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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. I'd try everything but putting them in school! We've been homeschooling for 16+ years -- good years and lean years. When I first started homeschooling, my husband had just opened his own business. And, for the first 5 years or so, he made next to nothing. He worked full-time during the day running his business, and then worked at night delivering pizzas for Dominos. I had a preschooler and a toddler and I did home daycare for 4 other children and worked on the weekends at a veterinary clinic (answering phones and being a "warm body" for the pets who were in the hospital on Saturday / Sunday). I worked at Wal-mart from September through January for 5 years straight in order to earn money for Christmas (and they give great employee discounts, btw!) That would be even easier for a homeschooling mom now, as most Wal-marts are open 24 hours. They weren't when I worked there. Currently, I work from January through May for a tax accountant. She's a good friend of mine and I make roughly $300 a week doing that. It wouldn't support the family, but it pays for my spring homeschool curriculum shopping spree and for our annual family vacation at the beach. Another thing...look for ways to save. We never bought furniture for our house..at least for the first 15 years of our marriage. I had everyone else's hand-me-down furniture. They bought new stuff, we got their old sets. I used cloth diapers. I breast-fed my kids. I made my own baby food. We never ate out at restaurants. All of those things add up to extra savings.
  2. Sounds like Tam has supporters in high places, not only within Sonlight but likely other homeschool sites as well. Which is kind of strange..and more than a little creepy! And I've gotten pm's from folks here who are too afraid / intimidated / scared to post in this thread for fear of retribution or stalking from the troll and / or the troll supporters.
  3. Either one. Figured we can just tell our names here. I'm Vicktorious Secret. (Guess who I'm going to try to draft as my QB? :D)
  4. Thanks for posting this!!!! I had never heard of Robyn O'Brien before, but I just ordered her book on Amazon.com after watching the video!
  5. My 12 year old is using Winston Grammar, too, this year and we love it!!! Will be using the Advanced level next year for 8th grade. :thumbup:
  6. Yes..those are the correct levels, I think. I also think I've seen the workbooks for sale at Shekinah Curriculum Cellar. http://www.shekinahcc.com
  7. We're not necessarily year-round, but have an odd schedule none the less! We start the new school year in June. We take a week-long vacation in September, take a week off for Thanksgiving, and 2 weeks off for Christmas. I try to finish the school year by the end of February (and that includes standardized testing -- required in my state). This way, I have the months of March-April-May off. I work for a tax accountant during the tax season and those are my busy months. I may work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week during that time. (It's also when I purchase my curriculum for the next school year). There's no set "way" to school, year round or otherwise. I have several friends who school 4 days a week, year round, in order to have that one day a week free for field trips and co-ops. They'll take off time at Thanksgiving and Christmas and family vacation, but otherwise..they're doing school.
  8. Sounds great!! Count me in!! :w00t: Send me a private message if you need any more info!
  9. :iagree: Here are our new winners so far: Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings (17yo & 12yo) Beautiful Feet's Geography through Literature (12yo) Winston Grammar (12yo) Rainbow Science (12yo) -- he LOVES this!!! Oak Meadow 2 (9yo) Math-U-See Alpha (9yo) -- we've tried everything for math -- this works! :thumbup: (We've used Teaching Textbooks for years so that doesn't count as a new discovery!)
  10. I'd never heard about Tam in Az until someone mentioned it in the Ugh thread. So I can't say one way or the other whether it's them. It just seems highly coincidental that they suddenly start posting on SL 6 months later, now that they've been outed on at least 3 homeschool forums that I know of within the past couple of days. It creeps me out that it's some single dude in Arizona! :eek: I liked it better when it was a 13 year old girl, looking for attention.
  11. Not surprised at all. Just like when Anna Marie was outed, and all the other identities were banned, I said, "Watch for Lauren R. She's the only one still active." She hadn't posted in 6 weeks, but, shazam! She was posting within a few hours. I can't call him / her out on Sonlight -- I can't bring myself to pay for forum access and haven't bought a core in years (and most of my cores I bought used anyway). So someone with Sonlight access will have to do it. ;)
  12. Paul Simon has a son named Harper. And of course Harper Lee is a girl. So I voted for either boy or girl. Sort of like Cameron! I have a niece and a nephew, both named Cameron! (one on my side of the family, and one on my husband's side of the family)
  13. Me, me, me!!! Raised a Redskins fan, but I love the Rams, too!! They're the 2 teams I always root for! I can't wait!! OH! And the family fantasy football league drafts on August 28th!! :w00t: Anyone else play fantasy football?
  14. Happy Birthday to both of you!!!! :party:
  15. Here's a few responses: Frankly, if those aliases are the same person and that person is a teenager, as a mother, I would hope that a group of homeschool mothers on a bored would extend some grace. Yes she lied and made things up. If it were my teenager, of course I would want to figure out why and I would be upset. I could not believe the high schoolish, bashing behavior going on in some of those WTM posts by the so called "troll hunter's" Really sad! ................ I agree that some on WTM forums were especially cruel to her/him/whoever it is. I was a little sick to my stomach reading all the nasty replies. Now I don't like being duped but I really stayed away from all these ladies(well guess it was just one person after all) for the most part because they seemed way to out there. I just felt bad for all of you who invested time offering advice or solace to the imagined problems. ................. It is sad when people play with or take advantage with other people's good intentions and advice. A lot of people here are genuine, caring people, just wanting to help. It still blows my mind how some people can truly take things too far (referring both to the impersonator and the WTM troll hunters!
  16. More along the lines of we're just as bad as she is. She has too much time on her hands for posting fake stories, and we have too much time on our hands for troll hunting. And we were very nasty and mean in our posts to the troll here on the boards. :rolleyes: That and we should be more compassionate because it's obvious that she needs / wants attention or has several screws loose somewhere.
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