunity/sickness threads I see make me think of that. :lol: ETA, qualified bee keeper means I post too much ;)
  12. I had to wear bath towels in my bra the whole time I bf. I also smelled like a dairy farm... all.the.time. I could not have paid dh to touch them :lol: Even with all the precautions, he still got milk in his face. Silly man, I told him not to confront me when I was topless. :lol:
  13. It depends. Is the stranger breathing, coughing, or licking on my face? :lol: I'd say the odds are better you'll catch something at the doctor's office than in a grocery store, but I don't think it's any easier. Wait. Are YOU licking anything in the doctor's office? How about the stranger? :lol:
  14. So, do we just ditch shirt and shoes required rules? How about pants? As far as covering up, I think bfing mothers should be held to the same standards as anyone else. Show cleavage, sure; show side views, it happens; rolling your tube top down, no. :lol: I know plenty of parents that don't kiss their children on the lips (or anyone besides their spouse) for that reason. A lot of people pump because they don't want their nip in someone else's mouth (besides their dh). Some don't pump because the idea of bfing dh (even on accident) turns their stomach. It doesn't make them idiots. It doesn't make them short sighted or hypocrites. It makes them of a different opinion. It means they prefer a different option.
  15. Carmen, I'm so bad at consistency I can't even be consistent in the amount of time I spend and the sites I spend it in :lol: I definitely sabotage myself.
  16. I knew a couple that babysat a boy for ten years (he was three when they got him). She had been watching him every day while his mother worked and then one day his mother didn't come back. She called CPS after two days (and filing a missing persons report on his mother). They pointed out that because he was in a safe home with a person the parent had made guardian (apparently you're a guardian even if you're just sitting) there wasn't any reason for them to interfere. They just did everything signing as his guardian and no one ever batted an eyelash. I think it's much the same way that the Red Cross will not get a hotel for a family if they've found a corner to squat in. Btdt. We were sleeping (three of us) on a twin mattress in my parents' house, but because we had found somewhere inside they couldn't help us. They had to reserve their resources for people that had nowhere.
  17. I'm starting to wonder if there's a B&E TWTM Hsing group. :lol:
  18. OH! That is a problem. We have a blind cat and now I understand your situation a lot better. You could always set her up, but if she's old... hyper vigilance might be easier.
  19. :lol: Okay, that (a how-to) I cannot imagine. I agree. It irks the living day out of me when people/corporations/governments/clubs/&tc do that. Ah, but people that have big issues with that level of discretion are probably not leaving their children alone with the television. Goodness knows, even in the middle of children's programming they're happy to throw out sex to sell stuff (meaning the commercials). Just so you know, we don't even 'do' tv. The kids watch netflix preapproved by us :lol: This is not even a real issue for me. The only episodes of Sesame Street that my youngest has seen have been from the first years (that's right, no helmets and kids going home with strangers). Why does it matter though? I mean, why try to change her/her husband's opinions or undermind what they may (though I doubt they actually do) be teaching their children? I understand why you might argue with either of them (argue, not fight, iykwIm). It could be interesting. I don't understand why targeting their children with a counter message is okay or good.
  20. I'm guessing it's not an entire episode of a woman bfing, at most she may answer questions, but I seriously doubt it'll go over two minutes. As far as discreet, I think nips are still outlawed on public television, so it will have to be discreet. What are the odds that a. they're going to see it, b. they'll know what episode before hand to censore it, c. they'll care enough to do anything about it?
  21. Why? Formula may not be the best under the best circumstances, but why force someone to do something they don't want to do when the alternative is perfectly viable?
  22. I'm not sure I've ever heard of anyone THAT anti-breast feeding (that they would moniter possible pro-breast feeding messages that might get to their children).
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