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The Girls' Mom

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Everything posted by The Girls' Mom

  1. I would get to a doc or ER soon, rather than wait. It could be any number of things, and not all AF related. My dh's recent colon rupture had pain very much like what you are describing...in the same location.
  2. Ack...I'd be tempted to shave him in his sleep if my dh attempted "just the mustache"! I'm with ya on the Tom Selleck thing! Of course I'd die from shock first. My dh hasn't been beardless for 19 years. I have forgotten what is under there :confused:
  3. Mine is usually helpful by filling nasty pots/pans/mixing bowls with water and leaving them in the sink. So then, I have pans that are not only dirty, but also full of cold slimy water that I cannot see through :glare: But I love him...and he cooks tasty things :D
  4. I just ran across this and thought I would share http://www.isbe.net/career/pdf/fcs_guide.pdf
  5. Ture conversion cannot be forced. It is a matter of heart and is very personal. My children will, however, be "trained" in our faith as I feel that God commands parents to do so. Education about our faith is mandatory in our family. Belief is not forced or coerced.
  6. Don't mention it. Legally, they really aren't supposed to ask about your kids or home life.
  7. I just added it onto my plan. The Pay as you go plans also have start up costs. (the cost of the phone, etc.) We do have unlimited texting...which has come in more handy than I thought it would.
  8. Here in DFW, I feel like I fit in. But back home in TN, I did not fit in at all. We are moving back there next month, and I worry about that. I just don't click with the type of homeschoolers I ran into the most there.
  9. I'll admit, I really hoped for a boy with each pregnancy. Initially it was because I had no CLUE how I would relate to a girl. I grew up with a brother, I got along better with boys when I was younger, and I was a huge tomboy. My baby girl came, and I fell in love with her. Then, by the time I became pregnant with the twins, there were 3 granddaughters in the family, and no boys. We hoped at least one would be a boy...just because we wanted a boy in the family too...nope it was two girls. There was some disappointment, but again, it completely disappeared after they were born. (FWIW, my SIL had a boy about 4 years later..the only boy in the family) My girls know that I wouldn't trade them in for the world. And they know how afraid I was to raise a girl..:lol: It wasn't that I liked boys better....girls just scared me!
  10. An art studio for kids. A REAL studio with REAL artist supplies, not one with dumbed down craft projects. Of course it would be located on my beautiful farm that offers hands on homesteading experiences for kids as well. I can dream right?
  11. It happened to us all.of.the.time. when we were younger. Dh and I were both very young (16 and 18) when we got married. He was a deisel mechanic with long hair and an earring. He was often very grubby looking. We had an old beat up truck. It was assumed that we were poor white trash nearly every where we went. We got stalked in stores by security. Talked down to by "well-meaning adults", etc. Then I stayed young looking...and started having babies (at 20) Then I got judged as a teen mom, often assumed single and knocked up :001_huh: The rude comments abounded.
  12. After keeping the house near spotless the past two weeks (it is on the market) I let it become a wreck today. Living room strewn with school stuff, blankets and laundry. The kitchen turned upside down from pie and dinner making. My office a wreck since I was in shredding mode AND trying to find all our medical bills for the year. I was in the kitchen chopping an onion in the food processor to make onion bread and had JUST put a roast in the oven, when the realtor called and wanted to show the house in an hour :lol: Thankfully the girls are well trained in "panic mode" and helped me get the house cleaned quickly. And I even got the onion smell out of the air before we left. The down side...my tasty roast and onion bread dinner got exchanged for Pizza Inn :glare:
  13. We just watched the Fugitive with Harrison Ford, and the kids were all riveted. It was the TV edited version though, so I'm not 100% sure on the unedited content.
  14. I don't know the answers to your questions, but my dd with the prettiest handwriting writes from the bottom up.
  15. I have been so thankful for insurance this year. With dh's emergency surgery and subsequent surgeries, we would have lost everything we owned due to hospital/doctor bills. It was well over $200K...I haven't added it all up yet. I've griped about our poor insurance, but I won't any more. It saved our rears this year. I do wish the costs were under control though. It's outrageous how much they charge for things.
  16. Does anyone know where I might find a lit. guide for Paradise Lost? I would like something printable that offers some explanations, background, and study questions.
  17. I have come to the realization that they will need reminding until the day they move out. They are kids, and a clean house just isn't a priority for them. My girls have had the same chore list for over 6 years. I still have to tell them every.single.day. to do their chores. They do them willingly enough, but never without prompting.
  18. I graduated in '94. The only involvement my parents had was looking at my report card every 6 weeks. Even that wasn't consistent, as I was able to hide a report card for an entire year in the 6th grade :lol: My mom just insisted that I graduate. That was it.
  19. The kids have their towel colors, we have ours. It works great. All the kid colors go to the upstairs bathroom, all the parent colors go to the downstairs bathroom. I'm no help on good towels though...ours are Wal-mart special :lol:
  20. I think teen love can be very real. And very intense, honestly. I can see my dds falling in love as teens, and getting married fairly young. I remember all too well what 16 was like. But this is also why we aren't really planning on allowing casual dating per say. I know how quickly a crush can go to something pretty serious. (it took dh and I all of two dates, when I was 15, to fall head over heels for each other) My oldest dd and I have talked a LOT about the importance of guarding your heart. It's hard.
  21. Not sure how to vote. I met my dh while IN high school, but we didn't go to school together. He was a college man ;) (FWIW, we got married while I was in high school too :lol:)
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