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Everything posted by GWOB

  1. All babies should be celebrated. Hugs, momma. Congrats on becoming a grandma!!! There is no required grandma uniform. You can act/dress as young as you feel. Your grand baby will enjoy having a young grandma. Your dd will figure it out. So will you. It will be ok. Babies are cute and they smell heavenly.
  2. I consider wine "cheap" if a bottle is under $10. My favorites are Bare Foot' Moscato, Chateau St. Michel Riesling, and Pinot Evil Pinot Noir.
  3. Thanks everyone! I started The Screwtape Letters this morning. I have rediscovered my love for satirical Irishmen.
  4. Carol, you know my flavor of Lutheranism. So, what is the first book of Lewis's Space trilogy? Do I possess it? I must start at the beginning!
  5. School has gone out of the window here. I keep letting my kids play outside, thinking *this* is the last nice day of the year. I am hoping our zoo visit today counts as some sort of educational activity.
  6. So either Screwtape Letters or Mere Christianity. Thanks for weighing in on this topic! Another question. Do you know which one of those a Lutheran would enjoy more? I am not completely married to Lutheran theology, though we are going steady right now.
  7. Where does one start with C.S. Lewis? I've read all the Narnia books. I absolutely loved Till We Have Faces. I would like to jump into the Lewis theology pool. Where should I start? I own The Problem of Pain, Mere Christianity, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, Miracles, A Grief Observed, Perelandra, and That Hidden Strength. No comments on owning books one has never read :p. You know how homeschoolers are with books. Help a girl out here!
  8. Well, yeah, but they do all that with their English accents and while wearing fabulous Edwardian dresses! That must count for something.
  9. Yes, it is Days of Our Lives, but with ACCENTS!!! And good acting!!! And clothes!!! Did I mention the accents? Say anything with an English accent and it sounds smart. All Downton Abby needs is a kilted Scot.
  10. It was 64 today. Our average high is around 39. We skipped school and went to the zoo ;).
  11. Habanero Garlic salsa is indeed a valid vegetable option.

    1. nmoira


      Duh! I'm not sure I'm woman enough to handle that much vegetable though.

    2. GWOB


      It was so good! Now, my husband makes a ghost pepper salsa that will clear up the worst sinus infection.

    3. fraidycat


      So is canned, diced tomatoes. Just ask me. That was our fruit masquerading as a "vegetable" with supper tonight!

  12. When I was in the Navy, I was a chain smoker. I could not run a mile and a half in under 15 minutes, tough I was we'll within the weight guidelines. The Navy put me in a step aerobics class. After 3 months, I killed the 1.5 mile run in 12 minutes. Step aerobics works. It's a bit painful at first, but it works.
  13. Lol. I try. My purebred Lab and Lhasa Apso were never registered with the AKC (I fixed them). You gave me an opportunity to be creative.
  14. And now we have the perspective of a UK resident. Can we calm down now and focus on the kilts and cupcakes?
  15. Miscarriages suck. Period. Hugs to Kwickmom, Rivendellmom, and everyone else dealing with this.
  16. What about Fireflyz Rock In A Pillowcase?
  17. It's not her we are ridiculing. Some are genuinely concerned about her. Some of us are completely p!ssed that HSLDA can cause already stressed out hs moms to panic of this. That's what ticks me off. The fear-mongering. It's icky.
  18. Valerie, your posts were very respectful. IMO, most people are angry at the fear tactics of HSLDA. If HSLDA sends a fellow hs mom into an anxiety attack, we get angry. Logical, factual opposition to this treaty is perfectly acceptable. Fear-mongering leaves one without a leg upon which to stand.
  19. Op, if you are really, truly scared, I will offer up my services. It's the UN!!! They're not exactly know for their strength. This 5'2" Cajun girl who knows karate and can shoot a gun will protect you. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling. And I'm not dismissing legitimate arguments against this treaty, as long as those arguments are logically formed. The fear-mongering of HSLDA irritates this Christian gal.
  20. Hormonal 12yo girls should come with a vat of Prozac/Valium.

    1. Avila


      For them or us?

    2. GWOB


      Either way.

    3. swellmomma


      I wish I could like status comments lol.

  21. I really enjoyed the ability to tag posts. While I love a funny tag, I really liked tagging posts to make them easily searchable. Is there any way we can bring back this feature? It sure would make searching for "middle school science" and "kilts" a lot easier.
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