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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. Wow! That looks so good! I wonder if it would be available for rent later on. As a kid I used to love Gulliver's Travels. :) I'm reading too many books at once again. Not good. Reading Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson. It's the one after Speak and some characters make a cameo appearance there. It's nowhere near as good as Speak. Kind of bleh. maybe because I cannot relate to such a driven person. Scouting for some good vegan recipes in Vegan on the Cheap and Main Street Vegan. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is an excellent book, full of great advice in a nice simple language, I'm benefiting so much from it already. I loved Middlesex, but the ending has left me cold. Loved the history surrounding her/his grandparents and parents though.
  2. Happy belated birthday, mumto2 and Pam! :party:
  3. How about Clint Eastwood's westerns? A few of them have Ennio M0rricone's music.
  4. Wow, some of these stories are just bizarre! For me it was "If you are breastfeeding, you will lose baby weight quickly". Uh-huh, that didn't happen. I was ravenous most of the time.
  5. You win, Nan. Forget spiders, a leech will send me in a tailspin. :svengo: I'm up a third night in a row with a sick kid. It's "only" a 24-hour bug, but dang, couldn't they get sick at the same time and get it over with?! :sneaky2: The amount of laundry I'm doing is astonishing.
  6. Um. Dick Blick has a catalog?! I'm in trouble now. :leaving: Tap, that doesn't sound very appealing, especially the incompetent staff part.
  7. Depends on his tone, but honestly, I'm fine with that. Edit: just saw your edit. If it happens a lot, I would sit him down and discuss a new menu maybe, or decide what days are "pick up food" days.
  8. Tap, I'm so jealous that you could just "run to Dick Blick". Man, I would be camping every day out there!
  9. Palomino pencils. I really do have enough pencils to sketch with, but these are amazing (or so I heard).
  10. Reading Middlesex. The writing is beautiful and the story is fascinating, but it keeps jumping around too much and I keep losing focus. Setting it aside for a bit and continuing reading Main Street Vegan.
  11. Finished Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. Wow. Knocked my socks off.
  12. Vegan part of our family (me) ate "BLT" - mushroom bacon, tomato, spinach and avocado sandwich and roasted zucchini. Everybody else had parmesan crusted chicken breasts and roasted potatoes, peppers and onions with fresh herbs.
  13. How timely! I've been just diagnosed with it. What are the good sources to learn more about this condition?
  14. Finished The City of Dreaming Books and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you, onceuponatime, for recommending it! :) Not sure what I'm in the mood for right now. I have a bunch of holds at the library though. Every time I pick up the holds, I feel like a pirate returning after a successful plunder. Arrrr! :D
  15. What I have found to work great for me is to have all the ingredients for "veggie bowls" : Cooked quinoa/brown rice/couscous/farro. Roasted vegetables Pre-washed greens Sauce/dressing Beans/tofu Not all of the options at once. When you assemble the bowls it's basically a bit of grain, lots of veggies, greens, beans for protein, some chopped herbs for flavor and dressing. Mix it up and eat. The great thing is that the variations are endless and you can choose what you're in the mood for that day. Here are some links to start. http://ohmyveggies.com/build-a-perfect-meal-bowl-18-vegetarian-meal-bowl-recipes/ http://www.connoisseurusveg.com/2014/09/50-vegan-breakfast-bowls.html Also, soups are great low-carb option and most freeze well. I love this one http://ohsheglows.com/2011/08/30/vegan-tortilla-soup/. It's good even without tortilla chips.
  16. Mine too! Thanks for posting that! I've read it. it reminded me a lot of Forrest Gump. Fun read. :)
  17. Finished reading Here Comes Mrs. Kugelman - quirky, sweet and nostalgic, but with the holocaust shadow dark and present.
  18. Thank you for the book recommendation! To the OP - I could have written your post. The whole touch thing has actually brought a lot of strife into our marriage. My husband felt deeply rejected by me not willing to touch and receive touch as often as he needed. It took a lot of serious talking and vulnerability for us to understand each other. The Five Love Languages book was an eye opener. So, I've decided that I'm going to learn and to be fluid in his language, just like I learned English. I look at it as me expressing my love to him in the best way he could understand. It was hard in the beginning, but I've learned to enjoy it. The whole thing has actually sparked our interest in massage and trigger point therapy, for a great benefit for both of us, as well for our friends and family. In return, I enjoy him speaking Quality Time. :) I do think I have sensory issues, noise especially and crowds.
  19. Amy, that is a lot to handle. :grouphug:
  20. Stacia, thank you for mentioning Love Burns. Just finished it. Even though the author's style was driving me crazy (holy run on sentences!), I enjoyed reading it. Mostly because I went to school in Haifa and it was fun to recognize so many street names and landmarks. And the characters were so...so Israeli! His mother, the scene in the nursing home, the neighbor... Good find! :thumbup1:
  21. Thanks for posting the pictures, Jane! I love Karel Capek's books! Have you read any of another Czech author (at least I think he is Czech), Jaroslav Hašek? His short stories especially are wonderful.
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