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Everything posted by hsmamainva

  1. My oldest daughter babysits (for $$ if we're going out for "fun" - for free if we're going out to the grocery store). Other than that, she takes care of her own room, laundry, etc. She works and attends college classes so we don't ask much of her chore-wise anymore. My oldest son takes out the trash, mows the lawn behind his dad with the push mower (Dad is on the tractor), clears the kitchen table after meals, loads and unloads the dishwasher, keeps his room clean, and does his own laundry. My youngest son vacuums / sweeps the floors, picks up any sticks / debris in the yard before its mowed, carries in and unpacks the groceries, gives the dogs food and water, and keeps his room clean. The youngest daughter sets the table and dusts the furniture -- and gives the cats and rabbits food and water.
  2. Could be a wheat allergy, too! My youngest is allergic to wheat. She doesn't have reactions that badly anymore, but she used to when she was younger. I used to be unable to take her down the baking aisle (where the bags of wheat flour are) or the bread section of the grocery store without her breaking out in hives. Now that she's been wheat-free for over 8 years, she can be around it -- she just can't eat it.
  3. That's where it's posted! They were visited by AM and several of us -- not just me -- swooped in to tell them what was going on and man! Should've just saved ourselves the trouble. For what it's worth, I've never been to the chit chat board -- although I've read reviews on the review section. I only went to the board because another WTM poster clued me in that the troll had been posting there. Thought I'd help. NOT! Will stay here where the folks are friendlier! :D
  4. Some folks aren't exactly grateful! On the homeschool review forum, they're disgusted by how mean the troll hunters on the WTM boards are! And we should be ashamed of ourselves...or something to that affect. Hmph! Next time, I'll just let them swallow it all, hook line and sinker. :glare: Think I'll stay here where our skills are appreciated. For the most part! :lol:
  5. ;) Some folks aren't exactly grateful! On the homeschool review forum, they're disgusted by how mean the troll hunters on the WTM boards are! And we should be ashamed of ourselves...or something to that affect. Hmph! Next time, I'll just let them swallow it all, hook line and sinker. :glare:
  6. I agree completely! :iagree: She struck me as very obsessed with a make-believe house, make-believe babies, large families, etc. But didn't appear to be out to scam anyone or start arguments over controversial subjects. And I'm thinking she's homeschooled...hence the reason she's on homeschooling boards...and she DOES know curriculum, which makes me think that's because she uses it in her own schooling or her mother talks about it, etc. I'm guessing mom doesn't post on WTM .. or she'd be wondering why her account never lets her log in because she's banned all the time! ;) Also...mom doesn't supervise her bedtime either -- or she has a computer in her room. Cause I couldn't sleep last night and this poster was hanging out on another homeschool board until 2 or 3 in the morning.
  7. :iagree: And shall I add (in my case) -- no IEP meetings!! And no buying wrapping paper, donuts, pizza kits, candy, greeting cards, or any other school fundraiser that came along! Just fyi...my oldest 3 were / are / have always been homeschooled. My youngest has autism and we've only been homeschooling for a few months. I don't miss any of it. My youngest has autism not "attention-seeking behavior problems". :glare:
  8. In our co-op, classes are $20 per semester or $40 per school year for each class. They meet once a month for that price. I agree that prices have increased dramatically for co-ops! When I started homeschooling...some 15+ years ago...I don't believe I paid that much for a class that met every week.
  9. Too true! I went looking for her because the boards here were down and I couldn't sleep! Found her on the homeschool reviews forum under "chit chat", too. But she'd already been outed. It was Anna Marie with the list of 17 children from this board. AND someone nabbed her as a troll there within an hour of her posting her introduction! And it was on August 1st, too! The same day Anna Marie joined here. So methinks she's been doing this for awhile -- at least for most of the summer.
  10. Yep...I posted about this on the other thread. I outed her on the HOD board last night and the owner promised to look into it. Shouldn't have to look too far. It's quite obvious something's not right!
  11. The HOD post is just over the top!!! I saw that last night and called her out on the public board. 2 other people came to my defense to state that she was indeed a troll. The owner of the board came along and locked the thread and promised to look into it further. But...seriously? How long would you have to look into it? Doesn't it just strike you as odd from the beginning??? 18 children? Twins AND triplets? Raising the neighbor's kids because of suicide? The fact that she's a troll should be obvious? :confused:
  12. I agree. AND folks will post here to commiserate with their friends and to ask for prayers / thoughts / support from people that they've gotten to know online. They may have posted here for weeks / months / years. Trolls instantly want sympathy and attention from people they don't know at all (the poster in question had only been posting here for a week, for example .. hardly long enough to qualify as a "regular poster looking for support from online friends").
  13. I can relate to that! I have learned to stay away from the curriculum boards once I've selected my materials for the school year .. or I'll never stop looking or buying!! So I stay on the general board until the spring when it's time for curriculum shopping and then look out! :lol:
  14. Persistent little bugger! Sticking to her stories, no matter how many folks are outing her. The owner of HOD has locked the thread while she investigates it. Hope she comes over here. We'll give her enough posts to read about this drama to keep her awake for a week! :lol:
  15. She didn't post names. Just ages and how many she had, and her oldest was pregnant. Found another clue. We already spotted the "toke" instead of "took". Now there's "threw" instead of "through". The grammatical errors do make me think this is a teenager / young adult. And one obsessed with babies (pregnancy, dating, baby names, etc.). I haven't seen where they're looking for donations, money or anything like that -- just attention.
  16. I've done more sleuthing while the boards were down. This person was all over the Heart of Dakota boards and the homeschool reviews forum. Trying to get them on troll alert now. Of course the person is denying everything. Katherine A posted on the HOD board and claimed to have 18 children there. Some twins, triplets, some other kids adopted due to cancer & suicide. Sheesh.
  17. :001_huh: 17? After the 4 I already have? I'll start with my own children: Elizabeth Jonathan Matthew Kathryn Then keep going, eh? Again Not Again Really This One That One That One Over There The Other One Yet Another One Are We Done Yet Don't Touch Me Anymore I Mean It Seriously I Quit :D
  18. I've met SWB and her mother!! And I'm certain that they remember me. Who wouldn't remember everyone who comes up to their table at a 3-day homeschool convention???
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