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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. Yes. In TT Math 7 and below, they enter their answers on the computer and receive immediate feedback. In TT Prealgebra and up, the lecture is still on CD, but it's all visual and audio.. no answer entries. Then there are 5 practice problems. The rest of the problems are printed in the text and the student will need to answer them on paper, just as they would with a traditional textbook. All the answers are on another CD, so they can view the problem being solved. Hope this makes sense!
  2. My older children have used / use TT without the CD's (TT PreAlgebra and up). They only use the CDs if they miss a problem and don't understand why they missed it. They'll put the CD in and watch as it's solved for them. I *love* this because I am math challenged, so it makes it 'mom easy'. My youngest son, however, LOVES his TT CD's!! He's using TT Math 5 this year and he does all of his work with the CDs. He puts the answer in and gets immediate feedback (the answer's right or wrong) and they have lots of bells and whistles (the computer "cheers" when he gets it right and he loves that!) So he'll be using the CDs with TT Math 6 in the fall and TT Math 7 the year after that (once you reach TT Prealgebra, you can't enter your answers on the computer; all of your work is done on paper).
  3. We're finishing up 4th grade! Here's what we used: English - IEW / Phonetic Zoo Spelling / HWT Cursive Success History / Reading - Sonlight Core 4 w/ Trail Guide to US Geography Math - Teaching Textbooks 5 Science - Sonlight Science 5 Art - 1-2-3 Draw books PE - Tae Kwon Do
  4. I've had great success with Rainbow Resource, Sonlight, Handwriting Without Tears, Shekinah Curriculum Cellar, Amazon.com, and Teaching Textbooks. Always have received my orders promptly! I haven't had good success with CBD (Christian Book Distributors). Several times, I've ordered something that is no longer in stock (even though it was when I ordered it) or is endlessly on backorder. I haven't ordered from them in years because of it.
  5. My 18yo is studying for her finals, which she has coming up at the community college next week. My 15yo is reading "Where the Red Fern Grows". My 9yo has already finished school for the day, so he's eating a sandwich and watching cartoons. My 7yo is at school. We put her in a self-contained autism class at the local public school about a month ago. Not sure if she'll be there next year! She misses us and we miss her. There are only 6 weeks left in the school year, so .. for now, she's there.
  6. My 9yo has been procrastinating with his math assignments, so he'll be doing math through July! I'll probably do school over the summer with my 7yo, who has been in public school for the latter half of the school year (she has autism). Her teacher's wonderful, but...I miss her! :crying: So I'd like to do a little schoolwork over the summer and see if we can't give homeschooling another whirl this coming school year! My oldest will be graduating on the 17th of May, so she's finished, and my diligent 14yo will be finishing for the year on his birthday (May 26th).
  7. My oldest is graduating next month -- it's the first time in 14 years that she hasn't been on my curriculum list! :crying: For my other three, here's what we're planning: 2nd Grader (w/ special needs) First Language Lessons 1-2 Sing Spell Read and Write Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book Sonlight Core 2 (History & Read Alouds) Singapore Start Up Science Singapore Math 1 Homeschool Art Co-op Swimming & Little League Baseball 5th Grader Sonlight Core 5 Readers Handwriting Without Tears Can Do Cursive Fix It Grammar Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B English from the Roots Up Volume 1 Biology w/ Heath's Life Science Teaching Textbooks Math 6 Van Loon's The Story of Mankind DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide Red Herrings Mysteries Homeschool Art Co-op Tae Kwon Do 10th Grader (w/ special needs) Sonlight Core Alt 7 Readers DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide Van Loon's The Story of Mankind Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B English from the Roots Up Volume 1 Biology w/ Milliken Kingdom of Life Guides Jacob's Elementary Algebra w/ Ask Dr. Callahan vids Red Herrings Mysteries Homeschool Art Co-op Little League Baseball & Special Olympics Basketball
  8. I'm Kelly and I'm from Fredericksburg, Virginia. I read WTM in 1999 and was just blown away! I've homeschooled since July 1995, so 14 years! My oldest will be graduating next month and my youngest is a 1st grader, so .. not exactly retiring anytime soon! Two of my children (my oldest son and youngest daughter) are on the autism spectrum, so you can find me on the special needs board quite often.
  9. It would bother me with my youngest, because she has numerous food allergies and, due to her autism, she wouldn't say "no". She'd just eat it! Most folks who know her, however, know not to feed her anything without checking with us first. For my older children, it doesn't really bother me.
  10. My 7yo plays Little League baseball and she swims several days a week at the YMCA.
  11. We'll be covering World History this coming year. My will-be-5th grader will be using Van Loon's The Story of Mankind and my will-be-10th grader will be using DK's Illustrated Guide to World History. This book is just terrific! And HUGE! I bought it at Border's. It was originally priced at $50, but the book was on sale and, combined with my 20% teacher's discount, the price went down to around $25.
  12. My rising 2nd grader has autism, and she's currently in a self-contained special education class in the public school, after homeschooling for 75% of the current school year -- not sure if we'll send her back in the fall or not, but I'm planning either way! Here's our tenative plan: English - Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power / Explode the Code Reading / History - Sonlight Core 2 Math - Singapore Math 1 Science - Singapore Earlybird Science Art - Not sure about this yet! Phys Ed - Swimming & Little League Baseball
  13. My oldest son (14) has Aspergers and he loves baseball and basketball. He plays baseball with the Little League Challengers, so it's a team for children with special needs. He plays basketball with the Special Olympics. Both have been GREAT experiences for him!!! My youngest (7) has autism and she loves to swim!!! She took to it instantly and she just loves any type of water activity. The 14 year old also swims, but he isn't as crazy about it as our youngest daughter.
  14. My oldest daughter (age 18) is currently working toward her AA in General Studies w/ a Specialization in Psychology at the community college. After that, she's going to transfer to a 4yr college and double major in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She hopes to one day find work as a criminal profiler or a detective. My son (age 14) wants to design computer and video games. My second son (age 9) wants to be either a doctor or a marine biologist. I have no idea what my youngest wants to be (she's 7).
  15. My son with Asperger's will be 15 in May and I can share what has worked for him. History / Reading - Sonlight -- he loved to be read to when he was younger and he enjoys reading now, although novel's aren't his first reading choice (he'd rather read a nature or how-to book). Writing / Grammar / Spelling / Handwriting - we've had a great deal of success with the materials from IEW, which we started using last year. Before that, he used Easy Grammar, which was an excellent choice for him, due to their workbook format. When he was younger, he used Handwriting Without Tears, which is excellent. Math - Teaching Textbooks is a hit! He can do the work independently and, if he misses a problem, he can watch as it's solved on the computer. He began using this with the Prealgebra text -- it's now available for students as young as 4th grade. Prior to TT, he used Math-U-See, which was excellent, and the manipulatives were very helpful. Science - I try to keep science very hands-on and experiment-based. I usually pick a theme and then find books and experiments about that theme. He's gone through various 'phases', i.e., sharks, bats, robotics.. This year, we studied the human body, anatomy, reproduction, etc. Next year, we'll be expanding it to biology and the natural world in a general sense, and try to fulfill his high school biology requirement, including dissection! Not sure how that will go over with him! ;) Art - He loves to draw and paint, so I usually find books along those lines at homeschool fairs, bookstores, and art supply stores. I hope this helps a little!
  16. I'll give this one a try, Audrey! I have a rising 5th grader and here's our rough game plan: English - 9:00 - 10:30 Handwriting Without Tears Can Do Cursive Fix It Grammar Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level B IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B English from the Roots Up Volume 1 Red Herrings Mysteries Math - 10:30 - 11:00 Teaching Textbooks Math 6 Reading - 11:00 - 11:30 Sonlight Core 5 Readers Lunch - 11:30 - 12:00 Science - 12:00 - 1:00 Biology w/ Heath's Life Science History - 1:00 - 2:00 Van Loon's The Story of Mankind DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide Art co-op is on Friday mornings, and then he has Tae Kwon Do lessons Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, and he does volunteer work on Sundays Hope this helps!
  17. Yes, we do, but he doesn't draw a specific salary, as in he doesn't make the same amount from month to month. Some months are better than others, as far as what we have in the way of profit. And some months are lower. That's why he doesn't want to draw a salary. If he has a bad month, then he'll have to pay himself out of the working capital and he doesn't want to do that.
  18. We're ending June 19th, then starting up again in September.
  19. He doesn't have a W-2. He's self-employed. He owns his own company. What we've always shown before was the business tax forms that we've filed. But now, they won't accept that as personal income because they see it as business income, if that makes sense. There's a specific form number, but I don't remember what it is off the top of my head. What he has to do now is to specifically draw a salary...which we could do, but they want to see 3 years of income now. So even if he starts to draw a specific salary, it'll take 3 years before we can get a mortgage, unless they return the stated income loans. What they *should* have done, in my opinion, from the beginning, is that if you're saying you're self-employed, you should have to verify it, be it with a business license, contractors' license, etc. Then those who wanted a stated income loan to hide their true income wouldn't have been able to abuse it.
  20. I also don't believe that we should bail out those who intentionally knew they couldn't afford the house that they bought. I don't believe they didn't know what they were getting into. They explain it to you, in black and white. They tell you your interest rate, loan payments, etc., right at the time, not to mention the fact that you signed your name on a hundred different papers. This is directly impacting us, as my husband is self-employed. We've always received no doc / stated income mortgage loans. Those are now non-existent, because people were abusing them. There was an article in the Washington Post about a McDonald's employee, who made $35,000 a year, receiving a $500,000 mortgage via a stated income / no doc loan. Because folks abused them, we can't get a mortgage, even with 20% down (which we have available). So we're staying in our current home until the situation changes, even though we would love to be able to move.
  21. Here's what I'm planning .. so far! 2nd Grader (w/ special needs) First Language Lessons 1-2 Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power Sonlight Core 2 Readers A Child's History of the World Singapore Math 1 Singapore Earlybird Start-Up Science Artistic Pursuits K-3 - Book 1 Little League Baseball 5th Grader Sonlight Core 5 Readers Handwriting Without Tears Can Do Cursive Fix It Grammar Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level A English from the Roots Up Volume 1 Biology w/ Heath's Life Science Teaching Textbooks Math 6 Van Loon's The Story of Mankind DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide Mind Benders Red Herrings Mysteries Artistic Pursuits 4-6 - Book 1 Tae Kwon Do 10th Grader (w/ special needs) Sonlight Core Alt 7 Readers DK History: The Definitive Visual Guide Van Loon's The Story of Mankind Phonetic Zoo Spelling Level A English from the Roots Up Volume 1 Biology w/ Milliken Kingdom of Life Guides Chalkdust Algebra I Artistic Pursuits Sr. High - Book 1 Little League Baseball
  22. :crying: I live in the boonies!!! I can't even get cable TELEVISION, let alone cable internet!! Verizon won't service us because we're 2 miles from the main road. 939.9 kbps is what I have -- and it's actually better than it used to be!! (We switched from dial-up to satellite internet a few years ago) So, Spycar, I'm right behind you in the slow lane! ;) Edited to add -- I just ran the test again and it read 488.5 kbps ... :(
  23. Awwww!! She's beautiful!! Congratulations and happy birthday to Abigail!!! :party:
  24. We switched to IEW this year and I am sooooo thrilled!!! I've avoided it for years, because it looked confusing and expensive, but I was soooo tired of having to pull everything together from various sources and nothing seemed to be working. We're using the TWSS (that's the DVD series for me and I've learned so much from it!). My 4th grader is using the SWI - Level B for writing and the Phonetic Zoo - Level A for spelling. We're adding in their grammar program - Fix It Grammar - next year (I didn't want to add too much at one time). I rounded out his language arts program with Handwriting Without Tears' Cursive Success and Sonlight Core 4 readers. It's been a great year!!
  25. Just FYI...all the ball gowns of all the First Ladies are at the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington DC. It's fascinating to see how they've changed over the years!
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