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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. Our dog sleeps in a crate in our laundry room. She's been crate trained since day one, and she willingly sleeps in there. Sometimes she even goes in it on her own, during the day, for a nap. We leave the crate door open, but the laundry room door shut. Occasionally she sleeps with the girls, but if we let her do that for too many days in a row, she starts getting into stuff or peeing on the floor :confused:
  2. In 1995 I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary, was working at a credit union, and was trying for our first child (who was born in 96) That was also the year my mother found out she had terminal liver cancer.
  3. :lol::lol: I'm going the way of Bacon chip candy bars, and fish ice cream.:tongue_smilie:
  4. I have a friend who's son decided this at about the same age. They found him running down a 4 lane highway :glare::glare:
  5. No, I just suffered through. I was pretending it wasn't nearly 90 degrees outside in October :glare:
  6. I would make stock from the parts you don't want to eat. Makes wonderful soup bases, and you can freeze it.
  7. OR.....wash hands thoroughly after chopping garlic. I'm sitting here, right after chopping up some cloves to roast for later, enjoying a nice mug of hot chocolate. A little dribbles down the side of the mug...I wipe it off with my finger and then lick it off. :001_huh: The entire rest of the mug: chocolate ala garlic. :tongue_smilie:
  8. This was the final straw for us, so to speak. We had been considering it when his parents started having some health issues. Then dh had this perforated colon, and the nightmare of that has helped us make the decision..
  9. And I have mixed feelings :confused: For many reasons, my dh and I have decided to move back home to TN, to be near family again. While I am excited about going back home, the kids and I will miss living here very much. We've made some great friends, and rather enjoy the perks of a big city. And I LOVE our house. On the other hand, we'll be moving back to old friends and family, and we'll be moving out into the country with some acreage....something that is very appealing. Garden. Chickens. We'll be able to help out with aging relatives, and hopefully help to build up the church that my dh grew up in. One of my kids is REALLY happy about it. One is ok with it either way. And one is torn right down the middle about it, just like I am. I am NOT looking forward to the process of moving AGAIN. (this will be the 23rd time in my life...:lol:) I haven't told any of my friends here yet...probably will come up today though. :( No real point to this post...lol.
  10. The craziest we got was spelling Kelsie's name with an ie instead of an ey. The biggest reason we did that was because up until fairly recently Kelsey was considered a boy name. I thought the ie made it a bit more feminine. Yes, I did the same thing to my child that my mother did to me...:lol: The other two have very normal spellings.
  11. I don't know about a cause, but sometimes my sinus issues can trigger a bout with migraines. Sometimes a combo of Tylenol and Benedryl will help, if it is sinus triggered. (usually followed by a good sleep because Benedryl knocks me out)
  12. Knoxville TN. It has all you've posted, and the houseing costs are very reasonable. New legislation has made homeschooling a breeze as well.
  13. I used to get rude comments all the time about my OWN kids when they were younger. I looked very young, but was 20 when my oldest was born. (Are you babysitting? Didn't you know better? You poor thing! Etc...) Now that my kids are as tall as I am, I think they assume that I'm their sister, or with friends :lol:. I did stop holding my oldest dd's hand in public as much (sadly) because we DO look like a couple when we do that...lol. Especially since she has short hair and dresses like a boy half the time.
  14. Also, he's having to re-train his body HOW to eat....the small meals all day thing is so foreign to him. He has always just eaten a big meal at the end of the day (not so good for him, we know). This illness has forced him to change that, which is a good thing I think.
  15. This is what we were thinking. He has blood sugar issues as well, that have been worsened by some of the meds he is on. So he's been trying to keep his protein intake up. I didn't mean he was trying to diet...mostly just trying not to tip the scale too much back the other way. It's kind of moot right now...just eating period is an accomplishment :tongue_smilie:
  16. And this is not a diet he'd recommend ;) Since his emergency surgery and struggle with antibiotics, his appetite has been nil. BUT he needed to lose some weight...so now we are trying to figure out how to keep it off, but in a healthy way.
  17. A woman from our HS group just had a baby at 48. (surprise baby, her 7th I think)
  18. Has anyone here had to live with one? If so, is there any way to deal with, um, gas noise? There is no control over when gas occurs, and it is rather noisy. Dh is just envisioning being at church and having it go off during a prayer or something.
  19. I still have the scar from the staple :Angel_anim: Actually I spent the majority of my childhood trying to avoid making my mother mad. Lots of eggshell walking.
  20. You can get a monitor OTC...and test strips are much cheaper through Amazon. My dh has it and has been told it is a precursor to diabetes. He starts noticing an impending crash at around 85. By 75 or 65 he feels really bad. By 60 he can't think straight. He has a hard time with breakfast.
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