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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. We had been dating for 2 weeks. He was 18, and I was 15. We were just hanging out in my room, when he looked at me and said "I love you". I had the greatest response in the world "That's nice":001_huh::lol: Poor guy. I was just completely caught off guard. About a week later I finally told him that I loved him too. He still gives me a hard time about that 18 years later.
  2. That happened to my dd. It was pretty much useless to narrow down WHAT she was allergic to. She has very sensitive skin also.
  3. I'm another one to say that I wouldn't worry about the grade level AT ALL. I pulled my dd (also an honor roll student) out in 6th grade only to find out that she was about 2 years behind where she 'should' be. She's catching up fine....she'll be in Algebra I by the end of '8th' grade. My PS'd neice also makes very good grades in school. She looked at my younger dd's Saxon 5/4 book and didn't recognize half the stuff they are doing. She's still trying to learn division. So your son probably isn't a bit behind what the PS kids are doing. I also wanted to add that my dd will often 'forget' the basic stuff when she has learned a new concept. (she forgot how to do long division about a month ago...and she's been doing that for a few years!) With a little drill it often comes right back.
  4. We use Sonlight and love it. The schedules are very helpful. Just be aware, that it isn't really what you'd call Bible based. The schedule includes Bible, and there are notes discussing some things from a Christian perspective...but everything isn't based on the Bible. Also, there's a lot of reading and read alouds. If you do choose to go with Sonlight, I would suggest combining them in a single core (they aren't grade specific) or you could quickly become overwhelmed. Just get their math and LA on their grade level.
  5. That looks good! I'm thinking roasts and stews would be good too.
  6. Ok, I've often wanted a dutch oven, as I have read lots of recipes that use them. Now that I've recently acquired a lovely cast iron 10in dutch oven from my MIL (who incidentally had one under her bed when I mentioned that I would like to have one :001_huh:), I seem to be having a brain fog on what to use it for..lol. Anyone have some good recipes I can make so my dh doesn't think I'm nuts?
  7. Two of mine hate it, and one likes it. I haven't really seen much retention from it and will not be using it next year.
  8. If you think it's the price, then all means lower it. But I'm in the same no sell boat as you. Our house has been on the market for 6 months as well, without so much as a nibble. I think it's just the market. Ours isn't unreasonably priced at all.
  9. oooh...that's a bonus in my book! It's a wood burning stove. Can be used for heating AND cooking ;)
  10. With the exception of one house, we've always lived in 'older' homes. Honestly, I like them better..lol. You do have to be willing to do a little more upkeep though. I would take acreage over a newer house in a heartbeat. In fact, we are currently waiting on our house in TN to sell so we can do just that!
  11. About an hour to 1 1/2 hours a day. We use Sonlight, so the read alouds are built in. We read our history aloud, and then a couple of chapters from the current book we are working on. We also read the Bible aloud in the morning, and at night before bed (although my dh does that reading)
  12. I agree with divide and conquer. I was a troop leader or co-leader for 5 years. When we had unruly ones, we usually had to separate kids out so we could deal with them. Can you get help from some of the parents? You can also tie in rewards with their behavior. "If you do not get x done, then you will not be able to participate in y" Make sure you give it to them (and the parents) in writing.
  13. Hamburger Helper.... a lot. Chef Boyardee... a lot. Spagetti... Hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Actually I did a great deal of the cooking once I got older because she worked. When she did cook a real meal, it was usually good country food like pinto beans and corn bread, or boiled veggies. And she could make some slow, iron kettle cooked BBQ pork that would knock your socks off.
  14. Here are mine. Sarah is writing a paragraph, Miranda is doing Wordly Wise, and Kelsie is doing her typing :)
  15. I started having the same issues when I was 17. I went to several doctors for several years....most of them wanted to put me on anti-anxiety meds for panic attacks :glare: I finally landed in the ER with a racing heart and got a doctor that didn't dismiss it as all in my head. Turns out I had Mitral Valve Prolapse. They can't 'hear' it just by listening, but it did show up on an echocardiogram. I get flutters, chest pain and racing heart very frequently. I've been on meds for it twice, but both times the meds left me feeling much worse. Now I just live with it. It's annoying, and sometimes scary, but completely livable.
  16. The thing to watch out for...if you legally inherit the full 1/4, you will NOT be taxed on it. However, if you legally inherit the full 1/4, then give a portion of that to someone, that portion given away is then considered a GIFT, not inheritance and is taxable over a certain amount. At least this is the tax advice I was given last year when I was going through a similar situation.
  17. You could use Home Life as an umbrella...it requires no testing. Then when you move back, you'd still have the records, etc with no gaps.
  18. I see a few things at Half Price books in Fort Worth, there could be some at the one in Dallas too. Also there is The Book Cover . In May Arlington is having a big Book Fair. I'm new to the area too, and this is all that I've found so far. (I really, really miss our awesome used book store in TN!!)
  19. For my 5th graders next year: (we are off 'schedule' on our math and english, and will finish books mid-year so I have two listed for those) Sonlight Core 5 Sonlight Science 5 Rod and Staff English 4 (and 5 when we finish 4) Saxon Math 6/5 (and 7/6 when we finish 6/5) Spelling on my own I also use parts of Sonlight's Language Arts for extra writing assignments. Art and Music History using History Scribe and Library books Tell Me More Spanish Hey Andrew Teach me some Greek!
  20. I only failed once, but really SHOULD have failed the second time! lol. The first time was due to a rolling stop...I had come to a complete stop at the sign, but couldn't quite see down the road, so I rolled up the tiniest bit and didn't come to a complete stop the second time. The second time I had a very sweet gentleman that passed me, even though I turned right without using the very obvious turn lane. Oops. I was just so nervous the second time, and he knew it. He gave me a lecture about being more careful and passed me.
  21. Our table is beat up and well used. It too looks better with a tablecloth, but it rarely sees one. I just got tired of constantly washing it, and trying to keep spills off of it. So we just go bare until we are expecting company..lol.
  22. I've been thinking about this too, as we contemplate buying a house with a few acres. My question is, do you get tied to your farm with a milk cow? We have family out of state that we like to go visit a couple times a year....how, or even do, you manage trips away with a cow? (Or other animals for that matter? I can see asking a friend to come check on the chickens, but I just don't know if I could find anyone willing to come milk a cow! lol)
  23. When we house shop, new carpet is not even on our priority list. The only time it would be a factor is if the house was at the high end of what we wanted to spend, and we were footing the bill for replacement. And there are SO many people that would probably just rip all the carpet out anyway and put down wood or something. I would just invest in a good cleaning and call it done.
  24. Hi, I had a photography business before we moved, and will probably start one back up again once my life isn't quite so hectic. It can cost as little or as much as you'd like to start up. The more money you spend on advertising, the more business you get. I would advise starting out slow though. You can get busy very quickly, and you don't want to get in over your head. Make sure you obtain the proper business licenses, and tax id numbers. Keep records and pay your taxes on time. It's easier than it sounds. Set up a website, and make it grab your customers. If you don't own Photoshop, make that your first purchase and learn how to use it. PM me if you have any more questions, or need website help :)
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