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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. My kids have all had the exact same symptoms this past week, along with about half our homeschool group. I thought it was strep at first (one dd's throat didn't look pretty at ALL) but none of the other typical strep symptoms presented. Turned out to be a virus, and it takes about a week to recover. My homemade chicken noodle soup worked wonders ;)
  2. I apologize a lot. I'm leagues away from the amount of yelling I grew up with, but I still feel like I'm channeling my mother sometimes. It's hard to stop it all together when sometimes it seems like they don't listen UNTIL I yell..:confused:
  3. Here's what's in mine right now: Breakfast burritos (homemade) Pre cooked ground turkey, bacon, and sausages. (I buy them in bulk and cook it all at once.) Big bags of frozen grapes. (My kids love these as snacks, and so I stocked up when they were 99 cents a pound) Pre-sliced homemade chocolate chip cookie dough Cinnamon Rolls (unbaked and flash frozen so I can get out a few at a time) Big bags of boneless chicken breasts. Frozen veggies. Misc. meat I've bought on sale. 3/4 filled water bottles to grab quickly before a bike ride.
  4. My then 7th grader read all but the last book. All her friends had read them and she was very curious at what all the hype was about. I pre-read them and warned her before hand that it was not AT ALL what a healthy relationship looked like. Then after she read it we talked a lot about the way Bella responds to the things in her life. It was a good conversation, and my DD decided that the books were junk. She now rolls her eyes at all things Twilight. I would NOT recommend them if you have an immature 7th grader, or if you have one that is easy influenced. And after the first book there is a lot of 'almost' having sex in them.
  5. Well, since you asked. I'd put on a bra, brush my hair and load the dishwasher....that's probably it though. The rest you'd just have to over look! My house is a little bit messy right now, but nothing I'd worry about too much. We live here after all :001_smile: I would probably try to feed you while you are here. My Southern upbringing dictates that I must.
  6. Aw, Aubrey is SO nice, and her kids are just plain adorable. Glad I was able to help a little :)
  7. Yes. All three of mine would watch from sun up to sun down and more. They are allowed to watch on Fridays, and sometimes that's all they will do all. day. long. I have to also limit computer and video game time as well...for the same reason.
  8. I'm sorry to say, that if every dog your MIL has had in the past has been that way, it probably has very little to do with breed. We've had small dogs more often than not over the years, and it's all about how they are trained.
  9. well, PM me your addy, and I'll bring ya a meal and some tea :)
  10. Let's see... I had left over beef stew for lunch. The weirdest thing to happen today? I didn't have to stand in line at the Post Office OR the Credit Union :001_huh: Kudos? My girls for finishing awesome papers on Confucianism vs. Christianity.
  11. Any time at all. I can hop in the car at a moment's notice :) Do you guys like baked ziti?
  12. Sure thing. I'll even bring the tea :001_smile:
  13. Ok. I'm feeling better about it now. She's not going into the military. I doubt she could make it in, even if she wanted to. She's not going to any major competitive universities, unless she drastically changes in the next few years. It will probably be a state school, or seminary. Realistically, she may not go at all, but wants to be a librarian so she'll need something I'm sure. So given our likely choices, we should be ok.
  14. Oh...wow. I'm wigged out for you! I agree. Take a break when people wake up and get out of the house for a while! Forget school until the chaos winds down to a dull roar. And the lawn mower guy...let HIM dig it out if he needs it that bad :tongue_smilie:
  15. "Do NOT drink out of the toilet!!!" (said to my then 2 year old dd) "Feet are not for standing on!" (said by my SIL to her dd who was constantly standing on top of her mother's feet) "Do not put plastic bags over your head" (to a 12 year old!!!)
  16. Thanks. I hope my tone wasn't taken the wrong way, I was geniunely curious. We are in Texas...so there are no high school requirements. I've been more concerned with college requirements than state. Also, she'll have at least 2 years of Greek, possibly 4, so no worries there. I don't know about Latin and ASL yet...we are looking at those as more electives than anything at the moment.
  17. I was surprised to see this. I was JUST researching this online, because my dd wanted to drop Spanish in favor of Greek, Latin, and ASL for foreign language credits. I couldn't find anything that said these languages could NOT count, and a few things that specifically said they could count. Can someone point me to where it says they cannot? I don't want to mess up dd's college entrance when she's ready to go.
  18. I only used the baking soda twice...just didn't care for the results.
  19. How long should it take to detox? I went for 2.5 months.
  20. I just wish I had cleavage to worry about! lol. (I have a malformation in my breast bone that pushes the center of my chest out a bit)..anyway, normal sized books, no cleavage :( I think it's fine if it's not trashy. My SIL, she has cleavage up to her chin :lol: and covering it up would mean turtlenecks for her!
  21. I didn't want to hijack her thread... I was trying the no-poo method, using only conditioner. It was working great for a while, but then I began to get this gross "film" on my scalp. It wasn't flaky like dandruff really, but still noticable. I rinsed really, really well (because I have very thick hair), and I also used a recommended conditioner from curly girl. I tried the baking soda/vinegar thing but it really left my hair looking dull. And grey(er). Plus I smelled like a pickle whenever the sun hit my hair. :glare: Any ideas what went wrong? I'm back to shampoo and conditioner...sigh.
  22. I second this question! I felt fine with my first pregnancy...but I felt like I had been run over by a truck with my second. It turned out to be twins.
  23. My bad handwriter never crawled. She started walking at 9 months. My aunt (who worked for years with developmentally delayed kids) told me she'd never have good co-ordination if she didn't crawl...and she doesn't. But it has more to do with genetics than crawling...her mom isn't Miss Grace herself ;)
  24. Another awesome recipe to try is this one; http://www.grouprecipes.com/84341/sylvias-mile-high-biscuits.html They are slightly sweet, so if you don't like that, cut the sugar out. But this is my standing biscuit recipe after years of flops. The one I found came out of a Farm Journal cook book, but this one looks to be the same one.
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