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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. Thanks for posting the pictures, Jane! I love Karel Capek's books! Have you read any of another Czech author (at least I think he is Czech), Jaroslav Hašek? His short stories especially are wonderful.
  2. I didn't love The Alchemist. Sorry. :o I was really bored while reading it and kept getting distracted. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of these types of stories. We're reading aloud The Pilgrim's Progress this week and I catch myself fantasizing about chucking the book across the room. Oh, well. My Real Children by Jo Walton was pretty good. Her writing style just pulled me in and the idea of the book was neat. Reading The Girl Who Chased the Moon and enjoying it so far.
  3. "Don't feel stupid about getting emotionally sucked into (or perhaps manipulated) by a book. I think we've all been there more than once in our lives...". - That's exactly how I felt after reading Gone Girl - emotionally manipulated. ETA: Wow, I really messed up with multiple quotes. :/
  4. I've read the book, but not followed their plans. From a first glance, it seemed complicated and also promoting their affiliate's supplements. I did not feel inspired by any of it.
  5. Found them! http://www.miraflexglasses.com/
  6. When my youngest needed glasses, we picked the plastic, flexible frame with a elastic in the back to keep them on his head. I don't remember the brand name, but they went through some serious wear and tear and held up pretty well. They have been sat on a couple of time too. ETA: they didn't have hinges, just solid plastic.
  7. Oh, I used to read her blog all the time! It's a powerful story.
  8. The only emotional effect he had after the procedure is a huge, overwhelming relief that we don't have to worry about birth control. I had horrendous postpartum depressions after each pregnancy and was strongly advised not to get pregnant again. We are Christians.
  9. Health issues. My lack of trust, unforgiveness, emotional baggage from many years ago, anger/distrust towards men in general. Selfishness. It's funny- I've been thinking about this just yesterday.
  10. I really like http://www.nativeamericannutritionals.com/ . We've ordered from them many times. Shipping is consistently fast, they have many blends available and their F.C.O. (Fractionated Coconut Oil) is the best massage oil we used.
  11. Ooh, thanks for posting this. Sounds like something I would enjoy reading.
  12. Read "The Rook", it's been recommended in one of these threads. Loved it - such a fun read! It goes well with me watching Men In Black II this week. :) "Color, a Natural History of the Palette" was fascinating. Definitely worth re-reading. I just love the BAW threads, broadening my reading horizons! :D
  13. *Raises hand* I have it right now. "Cold on steroids" describes it perfectly. I feel like a couple dementors are following me around, sucking the life out of me. :cursing:
  14. Shoes are important, but what really helped me to be done with PF was stretching, rolling on a foam roller and Trigger Point therapy.
  15. Woohoo! Thank you, ladies! :hurray: I wish Costco had a fitting room. It's really a shot in the dark for me with clothes. And how could I forget TJMaxx?!
  16. Why is it so hard to find exercise pants that are not low-rise?! :banghead: They give me a muffin-top and bruise my fragile ego. Help, Hive, I beg you!
  17. Adding to the list: Wood burning embroidery sculpting macro photography shibori (indigo dyeing)
  18. Rosie, you should give a hint to your aunt : "Sharing is caring" ;)
  19. I love my cast iron skillets, but to keep the seasoning even and make them non-stick was a challenge. I found this article where she goes into science of seasoning and spells it out step by step. I didn't strip the pans as I really didn't want the hassle with lye. Just did the six layers (it took a while). The results are great! The skillets are really non-stick, even when I cook the eggs. :thumbup: Just wanted to share if anyone is interested.
  20. Yes. My SIL and I traded the babysitting days (the whole day) to get stuff done around the house or just to be alone, by myself, without anyone around me.
  21. In Soviet Union everybody started school on September first, marching like little soldiers, wearing the same uniform...
  22. Lanabug, thank you for your idea - I can make a fajita salad for her and the rest of the family can eat the meat with tortillas.
  23. Thank you so much for your responses, they are all very helpful. I think I've gotten overwhelmed last night, but now I see that it's doable. I think the no-salt thing scared me a little. Scootiepie, the doctors still don't know what's going on exactly, she is waiting for transfer to a bigger clinic. There is a big problem with her liver and I think rest of it they just base on her blood levels. Bread's just doesn't feel right to her, so she added that to the list. Salads are a great idea, she loves that. And the rest of the family can have that as a side.
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