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Everything posted by athena1277

  1. The bottom of my pile is dh's wool hat that I'm just not sure how to wash/dry. I just stare at it and put it back. :glare:
  2. We had them at a place we used to live. Had to get the pros to come to finally get rid of them. At least they aren't roaches!
  3. How long has he been having loose stools, then? My dd always had loose stools at that age. Over a few months time it got much, much worse. Like I had to mop the floor when she went worse. Long story short, she has Celiac Disease and the bad diapers were one result of it's being untreated. If it goes on for too long, it may be time to see a doctor.
  4. I would try letting him eat some banana or toast. Both help solidify things. Just don't over do it or he'll get stopped up. Hope his tummy is better soon!
  5. That picture is exactly how my dd writes. Thanks for the link. I think we will be doing a lot of "air writing" for a while!
  6. I taught dd to hold a pencil properly because I knew it could affect her handwriting if she held it wrong. She is right handed, but holds her hand like a lefty. Instead of writing from under the line (approximately), she rights from the right side of the line, her wrist curled in. I try to tilt the page to the side and have her write from underneath. She won't do it because she says she can't see what she's writing. Her handwriting is only so-so and I know part of it is she doesn't take her time (she can't hardly color in the lines for the same reason). How concerned should I be about her had position? Anyone have a similar experience or know how to correct it? Thank you!!
  7. They advertise that you can get flights as low as $9. I'm sure they are not all that cheap, but if we could all fly to see grandparents for less than $1000 for the 4 of us, we could go more than once a year. I'm just wondering if they are legit, or just someone's get rich scam. Anyone know?
  8. I just finished "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn". It was a good read. I recommend it if you haven't read it before.
  9. You may need to check out several covers. In AL you have to be part of a "church school". Basically it is seen by the state as your child attending the school run by the church, but the school assigns you as the teacher, your dc as the students and your home as the classroom. We just moved from AL and were part of a great church school last year. From what I have heard, the cost can vary a lot. The one we were a part of last year was about $35 for the year per family. I talked to one mom who had been a part of another one that was $200 for the year. A church school with minimal requirements will still require you to have school a certain number of days that must be reported. The number is set by each school. Most will have required subjects, but not tell you what text to use. They may ask you to give a list of your primary texts. Hs'ing in AL is really not bad. I heard somewhere that it is one of the best models for handling homeschooling of all the states. PM me if you need more info. I'd be glad to help you.
  10. My 6yo dd asked to have school today - it's Sunday! So I guess she likes it pretty well.:D We just started our 2nd year of hs. It has been really great and she loves learning about everything. She doesn't use the computer much, mostly because I use a laptop and don't have a mouse. The touch pad is a bit hard for her. Our problem is too much TV time, but we are trying to cut back.
  11. She needs to get the legal ball rolling. If they are separated, she needs to have something that says she has custody.
  12. That's a good idea to make sure you have stuff before you need it. Even though we hs, I have a feeling we will get it since dh takes public transportation to work, which is often crowded. I would probably be sure to have meds for fever, cough, etc. (the main flu problems). I would also have cleaning stuff to disinfect frequently so we don't spread it so much or have relapses.
  13. The main purpose of copywork (as I understand it) is to get your dc to become familiar with what good writing looks like. They learn things like a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. They also start to get a better understanding (over time) and what good grammar looks like. Copywork in every subject every day sounds like overkill, but that's just my opinion.
  14. If you find an app like that, be sure to tell us what it is. It would be useful!
  15. I don't know about places to stay, but I do have one suggestion for you. Go the the National Zoo on your trip. It is free to get in and you are allowed to bring in food and drinks (even coolers, see their website). It is $20 to park, however, so you depending on where you are staying, you may want to take the Metro. Also remember that lots of museums and other "sites to see" are free, so that may help your budget.
  16. When I was a teen, we often rode in those type vans. We never buckled up. No one cared if we did or not. We enjoyed sitting backwards or sideways, visiting with our friends on a long trip. Seatbelts were not an issue. Fast-forward may years....After being in more than one accident (only minor injuries) and having 2 children that I couldn't bear to lose, I would sooo make my kids wear a seatbelt. I would also raise a big stink if necessary to get all the other kids buckled to. I would rather be the bad guy than have the guilt if there is an accident and I didn't say anything.
  17. We need to get out vehicles registered in our new state, but I have not idea where the titles are. They are paid for, so the bank does not have them, we do. Can you get a new copy? I have no idea where to start with this! Help please!
  18. I've had similar thoughts. My dh does not work with the public, but he takes the Metro to and from work. Goodness knows what kinds of germs are floating around on those trains. I know I don't want the kids to get it and I don't get regular flu shots because of a family history of problems with them. If dh wants to get one I will support him, hoping that he won't bring it home to us.
  19. We started then also. I like to have extra days built in for taking off when we need a break or something comes up (like grandparents visiting). I also like to be out early to enjoy the pleasant spring weather. Last year we finished the last week of April.
  20. If you are going with the diaper shower, don't forget to play the "what's in the diaper" game where you melt different candy bars and everyone has to guess what it is. :D
  21. We are learning Spanish right now, but I plan for my dc to learn Latin at some point in maybe jr high or high school. I'll have to see closer to that time exactly when we will start it.
  22. Yes, I know about going through a congressman. I'm hoping that we can get a date in April so the weather will be nice. I'm so frustrated about what to do with strollers and diaper bags, that I'm thinking we need to hire a college kid to stand outside with our stuff while we tour. Is that too desperate?
  23. I am organizing a group tour of the White House with some family members for the spring. I am concerned about the policy on no handbags and strollers. There will be a couple babies/toddlers in the group, so it would be really hard to go and carry only wallets and keys. It's not any easy place to park near, so we would probably have to take the Metro. The W.H. web site says there is nowhere nearby with lockers. Any thoughts, suggestions, BTDT?
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